Questions for God - theme for Lent 2018

Questions for God

Themes for Lent 2018

Each week in Lent we will look at a different faith question in Bible study, mid-week Lenten services, and the Sunday morning sermon series.

The Bible Studies are led by Pastor Lars and will run Tuesday mornings at 9:30am during Lent here at church. Class dates are: February 13, 20, 27, March 6, 13, 20. No experience necessary.

Mid-week Lent services will be each Wednesday at 6:30pm in the sanctuary. Our format will be “emerging”, meaning that we will use the chairs up front, spend time in prayer and reflection, and have interactive messages, in addition to some music. Dates are: February 21, 28, March 7, 14, 21

Sunday services will work on the following topics:

February 18 – What is heaven like?

February 25 – What about those who have never heard?

March 4 – Why do the bad prosper and the good suffer?

March 11 – Does everything happen for a purpose?

March 18 - Why does Jesus not reward disciples with prosperity?


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Preschool Art Show 2017

Another great art show by our preschool kids.

First, the kids sang in the worship service.

Then, after worship we moved to the fellowship hall for a nacho bar fundraiser and so see all their artwork on display.