Prayer Connection January 2025

Immanuel, God With Us All Through the Year!

The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel (which means “God with us”). Matthew 1:23

As we turn the calendar to 2025, many people see it as a time for a new start -- new year, new you; a time for making lists, and setting goals and actionable challenges. It can sound a bit overwhelming, or like a media meme.

The Scriptures offer us another way. Our life in Christ is already a new start for us: “So if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: everything old has passed away; look, new things have come into being!” (2 Corinthians 5:17). We are God’s new creations, not just a new year’s resolution.

It is a blessing that January comes after the Christmas season! As we step forward into the new year as new creations, we can rest in the joy and assurance of God’s love for us and take heart in the message contained in the Scriptures: God is Immanuel, God With Us. Yes, God is with us, in the good times and the hard times – that is part of the hope and joy of Christmas that we can carry with us throughout the new year.

Let us approach God’s throne of grace with thankful and hopeful hearts. This month, the Prayer Connection would like to connect you to two prayer resources (links below). May the Holy Spirit guide you and inspire you as you pray in the coming year, knowing that you are God’s new creation, and God Is With YOU

Here are the first six days of prayer from Prayer Ventures for January 2025, taking us to Epiphany: 

1 New Year’s Day  Ask God to grant us strength, wisdom and patience to accomplish new goals this year. Give thanks for God’s forgiveness and for the support of others, which help us to continue when we fail, grow frustrated or are redirected in our pursuits.

 2 “So if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: everything old has passed away; look, new things have come into being!” (2 Corinthians 5:17). Our newness in Christ is realized in our present life and in the future, when we enter the kingdom of God. Pray for the Spirit to strengthen our faith and to help us embrace our new selves — every day.

 3 Pray for the Spirit to stir our patience, understanding and respect for others when we find ourselves in conflict with our neighbors or siblings in Christ.

 4 Pray for our synod bishops attending the Bishop’s Academy in Puerto Rico as they study and reflect on the challenge and promise of Lutheran mission and theology in Puerto Rico and the Caribbean.

 5 Give thanks to God that Jesus Christ lived among us, that we might believe in God’s grace and truth and be filled with joy and relief as children of God who are set free to live as Jesus did in service to our neighbors.

 6 Epiphany  “This star, as bright as day, that will never lead astray with its message so appealing, is the word of God, revealing Christ, the way, the truth, the life” (ELW 301). Praise God for the gift of Jesus Christ, who reveals to us the way, truth and life of God’s love, forgiveness and promises.

We close this month’s Prayer Connection with “A Simple Prayer for the New Year” taken from 15 Power-filled Prayers for the New Year:

Use the word AWARE as an acrostic prayer to direct your attention to God.

A - Abiding in Awe. God, I am in awe of You and I am ready to abide in You today.

W - With me. I celebrate that You are with me today.

A - Alert. I am alert to Your presence and Your voice.

R - Rest. I am resting in Your love for me. I do not strive because I have a secure and glorious place in Your kingdom,

E - Expecting. I am expecting Your miraculous within the ordinary of my day. I await Your wisdom, Your generosity, Your leadership, and Your power to be made perfect in my weaknesses.

The Lord of Grace Prayer Team is always here to help you with any prayer requests you may have!  The Prayer Team continues to pray over all prayer petitions sent our way, including the requests entered in the prayer journal in the narthex. The Team will also continue to offer individual prayer times after each worship service on the 4th Sunday of each month.

Resource links:

Prayer Ventures for January 2025. The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America provides inspiration and guidance for daily prayer in a variety of formats - -this is one of them!

15 Power-filled Prayers for the New Year. These prayers were compiled and edited by the Crosswalk Editorial Staff. They include prayers for hope, prayers after a hard year, prayers for strength, and the Holy Spirit’s direction in the new year.


Discipleship - God in the World

“I should like to speak of God, not on the boundaries but at the centre, not in the weaknesses but in strength, and therefore not in death and guilt but in man’s life and goodness”
— -Dietrich Bonhoeffer in Letters and Papers from Prison

I have been a fan of Dietrich Bonhoeffer since first reading his book, The Cost of Discipleship, years ago. I even did an adult study on it here at Lord of Grace in 2012, so I’m probably due for another one. As a lifelong Christian who grew up loving the church, but watching so many of my classmates fall away from the church, I have been captivated by the why of it all? Why did it stick with me, but fade with so many others? Then I read this quote from his Cost of Discipleship, and it hit hard.

The price we are having to pay to-day in the shape of the collapse of the organized Church is only the inevitable consequence of our policy of making grace available to all at too low a cost. We gave away the word and sacraments wholesale, we baptized, confirmed, and absolved a whole nation unasked and without condition. Our humanitarian sentiment made us give that which was holy to the scornful and unbelieving. We poured forth unending streams of grace. Bu the call to follow Jesus in the narrow way was hardly ever heard.” (Cost of Discipleship, p.54)

I could go on, and on. It’s a wonderful book. And it comes to a conclusion much the opposite of our theories on growth and evangelism: that we are declining because we’ve made the Gospel less rigorous and expected too little. We’ve just dispensed with baptisms willy-nilly, lacking any requirements, and declared that since there’s nothing we can do to save ourselves, why bother? Baptism is supposed to be preceded by clear change of mind and behavior (for adults), and be the beginning of a life of service and sacrifice, not the substitute it. If everyone believed that all that mattered was getting into heaven, and Jesus did that for me, and Baptism just seals the deal, why bother with anything else? You’re just wasting time. You go to the same place after you die, whether you worship or give or serve - or not, then why not just take the easy way? It’s perfectly rational. And not at all what Luther had intended.

So the whole German nation was baptized, whether they really wanted it or not. And the result was a nation that saw Jesus placing no demands on their lives, just being a cultural thing one does to be a good German and lock in a spot after you die. Hence, when the Nazis came around promising national pride and lower interest rates, they did not encounter a population of people ready to critically examine their practices compared to the radical love and sacrifice of Jesus. They found a population that had separated Jesus from ethical life decades ago. Politicians did not need to prove that they were improving the lives of the widow and orphan and alien. They just had to show that they would keep the funding stream going to the state church, and take out its critics and competition – a happy exchange of protecting the institutional/cultural religion for political power. A good analogy today is Bishop Kirill, the Patriarch of Moscow, who seems utterly unconcerned with the deaths and atrocities in Ukraine, but enjoys a big, beautiful cathedral and Orthodox teachings in the public schools, courtesy of Vladimir Putin.

As I’ve said before, I believe that we Lutherans have taken the pendulum swing way too far in our concern for teaching “works righteousness”. This is the doctrine that I can make myself right before God through doing good things, that my good actions earn me salvation. Clearly that’s a bar of perfection we’ll never approach. So we teach that we are saved by grace through faith. We can’t earn it, only accept it. Our actions flow from being saved, not to get it.

As eloquent as that sounds, in common practice it quickly becomes one of apathy, of not even bothering with changing my life, of being against all rules and requirements for following Jesus (called antinomianism), and just figuring that avoiding killing and the most egregious crimes is all that’s needed to live like a “good person”. But most of the people who put Hitler in power were not out killing anyone themselves; they supported him through their votes and their inaction. Most would probably have been what we call “good people” today, in that they are not street criminals or child abusers. They obeyed the laws and shared sugar with their neighbors. And they voted for Hitler.

Bonhoeffer would rage at the way Jesus, who openly said that everyone who wants to be a disciple must take up a cross to follow him, would end up just being a symbol of proper middle class citizenship, that being saved had been reduced to the afterlife, that following him had been made infinitely subjective, and that the role of God in people’s lives had been seen as mattering only in the places where our knowledge or power failed us – in the gaps.

This comes out in his final writings, made while he was in prison. He ruminates about how God has become someone people turn to only when they can’t fix things themselves. God exists to help you when you suffer, comfort you in pain, fill you with awe when you don’t have answers, save you in the life after death – but is irrelevant in the daily life most of us live. If I’m not struggling, generally happy with things, and filling my head with scientific knowledge, why God? The gaps keep getting smaller, so does the need for God to fill them. Hence why northern Europe is so irreligious. They have high standards of living, good health care, clean streets, strong safety nets, lots of education. Life is so good without God, I don’t need him except in the afterlife, which doesn’t worry me at all. So other things take priority in life, and how I vote and spend have nothing to do with Jesus. It’s all just subjective interpretations anyways.

It's why I tend to preach about Jesus’ way of life and way of living, of what God expects from us, as well as what God does for us. But I don’t talk a lot about heaven. It’s just not that important to me. I believe I am saved. Heaven’s a given. Now what do I do? What is my cross to bear? How does that make my life better, even if it makes me less wealthy and potentially invites conflict from powers that be? And how do we find God in the heart of life, in joy and pleasure and excitement? Where is God in enriching life and making it more full and meaningful and good? Is God there when I’m having fun, or only when I’m sick?

Discipleship is hard. I know I don’t do it well. One reaction in 2012 when we got through the book Cost of Discipleship was that we all felt like sell-outs. None of us were assassinating dictators or chaining ourselves to trees or protesting with the indigenous peoples. Whatever good we did never felt like enough. The paradox of Christian faith is that we find more meaning and fulfillment in living the life of giving and sacrifice than in self-indulgence and materialism. But that’s a hard sell, and a hard concept. When I’m in jail for a civil rights protest, it’s still a miserable time in a jail. I am making the world better, but it’s still a jail.

With all this in my head I made a series of videos last year for YouTube, about Bonhoeffer’s reflections in his letters from prison. The point was to show that he was not a nationalist or fundamentalist taking up arms – some sort of theological Clint Eastwood. He was not against a tax and spend social safety net, nor an enemy of gay marriage (he never wrote about it, so we don’t have hard proof of his thoughts). He was a Lutheran pastor trying to go back and correct abuses and get back to what being a disciple of Jesus Christ.

Well, since spring of 2023 Dietrich Bonhoeffer has become a talked-about thing again. The movie, “Bonhoeffer: pastor, assassin, spy” came out, depicting him as having a moral crisis of only accepting that his calling was really to pick up that gun and kill for Jesus. Violence is the answer here, and you need to accept it, Dietrich, and get over your qualms, and take out the big bad guy. It was never that simple for him. He engaged in the plot to kill Hitler with massive thoughtfulness and moral struggle. He was always torn about it, and never saw it as more than a lesser evil. Nonetheless, the publicity has increased the searches on YouTube, and now those twelve videos, long and full of ruminations and drawings, are the most watched on the Lord of Grace channel. Who would have thunk it?

I encourage everyone to take a look at Bonhoeffer’s own writings, more than writings about him. He’s not hard to understand. The many biographies out there can be confusing, but you can get the best one from Bonhoeffer’s own friend Eberhard Bethge, who knew him personally. Avoid Erik Metaxas’ version, as that’s revisionist history – trying to make Bonhoeffer into some sort of right wing Christian Nationalist.

People followed Jesus not because it was easy, but because it was real. They could sense that God was with him, that his teachings were the real deal, that his power was from God, and that this was a life they wanted to emulate. It didn’t grow with clever strategies and better light shows. It was discipleship, a way of life, that offered an alternative to the life of the world around, driven by money and power and exploitation. It’s a life of Godliness, and a path to joy.



Pastor Lars

Outreach January 2025

Outreach Team – January 2025

Our members include Chris Kollen as lead, Carol Buuck, Phyllis Teager, Patty Clymer, Janette Carollo, and Gail Nicewander.

We are planning new and exciting projects this coming year. If you’d like more information about becoming a member of Outreach, contact Chris Kollen at or at 520-419-7475.

Continuing Events

Marana Food Bank
The Marana Food Bank would like to request that we collect tomato sauce, ready-to-eat meals (Ravioli, Spaghettios), soups, tuna/chicken/spam, instant rice (Rice-a-Roni), and jelly. Hygiene items are also always needed as well.

Let’s help our neighbors to start the year right by experiencing God’s love by providing them with food they need to nourish themselves and their families.

Donated items can be placed in the wooden cabinet located in the hallway outside the Fellowship Hall.  Please remember that the food bank cannot accept any food items that have been opened/used or expired.  Also, please no glass containers.

If you would like to donate and keep your gift for the needy of Marana, you can send a check to:


c/o Sahuarita Food Bank

PO Box 968

Sahuarita, AZ 85629 

Please make checks payable to Marana Food Bank – Community Resource Center or MFB-CRC. You can also donate online at

Your monetary gift goes a long way. 

Butler’s Pantry – Roadrunner Elementary

During the month of December, we had volunteers work several days sorting and stocking food shelves with donations from Lord of Grace and many other groups that surround the Roadrunner community.  This month, Gladden Farms Elementary held a food drive for Butler’s Pantry. The results were amazing-there were so many donations it took Lord of Grace volunteers several days to sort and stock the shelves. Now the Food Pantry is full and ready for Roadrunner neighbors to visit.  We also received a generous donation from the Lord of Grace Novemberfest that will be used to purchase more personal hygiene items for the pantry. We will continue to staff the pantry the first Saturday of each month during 2025.  We are always looking for volunteers to help with this ministry.  If this is something that you would be interested in getting involved in, please contact Phyllis Teager 520-906-1837.  Thanks to all at Lord of Grace for your support.

Past Events

Adopt a Family – Roadrunner Elementary

Thank you to everyone who donated gifts and food for Adopt a Child for Roadrunner Elementary students and their families. This year we supported 10 families, a total of 19 children, both for their needs (clothes and shoes) and wishes (such as toys, games or electronics), and gift cards for the parents. The food you donated will help them have an enjoyable holiday meal and have food for their pantry. You’ve made a huge difference at the holidays for these families! Thank you!

Roadrunner sent a thank you note to all who participated in Adopt a Family at Roadrunner:
“Thank you to everyone who participated in making this holiday season just a little brighter for someone else. Every family greatly appreciated your generosity and kindness this year. Without you, many of these families wouldn't have had a joyful holiday season. We were able to provide 172 children with presents and meals this season due to your support! I hope your holiday season is as happy as you have made the families we helped this year!”

Upcoming Events

Feed My Starving Children

We will be participating again in Feed My Starving Children mobile pack event on Saturday Feb. 8th from 7:45 to 10am at Oro Valley Church of the Nazarene with other Lutheran churches. The event packs specially formulated meals for malnourished children worldwide. The need is great and continues to rise each year. The overall goal is to pack 1.6 million meals during the weeklong mobile pack event. Sign up is either through the Oro Valley Church of the Nazarene website at or using the QR code below. Click on “Register Here” and select session #18. On the drop-down menu select “Lutheran Churches”, fill in your name and contact information. Each person participating needs to sign up individually.

Information and help to register will be available after both services on Sunday December 29th.

Lutheran Social Services of the Southwest – Refugee & Immigration Services Program     

Chris Kollen participated with other LSS-SW Congregational Connector members in a wonderful event, Colors of Resilience: A Refugee Journey Through Art. The event was a guided painting experience uniquely blended art with the inspiring story of Jolie, a former refugee who overcame immense challenges to build a new life for herself.   

Lutheran World Relief – Baby Care Packs

We plan on holding a drive in the new year for baby care packs to send to Lutheran World Relief. In 2023, they provided baby care packs to Angola, the Dominican Republic, Mali, Tanzania, and Turkey. More information to come in next month’s newsletter.

Sister Jose Women’s Center

We plan on offering to cook an evening meal for the residents of San José Women’s Center. Outreach will provide additional information in next month’s newsletter. Any questions, contact Chris Kollen.




Check out Lord of Grace Preschool

Looking for a preschool?

Lord of Grace has quality teachers, skills development, socialization - all in a Christian environment. Our updated classrooms and new playground offer an ideal environment to learn and grow and be ready for kindergarten.

Enrolling now, 2-5 years old (potty trained).

Contact us at or 520-744-7400 to schedule a tour. We'd love to show you around.

Check out our web pages for more specific information:

Lord of Grace Preschool, Marana, Arizona

The Play of Structure and Freedom

Pastor’s Column

December 2024

Advent comes early and short this year, a function of the calendar - just after Thanksgiving, and only 3½ weeks from Christmas. Our church calendar has a full line-up of worship services and events. We still have our four Sundays, and our Longest Night service (Dec. 18). Our music ministry has a full line-up of concerts, starting with the all-Tucson ELCA concert Dec. 1 (at Our Saviour’s), and then the Southern Arizona New Discourses and Neoteric Chamber Choir on Dec. 14. It’s fun to be host to arts in different styles, and be a place of music and creativity. Many ways to glorify God in this season.

Sunday services have a theme: “Words for the Beginning” from As much as I like coming up with worship ideas, they make some amazing things way beyond my skill level – paintings, poetry, liturgies, children’s curriculums and more. You know I rarely do the Advent verses from the lectionary anymore, as they feel so tone deaf to the season. John the Baptist calling Pharisees a “brood of vipers” and crying about judgment and fire, then Jesus talking about wars and rumors of wars and the beginning of the end….just doesn’t have a whole lot of hope and grace. I know there’s a time and place for all of scripture, and, yes, I know the lectionary comes from a time before December was a month of pre-Christmas everywhere. But this is our world.

So I try to make Advent its own thing, with its own emphasis and meanings. This year we get a collection of quilt patterns, one for the season, which will go on the podium, and one for each Sunday, which will go up front on a stand. Each pattern goes with the theme for the day. The quilt squares play off the idea of new beginnings, how the pieces of who we are, where we come from, what we deal with, sometimes fall apart, but God takes them and makes new beginnings, new starts.

To me, quilt squares perfectly express the back and forth interplay of creativity and structure.

It’s often taught that the two are opposites, that rules and limits stifle and oppress, and that the fullest life is lived with the least restraints. Well, some times. Of course rules can be stifling, and so restrictive that no space is left for anything new. On the other hand, when given no limits, we often don’t know where to start. If I told an art class to paint a family on the lakeshore under a tree, I’d get all sorts of interpretations, but every artist would have to figure out how to make beauty out of that particular scene (Monet made a version; it’s a classic). But if I simply said, “make anything and see you Monday” I would probably get very little. I’m sure someone would try to be clever and hand me an empty canvass and tell me the lack of paint represents the emptiness of his soul being deconstructed of the normative influences of bourgeois society. One might even tape a banana to it and call it something. But I would be suspicious they were having too much fun over the weekend, and the philosophy-babble is just covering up laziness. Limits force you to problem solve, to imagine possibilities, to think of things you haven’t. No-limits creativity doesn’t push you, and you end up with, well, a banana taped to the wall.

I picture so much overlap between good art and engineering. The city comes to the architect and says, “there’s a river this wide, and two roads to connect, and they’re not straight across, and the ground is soft, and you have to put a ship X feet high underneath it, and it can’t all break apart if one section cracks. Go”. That will take a lot of creativity to solve, undoubtedly a good deal of artistic imagination too, so the selection committee likes it.

Structure and limits force creativity. But without variation and creativity, structure becomes stale.

So it comes back around to quilt squares. I imagine it was a challenge to the original artists: how do you express this Bible reading in a quilt, using only straight lines? How do you do it with only a small palette of colors? How do you convey blue, the liturgical color of Advent, with lively colors of hope and opportunity? Now you have to get creative.

This is what it’s all about: not just being able to paint, not being “artsy craftsy” necessarily, but being willing to problem solve and imagine new possibilities within the limits life has given you, using the spiritual gifts God has given you. Worship should be like that: a structure, an architecture, that remains largely the same, but which can be redecorated, repurposed, reimagined from time to time. The predictability of the order gives the security from which to explore and imagine the possibilities of a living God with words of new beginnings.


Pastor Lars

Outreach December 2024

Outreach Team – December 2024

Our members include Chris Kollen as lead, Carol Buuck, Phyllis Teager, Patty Clymer, Janette Carollo, and Gail Nicewander.

We are planning new and exciting projects this coming year. If you’d like more information about becoming a member of Outreach, contact Chris Kollen at or at 520-419-7475.

Continuing Events

Marana Food Bank

The Marana Food Bank would like to request that we collect jelly, pie crusts, tuna/chicken, spam, canned cooked ham, ready-to-eat food like ravioli, beans, canned veggies, and low-sodium soups. Let’s continue to show God’s love by sharing what we have with those who currently have less. Let’s make this a wonderful Christmas season for all!

Donated items can be placed in the wooden cabinet located in the hallway outside the Fellowship Hall. Please remember that the food bank cannot accept any food items that have been opened/used or expired. Also, please, no glass containers.

If you would like to donate and keep your gift for the needy of Marana, you can send a check to:


c/o Sahuarita Food Bank

PO Box 968

Sahuarita, AZ 85629

Please make checks payable to Marana Food Bank – Community Resource Center or MFB-CRC. You can also donate online at Your monetary gift goes a long way.

Past Events

Thanksgiving Boxes – Roadrunner Elementary

We put together 28 Thanksgiving and Pantry boxes, providing needed food for the holidays for 14 families – 12 families at Roadrunner Elementary and 2 additional families recommended by members of the congregation. Each family received $50 gift card to buy perishable food. Enough food was donated to start putting together food boxes for Christmas families. The congregation donated $425 in gift cards and $270 in cash. Thank you to the Preschool for making cards for each one of the families! Thank you to everyone who helped sort the food and put the Thanksgiving and Pantry boxes together and Bryan and Patty Clymer for donating the boxes!

Upcoming Events

Adopt a Child – Roadrunner Elementary

Thank you to everyone who took gift tags from the tree, all gifts were signed up for! The gifts need to be returned by December 1st. Please don’t wrap the gifts, the parents would like to see what’s being given and wrap the gifts themselves. Instead donate wrapping paper and tape. Thanks to everyone for supporting families at Roadrunner!

Feed My Starving Children

Feed My Starving Children will be coming up at the beginning of February, dates have not been set yet. The sign-up sheet will be available by December 31st. Stay tuned for information about this wonderful event.

Lutheran World Relief – Baby Care Packs

We plan on holding a drive in the new year for baby care packs to send to Lutheran World Relief. In 2023, they provided baby care packs to Angola, the Dominican Republic, Mali, Tanzania, and Turkey. More information to come in 2025.

Sister Jose Women’s Center

We plan on offering to cook an evening meal for the residents of San José Women’s Center. Outreach will provide additional information in the new year. Any questions, contact Chris Kollen.

Prayer Connection December 2024

Here we are, December.  It came quickly this year.  Although I seem to say that every year.  And this year, just like every year, I’m making a vow to try to take some time to stop and enjoy the season's small blessings and gifts.  A hint of coffee or chocolate in the air.  The sound of bells or music drifting by.  The laughter of kids as they rush along with their friends to the new snack/treat shop.  My season favorite is the sight of the twinkling lights at night.  Yet, year after year, things creep in, busyness and deadlines take control, and I allow them to steal pieces of my joy bit by bit.  I forget, or neglect, to take my concerns and frustrations to the Lord and allow him to lead my path and guide my steps.

I’m curious.  Do any of you have any special Bible verses that have helped you keep your focus on God when busy times prevail?  One of my favorites is Psalm: 46:10 – Be still and know that I am God.  This has always brought me a sense of peace.  If you have time, drop us an email with the one that has helped you the most.  I may use it in a future prayer update. 

The gifts I'd leave beneath your tree,
Aren't those that you can touch or see,
No toys meant just for pointless play,
But gifts to bless you every day.
The gift of friendship warm and true,
Is one that I would leave for you.
Good health and happiness and cheer
To keep you smiling through the year.
The gift of peace that comes from God,
With prayer to guide each path you trod.
And when your heart has lost its song
The gift of hope to cheer you on.
These are the gifts I'd leave for you.

–Kay Hoffman    (Southern Living Online Magazine, 2021)


This poem is from a collection of 25 Christmas poems, one for each day leading up to Christmas: "Christmas Prayers And Blessings To Share With The Whole Family" (2021). They were compiled by Nellah Bailey McGough, who hopes you will "celebrate the entire season with these thoughtful and thankful Christmas prayers that remind us all of the true meaning of the season . . ."  Find the full collection at:


The Lord of Grace Prayer Team is always here to help you with any prayer requests you may have!  The Prayer Team continues to pray over all prayer petitions sent our way, including the requests entered in the prayer journal in the narthex. The Team will also continue to offer individual prayer times after each worship service on the 4th Sunday of each month.

Full Hearts - Full Cups: A Parent's Holiday Survival Guide

Free workshop for parents

Join us for an uplifting workshop designed for parents who want to approach the holiday season with energy and joy. Join us for an uplifting workshop designed parents who want to approach the holiday season with energy and joy.

November 21, 2024

For more information: email us at

Lord of Grace Preschool, Marana, Arizona

Prayer Connection November 2024

Thessalonians 5:16-18

“Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. “

To “pray continually” sounds difficult.   J.B. Lightfoot, a theologian, wrote “ It is not in the moving of the lips, but in the elevaton of the heart to God that the essence of prayer consists.”

Let’s remember that God wants to hear about our day.  First, thanks for the day and His life giving blessings.  And then as the day goes on we can turn to God and Jesus to help with the challenges.  Having Christ’s spirit in our hearts unites us to God, to His love as His children.  From a suggestion heard from a friend, sometimes at night as I settle down, I review the day.  I try to think with God in mind what could I have done better.   Maybe to remember some blessings I received during the day.  And to thank Him for being everpresent.

Please know that the Lord of Grace Prayer Team continues to pray over all prayer petitions sent our way, including the requests entered in the Prayer Journal in the Narthex.  The Team will also continue to offer individual prayer times after each worship service on the 4th Sunday of each month.  We strongly believe in the power of prayer and that a continual connection with our God will keep us all closer to Him.  Remember, God can bring the peace you seek.  Seek Him in prayer.

Outreach November 2024

Outreach Team – November 2024

Outreach is excited to announce we have a new member, Gail Nicewander! Welcome Gail, we’re glad to have you on the Outreach Team. Our members include Chris Kollen as lead, Carol Buuck, Phyllis Teager, Patty Clymer, Janette Carollo, and Gail Nicewander.

We are planning new and exciting projects this coming year. If you’d like more information about becoming a member of Outreach, contact Chris Kollen at or at 520-419-7475.

Continuing Events

Marana Food Bank
The Marana Food Bank would like to request that we collect canned veggies (corn, peas, carrots), gravy, stuffing, evaporated milk, condensed milk, pumpkin puree, jelly, and canned cooked ham.  Hygiene items are also always needed as well.

Let’s give Thanks to God for everything by helping our neighbors have a blessed Thanksgiving.  Let’s help them to feel God’s love by sharing what we have with those who currently have less.

Donated items can be placed in the wooden cabinet located in the hallway outside the Fellowship Hall.  Please remember that the food bank cannot accept any food items that have been opened/used or expired.  Also, please, no glass containers.

If you would like to donate and keep your gift for the needy of Marana, you can send a check to:


c/o Sahuarita Food Bank

PO Box 968

Sahuarita, AZ 85629 

Please make checks payable to Marana Food Bank – Community Resource Center or MFB-CRC.

You can also donate online at 

Your monetary gift goes a long way. 

Upcoming Events

Thanksgiving Boxes – Roadrunner Elementary

We are currently collecting food from October 13th to November 8th. On Sunday, November 15th, we’ll have a fun day organizing the food and decorating the boxes. We’ll organize the food collected after 1st service, then pack the boxes after 2nd service. The boxes will be delivered to Roadrunner the week of November 11th. We handed out handouts of what to collect on Nov. 18th, there will be additional handouts in the Narthex. Please let us know of any additional families that need help.

Adopt a Child – Roadrunner Elementary

We are having Adopt a Child again this year, partnering with Roadrunner Elementary School. We are waiting to hear from Roadrunner the names of the students and their families and their needs and wants for Christmas. The gifts will need to be returned to the church by Sunday, December 1st. 

Lutheran World Relief – Baby Care Packs

We plan on holding a drive in the new year for baby care packs to send to Lutheran World Relief. In 2023, they provided baby care packs to Angola, the Dominican Republic, Mali, Tanzania, and Turkey. More information to come in 2025.

Feed My Starving Children

Feed My Starving Children will be coming up at the beginning of February, dates have not been set yet. The sign-up sheet will be available by December 31st. Stay tuned for information about this wonderful event.

Monthly Mobile Food Bank Distribution

Volunteers are needed for the Mobile Food Bank Distribution monthly events at Roadrunner Elementary School. They take place in the school parking lot and run from 8:00am-9:00am.  It would be great to have 2-4 volunteers from Lord of Grace on November 19th and December 17th.  We usually meet at church about 7:00 am and carpool out to the school.  There is set up and assisting the neighbors with loading up the food.  If you are interested in joining us for this important outreach please call or text Phyllis Teager 520-906-1837 or Chris Kollen 520-419-7475.

Roadrunner Butlers Pantry

We continue to support Butler’s Pantry at Roadrunner School.  Our personal hygiene drive in the fall was very successful–thanks to all of you!  We continue to have volunteers who work a couple days a month sorting donations and filling the food shelves with generous donations from many groups around the Roadrunner community.  We also staff the Pantry one Saturday a month, when it is open to the Roadrunner neighbors.  We are always looking for additional volunteers to help with this ongoing ministry.  If this ministry is something that you would be interested in getting involved in, please contact an Outreach Team member.





Too Much Information

One thing that always strikes me when I look at old (1950’s and earlier) photos is how well dressed everybody is. All the women in skirts; all the men in suits. Even in the warehouses, or on the ranch, it was still a button-down shirt and wool slacks. Nobody anywhere walked around in long underwear, pajamas, ripped clothes, etc. Those things were clearly for at-home, out of the public eye. The culture had a sense that we have a public face and a private face, and they were separate, and that’s ok. It isn’t “being inauthentic” to have to dress decently in public, and then be frumpy at home. But something changed.

Now, of course, you can see anything and everything at the local big box store. And if you say something, you’re “being judgmental” and “not accepting people for who they really are.” Long underwear in public is your identity? Pajamas in the store is your personality?

My take is that it started in the 1970’s with the emphasis on being “authentic” and “true to yourself”. We were going to sit in a circle, with a group of strangers, and they would poke and pry us emotionally until we opened up about our deepest secrets, and then everyone would spill all their personal beans, and we’d cry and sing kum-ba-ya and smoke some leafy stuff and break free of those social restraints that tell us to behave certain ways in public. From there came the idea that we should never worry about presentation in public, then vulgar language in public, then to dressing however we feel is “truly me”, then to the pajama party in aisle 5.

And you can call me a fuddy duddy or grumpy old man, but I don’t, honestly, want to see that much of you, or always know that much, or have to look at that much. Some things are ok to keep private. If you’re my friend, my lover, the rules are different. If you’re a stranger, some decorum is good.

But this is our culture, where we are told that any self-censoring is oppression and any public face is a form of lying.

Then came the internet.

Now everyone had the tools to “authentically” share their innermost everything with everyone. Shameless self-revelation met free public broadcasting, and the results have not always been pretty.

On the one hand are people who are isolated and bullied being able to find community that’s safe and affirming.

On the other hand is more bullying and attacking and some of darkest thoughts you never thought people could have.

What can work for good can work for evil.

I remember Facebook as a college pastor in the mid 2000’s. It was a way to catch up with your high school friends and get pictures of the grandkids, then it became a place for angry rants and lies generated by Russian hackers to spread hate and division.

The same has become true of all the other forums. 4Chan, said to be a bastion of free speech, has become the favorite of school shooters and terrorists to find other people with creepy, violent fantasies and plans to get validation. That crazy guy who used to rant at the hardware store used to just get the small town telling him to chill. Then he would go back to the basement, alone, to sit with his dark plans by himself. Now he has a computer in his basement, and can share with everyone his plans, and find people all around the globe to validate them and help him find the best way to commit a mass murder.

Some things, I will argue, should not get a public audience.

If you can’t say it in a group of people, to their faces, and have to sit and listen to their reactions, you maybe shouldn’t say it at all. Unless, again, you’re the kid being bullied and you’re looking for support, or the person with a unique disease and you need to find support with others for whom the bloody details are not Too Much Information but part of a constructive conversation.

It’s a good rule to keep: don’t say it online if you wouldn’t say it in person.

But when it’s me behind a keyboard, I don’t have to fear the response. I might get it in the comments, but it’s not the same. Easier to blow off hateful comments than see a reaction to my face. At least in the 1970’s “encounter group” I couldn’t bash everyone there and not have some kickback. I could be authentic, spill TMI, but I still had some accountability.

I have to admit that when I first got on Facebook in the mid 2000’s, it was kinda fun. I found old friends from high school and college and camp. I caught up with people I probably wouldn’t see in person because of distance. I enjoyed the debates about theology, Bible, politics. I even used to like to stir the pot, get things going. Now, I’ve pulled back. The longer it goes, the less I post, and the less I reveal, and the less I say, because I’m no longer feeling that it builds up. It just wears me out. It’s becoming less is more.

This all becomes an issue for us churches, too, as we try to figure out how to promote what we do on social media, while also dealing with the creeps and trolls and haters who want to bring you down. How do you stay positive in an ocean of negativity? How much do you talk about? What do you show?

As a general rule, I don’t post on church sites a lot of pictures of people. I never know how much people want to be posted. And when I do, the faces are often small or hard to see. I try hard to always project a good image, and keep church business off line. I don’t want to see how the sausage is made at my restaurant, nor do people want to see it at church. It’s the nature of public relations that you have to never show weakness, always make everyone think everything’s great – even when it isn’t. Curating an image and brand is a bit of a game in lying by omission. But if I was truly honest, nobody would ever come. They’d go to the place where everything looks perfect.

Martin Luther has a great line about bearing false witness in the small catechism:

You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor.

What does this mean? We should fear and love God so that we do not tell lies about our neighbor, betray him, slander him, or hurt his reputation, but defend him, speak well of him, and explain everything in the kindest way.

We don’t do enough, in my opinion, of remembering the second parts of these explanations – the proactive parts. Christian ethics gets reduced to a list of don’ts, when in fact discipleship is supposed to be active – taking up your cross and following. Yes, don’t lie on the stand, don’t slander people, don’t bully and demean. But that’s passive. Not enough. We should be actively speaking positively of others, building them up, and defending their reputations.

I wish this was how everyone was online. But, alas, that’s for Magical Golden Unicorn Land. More and more it’s the opposite, the airing of too much private information, personal thoughts, and negativity about others. I never thought the Small Catechism would be so relevant. When you see bullying, slander, hate – call it out – then respond by building people up. When you have thoughts that aren’t terribly upbuilding of people, don’t put them online. Don’t participate in the pile-on.

Put on a good public face for Jesus and the church. When you speak up for justice, and build up those in need, and refuse to participate in evil, you do the work of the Gospel.



Pastor Lars,

Thank You from Lord of Grace Preschool

Dear Lord of Grace Members,

I want to extend my heartfelt thanks for your incredible generosity and thoughtfulness in supporting our Preschool Supplies Drive last month. Your donations have not only provided essential supplies but have also filled our classrooms with joy, excitement, and the resources needed to nurture young minds.

Your kindness reminds me of the true meaning of community and the impact we can make when we come together. Because of you, our preschoolers are stepping into an environment where they feel supported, loved, and empowered to learn and grow.

With deepest gratitude and warm regards,

Laura Tanem-Hernandez

Interim Director 

Lord of Grace Preschool Enrolling

Lord of Grace Preschool is enrolling ages 2-5 (potty trained), with 3day and 5day a week classes. Our program offers kindergarten preparation, socialization, faith, and fun. Check out our modern classrooms, expanded new playground, and great staff. Voted the third best preschool in Marana in 2024.

To schedule a tour, or just to learn more, contact us at 520-744-7400, or email More info is also on the preschool page.

Lord of Grace Preschool. Marana, Arizona

Preschool Rainbow Art in the Church

This month at the Lord of Grace Preschool, one class has been making crafts showing the rainbow, the sign of God’s promise to us and covenant forever.

If you visit the sanctuary here you’ll see the back wall covered, from time to time, with art by our preschool kids. We like to show off their work as a church, and support the kids as a whole church.

Once a year, in the spring we do a preschool art show in the fellowship hall, as well. Encouraging creativity and imagination is part of our philosophy as a school.

To learn more, check out our preschool page, email us, or call 520-744-7400

Lord of Grace Preschool, Marana, Arizona

7250 N. Cortaro Rd (corner of Ina and Cortaro)

Prayer Connection October 2024

“Precious Lord take my hand”

Father God hear my prayer

Comforting Mother hold me

Heavenly Parent be my guide.

All of the above can easily start a prayer or even a hymn.  The first one is the only one that is guaranteed not to lose listeners as you start your prayer.  The other three may hit some raw nerves and lose people before you get any further not everyone grew up with a loving supporting family.  So using father, mother or parent has the potential for sending minds into the scary past.  Precious Lord, Prince of Peace, Heavenly Comforter, Lord of us all Leading Shepherd, Holy God will all take you where you want to go with out alienation.  Care in Prayer is something that calms us all and peacefully leads us to be comforting prayer leaders.  May the peace of the Lord Jesus Christ guide you and sustain you now and in the future no matter what challenge or grief is trying to hold you down.  Lift us up and guide us as we try to be more & more like Jesus.  In the name of Jesus Christ our Lord we pray! Amen.

Outreach October 2024

Outreach Team – September 2024 Newsletter Article

Our members include Chris Kollen as lead, Carol Buuck, Phyllis Teager, Patty Clymer, and Janette Carollo.

We are planning new and exciting projects this coming year. If you’d like more information about becoming a member of Outreach, contact Chris Kollen at or at 520-419-7475.

Continuing Events

Marana Food Bank
The Marana Food Bank would like to request that we collect canned tuna/chicken, soups, jelly, cereal, ready-to-eat meals (ravioli), canned veggies, and beans.  Hygiene items are also always needed as well.

Let’s help all our neighbors have a wonderful Fall season and feel God’s love by sharing what we have with those who currently have less.

Donated items can be placed in the wooden cabinet located in the hallway outside the Fellowship Hall.  Please remember that the food bank cannot accept any food items that have been opened/used or expired.  Also, please, no glass containers. If you would like to donate and keep your gift for the needy of Marana, you can send a check to:

c/o Sahuarita Food Bank
PO Box 968
Sahuarita, AZ 85629 

Please make checks payable to Marana Food Bank – Community Resource Center or MFB-CRC. You can also donate online at

Your monetary gift goes a long way.  Every $10 helps provide 50 meals.           

Upcoming Events

Thanksgiving Boxes – Roadrunner Elementary

It’s already that time of year!! It’s October and time to start collecting food for Thanksgiving boxes this year! The food boxes will mainly go to families of students at Roadrunner Elementary. We will collect food from October 20th to November 8th. On Saturday, November 10th, we’ll have a fun day organizing the food and decorating the boxes. The boxes will need to be delivered to Roadrunner the week of November 11th. Look for a handout in this newsletter and we will also hand them out in person on Oct. 20th. Please let us know of any additional families that need help.

Adopt a Child – Roadrunner Elementary

We are having Adopt a Child again this year, partnering with Roadrunner Elementary School. We are waiting to hear from Roadrunner the names of the students and their needs and wants for Christmas and when they will need to be delivered to the school. There will be more information in the November newsletter.

Previous Events

God’s Work Our Hands

A Huge Thank You to all the members at Lord of Grace for your generosity!  Butler’s Pantry is full because of our personal hygiene drive on Community Service Day September 8th.  We surpassed our goal of collecting 100 tubes of toothpaste...the kids counted and we had 150 tubes!!!  Thank you all so much. Our friends at Roadrunner are grateful.

Also a big thank you to all who were busy making over 200 Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches for Sister José Women's Shelter during our Community Service Day.  It was truly a group effort with all ages involved! 

9/11 National Day of Service on Saturday, September 14th

On Saturday September 14th, a group of volunteers from Lord of Grace participated in the National Day of Service project at Roadrunner Elementary. We arrived early before the heat of the day. Then we were armed with RED paint and rollers to brighten up the 8 foot pillars all over the school campus.  We joined several other groups-Marana Middle School and Marana High School students along with members of another church and the school administrators, Kristina Brewer and Eddie Walker to tackle this project in record time–and with limited RED paint spills on the walkways!!  Following our work, we stopped in at the Sky Rider Cafe at the Marana Regional Airport for a hearty breakfast and fellowship!  It was an excellent morning doing God’s Work with Our Hands!