Capital Campaign Update
The final large project of the campaign is the sanctuary refresh. A team is looking at new flooring, painting, lighting, and possibly a raised area across the front of the sanctuary to raise the choir and Praise team up for better visibility and sound. How exciting is all of this!
The Capital Campaign started in April of 2020. Due to the generosity of our members, many capital improvements have been made that will ensure our building is sound and welcoming for years to come.
The church council wants to thank the congregation for their generosity. There will be a Campaign Completion Celebration luncheon for the congregation on March 26th immediately following the second service. Lunch will be a Mexican Buffet and all food will be provided so please plan to come and celebrate your generosity and the many church improvements your generosity has funded. A signup sheet will be available in the Narthex (on credenza). Please sign up so we can have an accurate count for the event.
Carolyn Bernheim, Treasurer.