‘ Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful.’ John 14:27
This morning I read the above verse as part of my daily devotions. It really spoke to me. Last evening’s news was troubling and left me so concerned for our country’s future. This verse reminded me to give my fears to God and He will give me peace.
My sister and I pray every week together over the phone as we live in different states. We usually spend about an hour between catching up on each other’s week and sharing prayer concerns. We always end in prayer. Last week she reminded me about the time we were young girls due for our immunizations at our doctor’s office visit. She carried her white leather covered Bible with her name inscribed on the front. She had us place our hands on the Bible and she sang out a song we had learned in Sunday School in a clear voice, ‘I will not be afraid. I will not be afraid. I will look upward, travel onward, and not be afraid.’ I can picture those two small girls, knees shaking, yet encouraging each other during a difficult time.
I have decided to make a plan as we face trying times ahead. I will seek God’s peace through daily prayer, devotion time, and meditation. I will put on the armor of God as instructed in Ephesians 6:13-17. May God bring each of us peace and hope in the new year ahead. Blessings to each and every one of you in Christ Jesus.
The Lord of Grace Prayer Team is always here to help you with any prayer requests you may have! The Prayer Team continues to pray over all prayer petitions sent our way, including the requests entered in the prayer journal in the narthex. The Team will also continue to offer individual prayer times after each worship service on the 4th Sunday of each month.