More Sanctuary Progress

The sanctuary renovations are coming along. Sam Lyth, the project manager for the sanctuary renovation, has been hard at work with our contractors upgrading the space. Thanks again for all your support to the capital campaign which makes this possible.

Here’s some pics of the progress the last few weeks.

  1. Platform getting exteded and framed,

  2. wall sconces repaired

  3. track lighting added to the ceiling behind the front beam

  4. lighting installed around the stone wall

  5. pews removed and sent to the carpenter for shortening.

As of writing (June 28), the platform is finished with construction, with tubes for microphone cables and hatches in the floor cut. A ramp is being built to move the piano and organ back.

Coming up:

  1. More light adjustments and replacement to higher power bulbs.

  2. Adjusting lights and positions

  3. Increase the size of the image projected on the walls

  4. carpeting in the whole room

  5. pews returned and moved back in, with chairs in the place

  6. Mural painted on the back wall, above the doors

  7. Condenser microphone added to the back of the room to improve audio for livestreaming