Lord of Grace Health Information Team

We would like to announce that the new Lord of Grace Health Information Team has recently been developed to provide health presentations to our congregation, as well as lists of resources for many areas of health concerns.   This team consists of Dorothy Green, Darlene Paul, Dianna Repp, and Cindy Stein.

Our first presentation is scheduled for February 18th at 9:30am in the Fellowship Hall.  We have a speaker coming to talk about Advance Directives.  If you have not already thought about or completed documents for your healthcare wishes, please come join us to find out more information. This is available to anyone interested.

Our second presentation is scheduled for March 17th at 2:00pm in the Fellowship Hall.  We will have a speaker and trainer coming to teach CPR.  As you know, any one of us could be in a situation where CPR is needed because someone’s life is in danger.  This is available to anyone interested.  A goodwill donation will be encouraged.

Work on the resource list is just beginning, and this will take some time to put together, but we hope to include helpful information and contacts in the following areas:

Hospice Agencies                           Divorce Care

            Funeral Homes                                Family Counseling

            Grief Support Groups                    Addiction Treatment

            Care Managers & Caregivers       Suicide Counseling