
April and Holy Week - Pastor's Column March 2025

This Saturday (March 22nd) we had our first yard sale in a long time. A fund-raiser for our preschool, we raised over $3,000!! I give a huge thank you to everyone who gave all their time and effort to pulling off a project on this scale. The Preschool Advisory Board (PAB) and preschool staff, thank you all. The funds will offset costs and cover some of the expenses of advertising and marketing for fall.

It has been fun this year watching as we have increased our commitment to making it a more explicitly “church” preschool. It always was, but the connections were not as visible. Now we have art in the sanctuary, more flyers going out to parents with invites to church events, church members doing special presentations, such as Rick’s special music days. We also have more faith instruction in the classroom, beyond the weekly chapel times. It’s all part of our long-range plan to make the preschool more of a church ministry and less of a side-hustle. Again, our director Laura Tanem-Hernandez and the PAB are doing a great job with our new program.

With all this our liturgical year keeps moving towards Easter. I’ve enjoyed the Lent sermon series on Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Cost of Discipleship. I will admit that sometimes he gets a bit intense, leaving you feeling like you’re never a good enough disciples. And while I understand that intellectually – that I can never reach Jesus’ levels of love and obedience to God – it still can feel heavy. Of course, Jesus also says his burden is light, so while the challenge to discipleship is there, we can also view it as freeing us from serving the other things of our lives that pull us away from Godly lives.

Palm Sunday is April 13th, where we will walk with the crowd as they cheer Jesus on for being the earthly revolutionary he never claimed to be. They call it the “triumphal” entry, but it’s only so on the surface. The subtext is darker, knowing that Jesus knows the people will be disappointed when their dreams for him don’t come true.

Then comes Holy Week. Maundy Thursday will be a traditional worship service this year, not an agape meal. We end, as we always do, with the stripping of the altar.

Good Friday will feature the stations of the cross liturgy from last year. From 11am-1pm you can come in and walk through the art in the sanctuary at your own pace. Then at 6:30pm is the full service. One change I will make is to shorten the musical interludes between stations, just to keep things moving better. I still love the black-and-white graphics that come with each part of the story.

Holy Week is the highlight of our year as Christians, the time of spiritual focus, of walking through the last days of Jesus, of walking through his final dinner, his farewells, and his suffering, before the big celebration of Easter. It always sees thinner crowds, to the chagrin of many clergy. And I get the challenge with scheduling (I had to run from a dance practice to worship one Good Friday. That was the day they all learned what I did for a living 😊). I also get the desire to avoid the “downer” parts of the week and skip to the “happy” part. Who wants to sit and wallow in sin and death. Of course, that’s part of why I like doing the stations liturgy, and having music and art, to make it more of a spiritual journey than an exercise in self-flagellation for our moral failings. I avoid the dirgiest songs, like “Go to Dark Gethsemene” that literally ends with “teach us Jesus how to die”. Ouch. That’s all part of that “heavy religion”– where it just makes you feel sad and guilty, instead of living into the mystery and meaning of what Jesus did for us. The cross is not to induce emotional guilt, but a life of discipleship.

And, of course, we will end it on Easter, April 20th, with the first service and easter egg hunt and continental Easter breakfast and second service. If you have friends maybe looking for a church, it is a good day to invite them.

Finally, I have my usual gripe about how Holy Week is so counter-cultural. In a world where everything is marketed as being happy and fun, our culture has lost its ways to deal with grief and loss. They happen, to all of us, a lot, but yet when they do we lack the rituals and structure for them. We haven’t spent time allowing ourselves to be sad when we’re sad, to admit there’s emptiness, to dwell in the moment even when the moment is horribly unfulfilling. Then, when it happens, we’re uncomfortable and rush to make it “fun” and “celebratory” again. Our faith does not try to sugar coat what happened to Jesus, or hide from it, and, in fact, brings us to a healthier and more authentic faith by giving us spaces, at least one week of the year, to just dwell in the journey of betrayal and suffering before the rising again.


Pastor Lars

The Ongoing Journey of Discipleship

Pastor’s Column - March 2025

When Jesus calls people to be disciples he is very direct. “Follow me”. Sometimes he adds a line, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men”. It’s not much more. The details of what you do come later, and the instructions will come as you go with him from place to place and encounter the different situations he deals with.

I’ve wondered if Jesus knew the guys he called to be disciples before hand, and had shared some of his vision with them first. His hometown was only a few hundred people. Even if you counted the towns around it’s still just a few thousand. The odds that he had lived there for 30 years and they were strangers seems remote. I think he fished with Peter, hung our with Bartholemew, paid his taxes to Matthew etc. When Jesus comes and says, “Follow me”, I have to think he was also partly saying, “Now’s the time, let’s do this.”

Discipleship, the Jesus way, feels a little like being an intern or apprentice. You can take classes, to a point, and learn the basics that way. But eventually you have to follow around a veteran and watch them deal with things as they come up. I know the plumber we called learned all sorts of things fixing our plugged toilets (toothbrushes, toys, and one time roots had grown through the space between the pipe and the foundation – millimeters – and had filled the pipe). The apprentice got knowledge each time, and eventually showed up by himself. Our kids trained him well.

There’s something very individualistic about discipleship. Jesus calls individuals. It’s one person to one person. It’s Jesus and Matthew, not Jesus and all of Matthew’s family or town. Just one to one. And Matthew has to make a big break with his life, his income, everything he knew. There is no way this was not painful. But he did it.

The individualistic nature of being called is what leads us down theological rabbit holes, locking horns over whether one is saved when one accepts Jesus and makes a personal profession of faith, or whether faith is something that grows slowly without the clean “decision”. Both happen, of course, depending on your life. Most of us grew up with faith, but some decide later to commit to it. At the same time, even if we grew up in the church, we had to decide to stay with it. Every Sunday we make a decision to worship or not. Every day we have to re-decide if we’re going to make Jesus a part of that day. And every time a decision comes to us, is forced on us, we have to decide to follow the Jesus way or not (and discern what is the Jesus way). It’s as if it doesn’t matter if you have always believed; discipleship is re-committed every decision we make.

We are also called into a community. Jesus makes a call to the individual, who is then brought into a new group. It’s not a solitary quest, but a new family to live out this calling with. This is the community side of it. It’s why you aren’t really a disciple of Jesus if you just practice by yourself on your own time all alone. That’s not how following Jesus works.

Calls to discipleship can get turned into legalistic sessions of billy-clubbing people with guilt and pressure to “step up” and “do more” and “put yourself out there” from the pulpit. By themselves, those are good things. But discipleship is about so much more than simply increasing volume of service. It’s much more the “what” of our service, the things we do. Maybe it involves fewer things done differently. It’s our culture, and our program-driven church culture, that is always craving more time investment. Sometimes, we should. But at a deeper level, what things are we doing that mold our lives the way Jesus commands?

In Lutheranism we shy away from talk of personal decisions and clean breaks and making big faith statements. They give us vibes of “decision theology”, where we believe that while God’s grace is a free gift that saves, it’s our decision that makes it work, and thus that is the act, the deed, the good work, that saves. Fair enough. We don’t save ourselves by choosing to save ourselves. But at what point does this become a hair-splitting abstract argument. Is giving yourself up and surrendering to Jesus doing nothing, or actually something? Is choosing not to act an action? Does it matter?

Like a lot of these theological arguments, I worry we overreact to an abuse one way with an overcompensation the other. Just because we cannot earn salvation through making a choice, does not mean we should not be making a commitment to Jesus, or making choices, as individuals, to act upon our faith.

Lent is coming in March this year, starting with Ash Wednesday on March 5th. We’ll do our traditional service for the day with imposition of ashes, same as every year. Some things are worth doing over and over. For mid-week services we’ll explore in depth topics of discipleship, with some original art to augment the theme, though without the discussion so focused on the art, and more on sharing individual stories and insights. And Sundays will be built around themes from Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s book, The Cost of Discipleship. You don’t need to read the book to understand the sermons. It’s just the bouncing off point for ideas. Hopefully we’ll all be able to see discipleship as something that is a way of life, a joy (not a burden) to take up, a concept that brings joy and freedom along with responsibility. I hope as well we can all come away from it with tools for finding our paths to discipleship in our lives.

Pastor Lars

HIking Group

Do you like to get out and enjoy the Arizona natural world?  Do you want to spend time in God’s creation.  On February 15th at 10:00 a.m. we’re inaugurating the 1st hiking event for Lord of Grace.  This activity is for casual hikers who like to meander a bit, get in a little bit of a workout , enjoy some good company and fresh air.  The first trail we will tackle will be the “Thunderbird Trail” in Saguaro National Park West which is on the east side of the park.  To get to the parking lot, take exit 252 off I-10 and head west on Camino del Cerro for 5.6 miles until you arrive at the dirt covered parking area where we will meet at 10:00 a.m.  Don’t forget your hiking boot, water, sunscreen, snacks and of course more water.  So, we have an idea of who will join us, please contact via text either Joy Folkvord or Laurie Graham to let us know you’re coming or if you have questions.  (Note: this will also serve as a contact list in case weather causes us to cancel).  We’re hoping to put together an event once a month so if you have other favorite places to go let us know.

Hope to see you on the trail.

Joy Folkvord

Clothed in Honor

Love is patient; love is kind; love is not envious or boastful or arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice in wrongdoing, but rejoices in the truth. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends.”
— 1 Corinthians 13:4-7

This Epiphany season (technically, the “Sundays after Epiphany”) I’m doing a sermon series called “What is Love”? It’s based mostly on First Corinthians 13, the famous “love is patient, love is kind” passage. The last two will be about the Beatitudes and loving your enemies. The impetus was partly the lectionary: first Corinthians is often the Epistle readings for the season, and lots of my own concern to take back the word from the culture.

The whole section on love is squished into the middle of a section on spiritual gifts and living in Christian community. The church in Corinth is in conflict, as people are jockeying for status and position, arguing that their spiritual gifts make them higher or closer to God in some way. It was what people did in the Roman Empire all the time; it was how their world worked. Powerful people gave status to lower status people who kissed their ring and did them favors. It was a whole culture that ran much like prison gangs or high school cafeterias. Now that they are Christian, where do they stand? Who’s on top? Who do I kiss up to? Who do I push down? How do I assert my position?

As a camp counselor you would see this with some cabins: the first day and a half was social jockeying, establishing in and out groups, using secrets to form boundaries between insiders and outsiders. Then I would take my cabin to morning worship, and see another one in a circle on the lawn having a “talk”. It was the counselor calling them out on the politicking, and forcing them to name it in the open. Rarely did it last once it was named. The popular always seem to want to look like they’re ordinary. Rip off the veil, and they look like ordinary people who are just mean. At Bible camp, of all places, there should be no hierarchy. It should be a safe place for all, where nobody is the loser or the outcast like in school.

Paul encountered exactly this. The first letter to the church in Corinth is essentially a cabin “talk”, where they’re being called out for using this wonderful outpouring of spiritual gifts for social positioning. I have tongues, so I’m better than the one with hospitality etc. They could be forgiven for doing this, because it was second nature. But it isn’t the Gospel.

So Paul gives a lecture first on the different spiritual gifts, chapter 12. They get named, and then he gives this one verse in there that never gets enough traction:

On the contrary, the members of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable, and those members of the body that we think less honorable we clothe with greater honor, and our less respectable members are treated with greater respect; whereas our more respectable members do not need this. But God has so arranged the body, giving the greater honor to the inferior member, that there may be no dissension within the body, but the members may have the same care for one another. If one member suffers, all suffer together with it; if one member is honored, all rejoice together with it.

1 Corinthians 12:22-26

The weaker are indispensable. The inferior are honored more. If one is honored we all rejoice.

That sounds so collectivist. Doesn’t it?

You go through the community and deliberately give more to those who have less, and less to those who have more.

Now you can see why it gets glossed. Shouldn’t those with more be honored more, because, obviously, they are more hard working and deserving? Shouldn’t the inferior be told to clean up their lifestyle habits and quit being so profligate with spending? Doesn’t the presence of superior gifts prove that God is blessing them, that God’s favor proves their superior worth?

So I look around today and see an interesting contrast.

I ride my bike down The Loop, and homeless camps are all over. I’ve had to stop on underpasses to avoid riding over people passed out. I’ve almost hit people stumbling out on the path – who then saw my “live generously” shirt and laughed at it. There was some sort of irony there.

Research shows that the ranks of the homeless are disproportionately veterans dealing with untreated PTSD, people with childhood trauma and abuse, people fleeing domestic violence, people born in poverty. Many opioid addicts started with work injuries and the Vicodin for the back pain turned into an addiction. Yes, there are some who had it good and blew it through drinking too much or recreational drinking or drugs; I’ve met them. But the data doesn’t lie: the hard circumstances of birth and chance have put most where they are. It wasn’t too much Door Dash and video games.

Then I turn to the news and see who is getting elected to congress and getting nominated for positions in the cabinet, and I see behavior that is the worst of every moral vice and personal sin. Serial adulterers, accused rapists, men who blow the family savings on strip clubs and bankrupt businesses, cocaine-fueled parties. Decadence and profligate spending everywhere. and instead of getting the same judgment heaped on them that goes to the homeless, they get lionized for being “real men” who are just “so manly they can’t help themselves”. What was a scandal is now proof of virility and strength. Double standard.

Is it that hard to believe that they are no better or deserving, they just have a huge financial and political cushion to fall back on when their bad choices catch up with them. People dealing with a childhood of abuse and poverty don’t get to just say, “well, I wasn’t a perfect person, but that’s in the past”.

Which brings me back to First Corinthians. Paul’s church had people very wealthy, and very poor. Traders and owners came to the same church as slaves and prostitutes. Then the Holy Spirit comes and the Word of God pours fourth in prophecy and tongues and visions. And the Spirit doesn’t seem to honor wealth and class. Of course those on the world’s bottom of the ladder would be excited to finally have their shot at status. But that’s still not the Gospel.

Not entirely.

The point is that the Spirit is not trying to replace one social hierarchy in Greece with a new hierarchy in the church. It’s that the Spirit is spreading out the wealth and evening the scales by giving more to those who the world deems as less. It’s distributing to the have nots where the haves already have.

This is what the late theologian Gustavo Gutierrez called the “preferential option for the poor”. It’s that God chooses to take a side in the struggles of the poor, and advocates for them. God does not hate the wealthy and powerful. They just don’t particularly need God’s help with money and social problems. And, of course, God is challenging us to ask about the structures of our economy that leave some poor for doing the same things that make others rich and powerful.

The Spirit gives honor to the less honorable, and raises up the inferior. And when the least are raised, we all benefit. It’s one of those paradoxes of Christian faith, that the path forward for the church does not lie in finding the most beautiful, wealthy, and popular and using their status to attract more people (a strategy that many churches employ). It’s to seek out those that the world clothes in less honor, and clothing them with more honor (and sometimes better clothes). It’s to raise up the lowly, and in doing so, the Spirit pours out and the Word of God is shown to the world. The way to more is through those who have less.

It's all rather counter-intuitive to us, but very Biblical.

So this will be our walk this Epiphany – to see what love means in a context of competition, rank, class, and conflict. To see what love means in Christian community and social interaction. And to see again the beauty of a God who is so full of love that the most suffering and clothed with the most from our creator.



Pastor Lars

Discipleship - God in the World

“I should like to speak of God, not on the boundaries but at the centre, not in the weaknesses but in strength, and therefore not in death and guilt but in man’s life and goodness”
— -Dietrich Bonhoeffer in Letters and Papers from Prison

I have been a fan of Dietrich Bonhoeffer since first reading his book, The Cost of Discipleship, years ago. I even did an adult study on it here at Lord of Grace in 2012, so I’m probably due for another one. As a lifelong Christian who grew up loving the church, but watching so many of my classmates fall away from the church, I have been captivated by the why of it all? Why did it stick with me, but fade with so many others? Then I read this quote from his Cost of Discipleship, and it hit hard.

The price we are having to pay to-day in the shape of the collapse of the organized Church is only the inevitable consequence of our policy of making grace available to all at too low a cost. We gave away the word and sacraments wholesale, we baptized, confirmed, and absolved a whole nation unasked and without condition. Our humanitarian sentiment made us give that which was holy to the scornful and unbelieving. We poured forth unending streams of grace. Bu the call to follow Jesus in the narrow way was hardly ever heard.” (Cost of Discipleship, p.54)

I could go on, and on. It’s a wonderful book. And it comes to a conclusion much the opposite of our theories on growth and evangelism: that we are declining because we’ve made the Gospel less rigorous and expected too little. We’ve just dispensed with baptisms willy-nilly, lacking any requirements, and declared that since there’s nothing we can do to save ourselves, why bother? Baptism is supposed to be preceded by clear change of mind and behavior (for adults), and be the beginning of a life of service and sacrifice, not the substitute it. If everyone believed that all that mattered was getting into heaven, and Jesus did that for me, and Baptism just seals the deal, why bother with anything else? You’re just wasting time. You go to the same place after you die, whether you worship or give or serve - or not, then why not just take the easy way? It’s perfectly rational. And not at all what Luther had intended.

So the whole German nation was baptized, whether they really wanted it or not. And the result was a nation that saw Jesus placing no demands on their lives, just being a cultural thing one does to be a good German and lock in a spot after you die. Hence, when the Nazis came around promising national pride and lower interest rates, they did not encounter a population of people ready to critically examine their practices compared to the radical love and sacrifice of Jesus. They found a population that had separated Jesus from ethical life decades ago. Politicians did not need to prove that they were improving the lives of the widow and orphan and alien. They just had to show that they would keep the funding stream going to the state church, and take out its critics and competition – a happy exchange of protecting the institutional/cultural religion for political power. A good analogy today is Bishop Kirill, the Patriarch of Moscow, who seems utterly unconcerned with the deaths and atrocities in Ukraine, but enjoys a big, beautiful cathedral and Orthodox teachings in the public schools, courtesy of Vladimir Putin.

As I’ve said before, I believe that we Lutherans have taken the pendulum swing way too far in our concern for teaching “works righteousness”. This is the doctrine that I can make myself right before God through doing good things, that my good actions earn me salvation. Clearly that’s a bar of perfection we’ll never approach. So we teach that we are saved by grace through faith. We can’t earn it, only accept it. Our actions flow from being saved, not to get it.

As eloquent as that sounds, in common practice it quickly becomes one of apathy, of not even bothering with changing my life, of being against all rules and requirements for following Jesus (called antinomianism), and just figuring that avoiding killing and the most egregious crimes is all that’s needed to live like a “good person”. But most of the people who put Hitler in power were not out killing anyone themselves; they supported him through their votes and their inaction. Most would probably have been what we call “good people” today, in that they are not street criminals or child abusers. They obeyed the laws and shared sugar with their neighbors. And they voted for Hitler.

Bonhoeffer would rage at the way Jesus, who openly said that everyone who wants to be a disciple must take up a cross to follow him, would end up just being a symbol of proper middle class citizenship, that being saved had been reduced to the afterlife, that following him had been made infinitely subjective, and that the role of God in people’s lives had been seen as mattering only in the places where our knowledge or power failed us – in the gaps.

This comes out in his final writings, made while he was in prison. He ruminates about how God has become someone people turn to only when they can’t fix things themselves. God exists to help you when you suffer, comfort you in pain, fill you with awe when you don’t have answers, save you in the life after death – but is irrelevant in the daily life most of us live. If I’m not struggling, generally happy with things, and filling my head with scientific knowledge, why God? The gaps keep getting smaller, so does the need for God to fill them. Hence why northern Europe is so irreligious. They have high standards of living, good health care, clean streets, strong safety nets, lots of education. Life is so good without God, I don’t need him except in the afterlife, which doesn’t worry me at all. So other things take priority in life, and how I vote and spend have nothing to do with Jesus. It’s all just subjective interpretations anyways.

It's why I tend to preach about Jesus’ way of life and way of living, of what God expects from us, as well as what God does for us. But I don’t talk a lot about heaven. It’s just not that important to me. I believe I am saved. Heaven’s a given. Now what do I do? What is my cross to bear? How does that make my life better, even if it makes me less wealthy and potentially invites conflict from powers that be? And how do we find God in the heart of life, in joy and pleasure and excitement? Where is God in enriching life and making it more full and meaningful and good? Is God there when I’m having fun, or only when I’m sick?

Discipleship is hard. I know I don’t do it well. One reaction in 2012 when we got through the book Cost of Discipleship was that we all felt like sell-outs. None of us were assassinating dictators or chaining ourselves to trees or protesting with the indigenous peoples. Whatever good we did never felt like enough. The paradox of Christian faith is that we find more meaning and fulfillment in living the life of giving and sacrifice than in self-indulgence and materialism. But that’s a hard sell, and a hard concept. When I’m in jail for a civil rights protest, it’s still a miserable time in a jail. I am making the world better, but it’s still a jail.

With all this in my head I made a series of videos last year for YouTube, about Bonhoeffer’s reflections in his letters from prison. The point was to show that he was not a nationalist or fundamentalist taking up arms – some sort of theological Clint Eastwood. He was not against a tax and spend social safety net, nor an enemy of gay marriage (he never wrote about it, so we don’t have hard proof of his thoughts). He was a Lutheran pastor trying to go back and correct abuses and get back to what being a disciple of Jesus Christ.

Well, since spring of 2023 Dietrich Bonhoeffer has become a talked-about thing again. The movie, “Bonhoeffer: pastor, assassin, spy” came out, depicting him as having a moral crisis of only accepting that his calling was really to pick up that gun and kill for Jesus. Violence is the answer here, and you need to accept it, Dietrich, and get over your qualms, and take out the big bad guy. It was never that simple for him. He engaged in the plot to kill Hitler with massive thoughtfulness and moral struggle. He was always torn about it, and never saw it as more than a lesser evil. Nonetheless, the publicity has increased the searches on YouTube, and now those twelve videos, long and full of ruminations and drawings, are the most watched on the Lord of Grace channel. Who would have thunk it?

I encourage everyone to take a look at Bonhoeffer’s own writings, more than writings about him. He’s not hard to understand. The many biographies out there can be confusing, but you can get the best one from Bonhoeffer’s own friend Eberhard Bethge, who knew him personally. Avoid Erik Metaxas’ version, as that’s revisionist history – trying to make Bonhoeffer into some sort of right wing Christian Nationalist.

People followed Jesus not because it was easy, but because it was real. They could sense that God was with him, that his teachings were the real deal, that his power was from God, and that this was a life they wanted to emulate. It didn’t grow with clever strategies and better light shows. It was discipleship, a way of life, that offered an alternative to the life of the world around, driven by money and power and exploitation. It’s a life of Godliness, and a path to joy.



Pastor Lars

The Play of Structure and Freedom

Pastor’s Column

December 2024

Advent comes early and short this year, a function of the calendar - just after Thanksgiving, and only 3½ weeks from Christmas. Our church calendar has a full line-up of worship services and events. We still have our four Sundays, and our Longest Night service (Dec. 18). Our music ministry has a full line-up of concerts, starting with the all-Tucson ELCA concert Dec. 1 (at Our Saviour’s), and then the Southern Arizona New Discourses and Neoteric Chamber Choir on Dec. 14. It’s fun to be host to arts in different styles, and be a place of music and creativity. Many ways to glorify God in this season.

Sunday services have a theme: “Words for the Beginning” from As much as I like coming up with worship ideas, they make some amazing things way beyond my skill level – paintings, poetry, liturgies, children’s curriculums and more. You know I rarely do the Advent verses from the lectionary anymore, as they feel so tone deaf to the season. John the Baptist calling Pharisees a “brood of vipers” and crying about judgment and fire, then Jesus talking about wars and rumors of wars and the beginning of the end….just doesn’t have a whole lot of hope and grace. I know there’s a time and place for all of scripture, and, yes, I know the lectionary comes from a time before December was a month of pre-Christmas everywhere. But this is our world.

So I try to make Advent its own thing, with its own emphasis and meanings. This year we get a collection of quilt patterns, one for the season, which will go on the podium, and one for each Sunday, which will go up front on a stand. Each pattern goes with the theme for the day. The quilt squares play off the idea of new beginnings, how the pieces of who we are, where we come from, what we deal with, sometimes fall apart, but God takes them and makes new beginnings, new starts.

To me, quilt squares perfectly express the back and forth interplay of creativity and structure.

It’s often taught that the two are opposites, that rules and limits stifle and oppress, and that the fullest life is lived with the least restraints. Well, some times. Of course rules can be stifling, and so restrictive that no space is left for anything new. On the other hand, when given no limits, we often don’t know where to start. If I told an art class to paint a family on the lakeshore under a tree, I’d get all sorts of interpretations, but every artist would have to figure out how to make beauty out of that particular scene (Monet made a version; it’s a classic). But if I simply said, “make anything and see you Monday” I would probably get very little. I’m sure someone would try to be clever and hand me an empty canvass and tell me the lack of paint represents the emptiness of his soul being deconstructed of the normative influences of bourgeois society. One might even tape a banana to it and call it something. But I would be suspicious they were having too much fun over the weekend, and the philosophy-babble is just covering up laziness. Limits force you to problem solve, to imagine possibilities, to think of things you haven’t. No-limits creativity doesn’t push you, and you end up with, well, a banana taped to the wall.

I picture so much overlap between good art and engineering. The city comes to the architect and says, “there’s a river this wide, and two roads to connect, and they’re not straight across, and the ground is soft, and you have to put a ship X feet high underneath it, and it can’t all break apart if one section cracks. Go”. That will take a lot of creativity to solve, undoubtedly a good deal of artistic imagination too, so the selection committee likes it.

Structure and limits force creativity. But without variation and creativity, structure becomes stale.

So it comes back around to quilt squares. I imagine it was a challenge to the original artists: how do you express this Bible reading in a quilt, using only straight lines? How do you do it with only a small palette of colors? How do you convey blue, the liturgical color of Advent, with lively colors of hope and opportunity? Now you have to get creative.

This is what it’s all about: not just being able to paint, not being “artsy craftsy” necessarily, but being willing to problem solve and imagine new possibilities within the limits life has given you, using the spiritual gifts God has given you. Worship should be like that: a structure, an architecture, that remains largely the same, but which can be redecorated, repurposed, reimagined from time to time. The predictability of the order gives the security from which to explore and imagine the possibilities of a living God with words of new beginnings.


Pastor Lars

Too Much Information

One thing that always strikes me when I look at old (1950’s and earlier) photos is how well dressed everybody is. All the women in skirts; all the men in suits. Even in the warehouses, or on the ranch, it was still a button-down shirt and wool slacks. Nobody anywhere walked around in long underwear, pajamas, ripped clothes, etc. Those things were clearly for at-home, out of the public eye. The culture had a sense that we have a public face and a private face, and they were separate, and that’s ok. It isn’t “being inauthentic” to have to dress decently in public, and then be frumpy at home. But something changed.

Now, of course, you can see anything and everything at the local big box store. And if you say something, you’re “being judgmental” and “not accepting people for who they really are.” Long underwear in public is your identity? Pajamas in the store is your personality?

My take is that it started in the 1970’s with the emphasis on being “authentic” and “true to yourself”. We were going to sit in a circle, with a group of strangers, and they would poke and pry us emotionally until we opened up about our deepest secrets, and then everyone would spill all their personal beans, and we’d cry and sing kum-ba-ya and smoke some leafy stuff and break free of those social restraints that tell us to behave certain ways in public. From there came the idea that we should never worry about presentation in public, then vulgar language in public, then to dressing however we feel is “truly me”, then to the pajama party in aisle 5.

And you can call me a fuddy duddy or grumpy old man, but I don’t, honestly, want to see that much of you, or always know that much, or have to look at that much. Some things are ok to keep private. If you’re my friend, my lover, the rules are different. If you’re a stranger, some decorum is good.

But this is our culture, where we are told that any self-censoring is oppression and any public face is a form of lying.

Then came the internet.

Now everyone had the tools to “authentically” share their innermost everything with everyone. Shameless self-revelation met free public broadcasting, and the results have not always been pretty.

On the one hand are people who are isolated and bullied being able to find community that’s safe and affirming.

On the other hand is more bullying and attacking and some of darkest thoughts you never thought people could have.

What can work for good can work for evil.

I remember Facebook as a college pastor in the mid 2000’s. It was a way to catch up with your high school friends and get pictures of the grandkids, then it became a place for angry rants and lies generated by Russian hackers to spread hate and division.

The same has become true of all the other forums. 4Chan, said to be a bastion of free speech, has become the favorite of school shooters and terrorists to find other people with creepy, violent fantasies and plans to get validation. That crazy guy who used to rant at the hardware store used to just get the small town telling him to chill. Then he would go back to the basement, alone, to sit with his dark plans by himself. Now he has a computer in his basement, and can share with everyone his plans, and find people all around the globe to validate them and help him find the best way to commit a mass murder.

Some things, I will argue, should not get a public audience.

If you can’t say it in a group of people, to their faces, and have to sit and listen to their reactions, you maybe shouldn’t say it at all. Unless, again, you’re the kid being bullied and you’re looking for support, or the person with a unique disease and you need to find support with others for whom the bloody details are not Too Much Information but part of a constructive conversation.

It’s a good rule to keep: don’t say it online if you wouldn’t say it in person.

But when it’s me behind a keyboard, I don’t have to fear the response. I might get it in the comments, but it’s not the same. Easier to blow off hateful comments than see a reaction to my face. At least in the 1970’s “encounter group” I couldn’t bash everyone there and not have some kickback. I could be authentic, spill TMI, but I still had some accountability.

I have to admit that when I first got on Facebook in the mid 2000’s, it was kinda fun. I found old friends from high school and college and camp. I caught up with people I probably wouldn’t see in person because of distance. I enjoyed the debates about theology, Bible, politics. I even used to like to stir the pot, get things going. Now, I’ve pulled back. The longer it goes, the less I post, and the less I reveal, and the less I say, because I’m no longer feeling that it builds up. It just wears me out. It’s becoming less is more.

This all becomes an issue for us churches, too, as we try to figure out how to promote what we do on social media, while also dealing with the creeps and trolls and haters who want to bring you down. How do you stay positive in an ocean of negativity? How much do you talk about? What do you show?

As a general rule, I don’t post on church sites a lot of pictures of people. I never know how much people want to be posted. And when I do, the faces are often small or hard to see. I try hard to always project a good image, and keep church business off line. I don’t want to see how the sausage is made at my restaurant, nor do people want to see it at church. It’s the nature of public relations that you have to never show weakness, always make everyone think everything’s great – even when it isn’t. Curating an image and brand is a bit of a game in lying by omission. But if I was truly honest, nobody would ever come. They’d go to the place where everything looks perfect.

Martin Luther has a great line about bearing false witness in the small catechism:

You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor.

What does this mean? We should fear and love God so that we do not tell lies about our neighbor, betray him, slander him, or hurt his reputation, but defend him, speak well of him, and explain everything in the kindest way.

We don’t do enough, in my opinion, of remembering the second parts of these explanations – the proactive parts. Christian ethics gets reduced to a list of don’ts, when in fact discipleship is supposed to be active – taking up your cross and following. Yes, don’t lie on the stand, don’t slander people, don’t bully and demean. But that’s passive. Not enough. We should be actively speaking positively of others, building them up, and defending their reputations.

I wish this was how everyone was online. But, alas, that’s for Magical Golden Unicorn Land. More and more it’s the opposite, the airing of too much private information, personal thoughts, and negativity about others. I never thought the Small Catechism would be so relevant. When you see bullying, slander, hate – call it out – then respond by building people up. When you have thoughts that aren’t terribly upbuilding of people, don’t put them online. Don’t participate in the pile-on.

Put on a good public face for Jesus and the church. When you speak up for justice, and build up those in need, and refuse to participate in evil, you do the work of the Gospel.



Pastor Lars,

Seeking the Common Good in Politics

Original ABBA outfits

Last summer on sabbatical, when Kristie and I were in Stockholm, we made sure to visit the most quintessential Swedish thing ever: the ABBA Museum. Yes, there is a museum dedicated to the band. And it’s everything you think it is. There’s the histories of the musicians, a replica of the recording studio, complete with the original soundboard, a theater showing old concerts, and, of course, a whole room with the outfits – all blinged out and flared at the ankles. They were deep in a basement, with no natural light, so as not to destroy all the polyester with the ultraviolet light of the sun.

One exhibit caught my eye, and that was about a later work done by Benny and Bjorn, after the band broke up, called Chess. It’s a musical set during the cold war, a US vs. Soviet chess competition. The assistant to one falls in love with the other player and both love and chaos and politics and heartache ensue. It’s pure ABBA genius.

I’ve been nostalgically listening to some of its numbers on YouTube, and got stuck on a super-ear-worm song called “Nobody’s Side”. Here’s the refrain:

Never make a promise or plan
Take a little love where you can
Nobody's on nobody's side
Never stay too long in your bed
Never lose your heart, use your head
Nobody's on nobody's side

Never take a stranger's advice
Never let a friend fool you twice
Nobody's on nobody's side
Never be the first to believe
Never be the last to deceive
Nobody's on nobody's side
And never leave a moment too soon
Never waste a hot afternoon
Nobody's on nobody's side
Never stay a minute too long
Don't forget the best will go wrong
Nobody's on nobody's side

It's the ultimate personal philosophy of cynical realpolitik. Trust no one. Nothing lasts. No loyalty. Get what you can while you can. All set to ridiculously catchy music.

I see and hear this in the world, and my first question is the same one the kids ask: who hurt you? What horrible thing did people do to you to make you so untrusting and uncaring? In the musical, it was the Soviets who steamrolled her hometown. Of course, love will break through (it’s theater) and the cynicism will melt. It’s not a French noir movie; it’s a Swedish musical.

I imagine a life like this filled with endless chasing of pleasures, and glaring absence of friendship and love. Debauched and lonely, successful and empty, cold but charming. It is, in almost every way, the exact opposite of Jesus. It’s also a good way to succeed in politics.

When I interned in the House of Representatives for a semester, I came in thinking I would find lots of really intelligent and capable people. How else did they get so far? What I found, instead, was a mixed bag. Some really were trying to do good, and some were the most arrogant, rude, selfish, calloused people I’ve ever met. I had to listen to tapes of the guy I worked for because he felt it was beneath him to have to identify himself to staff (even though we rarely saw him). One representative yelled at me with a loud “do you know who I am?” on the phone. Ugh. It was obvious they could turn it on at the state fair, in front of the cameras, and then became monsters when dealing with people for whom there was no transactional gain.

Is this what life is? We’re just individuals in a sea of individuals trying to get what’s best for us?

Are relationships just transactions? Is there no real love? Kindness? Compassion? Common good? And what about higher ideals? Self-sacrifice? Service?  What about that whole cross thing? Giving up everything?

If your view of things is a series of quid pro quos, then Jesus is the ultimate chump. He is the ultimate sucker who teaches us to let others walk all over us and get things from us without getting anything in return. What a wuss.

For those who are transactional, any giving without getting is not just frustrating; it’s humiliation. It’s getting played. It’s getting taken. And you’re convinced that, once the deal’s done, they’re snickering behind your back and laughing at you in disrespect. Giving is just letting people use you. Demand something for everything, then you can walk proudly.

We are in the midst of an election season, as we all know too well. I’ll admit I get tired of it, but I wouldn’t trade it for any other system. I may not always get the results I want, but no gain is worth having a dictator. And I’ll admit, too, that I feel such a deep grief at the total lack of thinking about the common good, the poor and the needy, the disadvantaged, the immigrants and refugees and homeless. The debates end up becoming a race between two people who have to win votes on selfishness: who will get me the most for me?

When did you hear a debate about whose policies will bring the most good to the most poor, and prevent or cure homelessness? They will argue, when pressed, that this or that policy they advocate will have that effect, but that’s ancillary. I don’t hear any “most good for the most people”. It’s always “are you better off than you were under this one?”

The Christian should be looking at the politicians the way Jesus did, through the eyes of the poor and powerless. We should be demanding that the government and corporations work for the betterment of the whole society, and world, to reduce suffering and poverty and environmental destruction. That should be the question. Not who will best satisfy my selfish desires with the least amount of personal sacrifice.

As you know, I’ve been leading a small discussion group on the proposed ELCA social statement Civic Life and Faith. Like all ELCA statements, it moves slowly, building a case with scripture and theology, and moving to specifics. It’s far from radical, but sure to irritate some. It has a lot of talk about the need for Christians to advocate for the “common good” – a phrase that some, mistakenly, think is a code for communism and collectivizing all private property. It’s a slippery-slope argument that makes it impossible to talk about our “collective” responsibility to our neighbors in need. An excerpt from the beginning:

Article 2) In the biblical word shalom (Hebrew word) the Scriptures depict God's goal for creation and point to the nature of God’s ongoing active engagement with it. God’s power and love seeks shalom, the fullness of peace, well-being, goodness, truth, beauty, justice, freedom, wholesomeness, and love woven together for all. This statement is undergirded by that biblical term but in the context of civic life employs other terms such as “the well-being of all” or “the common good” because they are earthly measures toward God’s intention. God’s sovereignty brings forth and sustains the universe and grants creatures their power, even though it often is hidden to human view. God intends that humans use and share the gift of power so that human structures and systems serve the intended well-being of all with good order and justice.

So much here one could unpack, but I want to just highlight a couple ideas for consideration as we go into voting.

First, the idea that we are all in this together, the whole creation, and that peace and fullness exist only when we ALL are experiencing it. The good of all is the good for me. This is not a “if they get something I lose something” – a zero-sum philosophy (which is pointed out later in the statement), but a good for all. There is plenty for all, and one person’s winning is not me losing. It’s about wholeness, not transactional gain.

Second, the line about structures and systems. It’s not just about us, as individuals, minding our business and being nice to the clerk at the checkout counter (which you should be), but it’s about the whole system. Laws and policies can be rigged by the rich and powerful to their benefit, at others’ expense. Being ethical, as a Christian, is more than watching my own worst impulses, but about creating systems where some aren’t forced into poverty by laws and systems that give them no choice. We must seek a wholistic justice.

I could unpack this for ages, and I encourage you to take a look at the full statement again. Suffice it to say that we I believe we need to demand of our politicians a focus on the common good, and creating a wholeness with each other and the environment, a concern for the poor and disadvantaged, and not a transactional view of “what’s in it for me?” Transactional relationships are all about leveraging and using, not about loving and giving. They’re the opposite of Jesus.

Pastor Lars

Engaging Public Life as Christians - September pastor's column

This coming month a few big things will be happening in our church. The first is the Community Service and Family Fun Day on September 8th. You could also call it “Rally Day” or “God’s Work Our Hands” Sunday. It’s all those things. We’re trying to market it to people outside the church, who probably don’t know what Rally Day or God’s Work Sunday is. But we have food, community service projects, and some things for kids: the face painter and Willie the balloon maker are back. BUT… don’t have to have young children to participate!!!! It’s for the whole church, and intended to be an all-church, all-ages, all-community event.

In olden times it was Rally Day, which was the start of Sunday school. It was a kick-off to get kids back into Sunday school and the church program year. We haven’t had a traditional Sunday school for over 13 years; we do our lessons for kids during the sermon at the 10:30am service. Nonetheless, it’s still a fun time to get everyone back together.

And, unless you have been living under a rock, there’s an election coming up. And it’s big. And we will be asked to vote on candidates and a host of propositions and judges and various positions. We will have the opportunity to make change and participate in government, something a lot of the world does not get to do. As Christians, we have values that inform those decisions, but not uniform agreement on exactly what those values are, or what the role of the government is, or how involved the church should be in these matters. Unlike some pastors, I will not tell you which candidate is “appointed by God” and which propositions are “Biblical”, for many reasons. However, I do believe it’s good for us to do more with politics than just have church about personal problems and prayer, and leave the policies and justice discussions for someone else.

So, where does one begin?

The ELCA (The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America), our denomination, puts out social statements from time to time. These are teaching documents, not binding on members (so you don’t have to agree with them to be an ELCA Lutheran). They are not policy documents for congregations. They don’t function with the weight of a Catholic encyclial, say. I’ve done videos on some of the old statements, giving my interpretation of them and introducing them to the people online who might not know that the ELCA exists, or that Christians exist who take social positions that are not reactionary.

Now a new statement is being proposed, and it’s still in the study phase, where people can view it and send back feedback to the committee crafting it. These are not concocted in smoke-filled rooms or in seminary salons. They’re open to the whole church to participate in. It’s called “Civic Life and Faith”. It delves into the issues of engaging issues as a church, faith and public life etc. It has not been ratified, which requires a 2/3 vote of a national assembly.

I decided to do a few study sessions on it to get us started in the conversation, and to be a part of the process. Feedback is open until the end of September. I will host four sessions, in-person, here at church, on September 11, 18, 25, and October 2nd at 6:30pm in the conference room. It’s just a read through and discussion, with no end goal; I’m not aiming to convert to a particular position, just to explore what the social statement committee has come up with.

Peter Muhlenberg. Lutheran Pastor, Revolutionary War hero.

Our history of engagement as Lutherans has been mostly about not-engaging, or selling out. The history is long and sometimes complicated. Lutheran churches in Europe are state churches, paid for by taxes and administered as branches of the government. This has changed in recent years, with the churches becoming moreindependent. It used to be in Sweden, and in England, that a new hymnal needed a vote of parliament. No longer. But with that history, we should not be surprised that bishops were not inclined to bite the hand that feeds them. As much as Martin Luther envisioned a dialectic with the church holding the state accountable, and the state keeping order, and them working back and forth simultaneously as “two kingdoms”, the reality became more one of political union and spiritual separation. Faith was about praying and worshiping and getting to heaven. Politics was the state. So most Lutherans who came to the US stayed out of active politics, with some important exceptions, such as Lutheran pastor Peter Muhlenberg who led troops at Valley Forge under George Washington.

So the history became what theologians now call “quietism” – Christians staying quiet about politics, keeping faith to personal matters and the interior and moral life. When I was in seminary it was a dirty word, and we were admonished constantly to not fall into it, but keep a prophetic witness. Speak the truth to power. Proclaim justice. Name names. It always worked better in principle than parish, where people can choose to leave, or try to run you out if they don’t like your prophecying.

But, and there’s always a but, one can’t forget the German church of the 1930’s. Hitler required an oath from all pastors, his oath, of course, and 98% took it. The Dietrich Bonhoeffers and Martin Niemoller’s were the exception. Yes, they had a prison camp waiting if they didn’t, but most were not doing it with gritting teeth, but with glee. The pastor in Eisleben, at Luther’s family church, where Luther was baptized, had swastikas on his boots under his robes. Because religion was so deeply internalized, it no longer had anything to say to the authorities. It was about making good citizens, with good morals, and not revolutionaries who cause chaos. We look back in such horror at their acquiescence and buy-in, but that’s hindsight. In the moment they were good patriots who loved their country and were proud their leader would make Germany powerful and respected again, the way they believed God wanted it. Their hearts were not initially in antisemitism, at least not openly, but in quietism and a theology that refused to see any contradiction between the Gospel and the desire for the greatness of the nation.

I keep that in the back of my mind, and always hope that we can take a critical view of our own political views, and not fall for the desires of ethno-nationalism and authoritarianism. But it’s hard, because we don’t like to think our views are on the table. It’s “those people” who are out to destroy us. Except Jesus died for them too.

So join me; I think it will be fun. We can model what the rest of the world struggles with: intelligent conversation about religion and public life.

Pastor Lars

Breathe In Breathe Out - August Pastor's Column

Years ago, when I used to do an alternative “Gen X” worship service, I would scour the internet for interesting prayers and meditations to include. Most of them, interestingly, came from England. They had a burst of creativity in the 90’s. One in particular stuck out for me, and I’ve used it for years since.

Breathe in love  - Breathe out hate

Breathe in life  - Breathe out death

Breathe in peace - Breathe out anxiety

Breathe in gentleness - Breathe out tension

Breathe in God’s presence - Breathe out all that distracts you from God

It works best when you sit back and take a bunch of breaths between each section. We tend to have a lot of anxiety, for example, and it can take a bit to get that out.

You know the phrase, “garbage in, garbage out”? This is the reverse of that – it’s choosing to focus on the positive, on the Godly. It’s taking in the good to fill yourself with that, rather than just focusing on the negative. I believe that simply getting rid of the bad by trying to abstain or push away is less effective than replacing the bad with the good. So, rather than just trying to cut back drinking with will power, maybe look at your social calendar and find some social outlets without drinking, and find some hobbies and activities that bring you joy and are sober, and work on identifying and replacing the negativities that you may be trying to not deal with or hide with drinking.

It's the same philosophy I have with kids, that when we simply say, “don’t use drugs” or “don’t sleep around” it can often be counter-productive, making it tempting. But when you have positive things your kids are doing – active in church, serving the poor, connected to family, contributing to the world – then they’re too busy and the destructive behaviors just don’t seem as appealing.

It’s when your life is filled with God and service, the stuff that comes out is positive.

So when life is full of these things that are negative, it can be easy to start becoming negative. When you watch news shows that are full of angry rants and doom-and-gloom prophecies of the end of your way of life and family and apple pie if you don’t stand up and stop XYZ now, you will find that your attitude gets angry and fearful. You become sour and bitter and walk around with a chip on your shoulder. I’ve seen too many people become unhappy with grievances over listening to people who are just that. The process is never instant; we are rarely conscious of it. We’re not good at being self-aware of our emotions as people; they creep up on us. But after a while you meet someone you haven’t seen in a bit, and wonder what happened. Why so mad all the time? He used to be so much fun?

Getting back to kids, this is what we understand when we think of our kids’ peer groups. You know the phrase, “they got involved in the wrong crowd”. And it’s true that to be friends in certain circles you have to conform to things – whether that’s drugs or some other behavior – or face ridicule and ostracizing. We know this with teenagers, but how often do we think of this in our selves? Are the people I hang around with life-giving? Do they build me up? Do they make me more loving, kind, patient, calm, magnanimous? Or something else?

Someone did a study in Colorado a few years ago, where they took liberals from Boulder, and conservatives from Colorado Springs, and put them in a room together to talk politics. When together, and forced to listen to opposing views, they generally took more moderate positions. Nobody converted to the “other side”, but their stances were less strident. When they had them only among like-minded people, their positions became more and more extreme the longer they were together. It was as if just having the echo-chamber to complain to each other made everyone’s views harsher and less tolerant.

So many ways that our thinking is influenced by the voices outside our selves. Time to step back, again, and breath in love, breath out hate…..


A couple weeks ago I preached on Ephesians 3:16-17, and said I’d come back to it

16I pray that, according to the riches of his glory, he may grant that you may be strengthened in your inner being with power through his Spirit, 17and that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith, as you are being rooted and grounded in love.

The words struck me when I read them, not because they were jarring, but because they were so profound. What’s in our inner being? What do we bring into our selves to dwell with? Is it hate? Anger? Resentment? Fear? Or is it the Holy Spirit, filling our hearts with Christ and his ways of love, slowness to anger, forgiveness, service, and justice? Spirituality is just that, it’s breathing in the Spirit, filling yourself with God, and becoming more Jesus-like. Breath in Jesus, breath out anger, hate, revenge, resentment, fear. Breath in Jesus and breath in patience, calm, forgiveness, and love. Surround yourself with things like Jesus and become more like him, when he dwells in your inner being, and your outer being will be more joyful and full of faith.


Pastor Lars

Posters and Laws and Beatitudes - July Pastor's Column

It didn’t take long after the State of Louisiana passed a law requiring the Ten Commandments to be posted in every public school classroom for the predictable social media implosion. On one side were the atheists and secularists freaking out – pulling out (again) Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton quotes about separation of church and state. On the other were the expressions of “finally we’ll get some morals and bring back Christian values to our schools” crowd. I’m sure many hearts and minds were changed immediately by the succinct and stinging truth of the memes 😊. 

As a pastor in a mainline denomination, I find the whole obsession with the Ten Commandments interesting, if a little bit odd. Why that one part of the Bible, out of all 66 books? If you notice, these votes for explicit, public Christianity are always about having those ten rules posted – whether on lawns, state houses, or schools. What’s behind it?

Of course, the meme circulates about why we don’t put up the Beatitudes of Jesus instead. Why not have every kid read:

"Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God.

 21 "Blessed are you who are hungry now, for you will be filled. "Blessed are you who weep now, for you will laugh.

 22 "Blessed are you when people hate you, and when they exclude you, revile you, and defame you on account of the Son of Man.

 23 Rejoice in that day and leap for joy, for surely your reward is great in heaven; for that is what their ancestors did to the prophets.

 24 "But woe to you who are rich, for you have received your consolation.

 25 "Woe to you who are full now, for you will be hungry. "Woe to you who are laughing now, for you will mourn and weep.

 26 "Woe to you when all speak well of you, for that is what their ancestors did to the false prophets.

 27 "But I say to you that listen, Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you,

 28 bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you.

 Luke 6:20-28

Well, the second part, in the Gospel of Luke, is avoided even by most Christians. We don’t like the idea that God is going to punish the rich for being rich in the final judgment. But it is what Jesus said.

The people who ask the question are coming at the it from a totally different perspective than those who want the Commandments posted. If you believe that the underlying problem with America is a lack of religious discipline, family authority, moral regulation – then the Ten Commandments are perfect. They even include explicit commands to obey parents, to not cheat on your spouse, to not kill and steal. If you believe that the root of crime and drugs is kids not obeying parents, parents not disciplining kids, children not respecting authority, and criminals not fearing punishment, then these commands fit in perfectly. We can turn the country around by teaching religious laws.

But there’s a lot of caveat here that many are quick to point out.

There are two versions of the Ten Commandments, one in Exodus 20:1-17, and one Deuteronomy 5:6-21, and the wording and ordering are somewhat different. Translation issues abound. Christian denominations differ in how they interpret the laws. Martin Luther wrote a whole section of his catechism on these, to make sure you understood that they are not just prohibitions against sin, but commands to actively to good to build up your neighbor.  For example, here is his section in the Small Catechism on the eighth commandment: You shall not give false testimony against your neighbour.

What does this mean? We should fear and love God so that we do not tell lies about our neighbour, betray him, slander him, or hurt his reputation, but defend him, speak well of him, and explain everything in the kindest way.

But that’s not getting posted.

Then, of course, you have the establishment clause of the Constitution. The Louisiana law is guaranteed to be contested in court.

But if Jesus is the center of your religion, why not one of his quotes on the walls? Why not some blessings on the poor, meek, persecuted, merciful? Won’t Jesus’ words make better citizens – going around blessing the poor and needy?

Well, that’s a different take on what makes for good citizens. The Beatitudes imply a world of powerful and powerless, rich and poor, oppressor and oppressed, one that is structural and systemic, where the have nots are victims of the social and economic order, and Jesus is promising them blessings in the Kingdom that the rich and powerful will not get. It’s class struggle and revolution. Of course people of a liberal bent would gravitate towards that.

It's the same chicken-and-egg debate we keep having all the time about human behavior.

Do we do what’s good because we fear punishment for doing bad?

Or do we do good because we have sufficient resources and a good system that doesn’t encourage bad behavior?

For example: do people steal from stores because they are lazy and don’t want to work and just want to indulge in drugs? Or, do they steal from stores because they can’t get rent, jobs, treatment, education to be on their own?

Is it possible that both, to some extent, are true?

Is life complicated, and people complicated? You hear of trust-fund babies committing crimes, when they have all the money in the world. And you hear of people improving their lives through better choices after being tired of consequences. Life is not so simplistic.

My own experience with authoritarian teachers and coaches probably poisoned me on this debate. I saw so many abusive power-trips, and so much creative glee by kids finding ways to break the laws, that the whole system soured me. The more you clamp down, the more fun it is to rebel. On the flip side, I’ve seen classes turn into zoos without enough law and order. But when I worked with teachers who had the authority, but chose instead to put their energy into building up students, listening, guiding, encouraging, there were less behavior problems, fewer incidents. The excitement of rebellion was gone.

So I tend to think that, while law and order are needed, they should be the second approach to social problems, after we’ve tried to make sure that everyone has food, water, shelter, education, health care, equal rights, opportunity, affordable housing, transportation. If these were all provided in the best possible way, and then someone still insisted on robbing the corner store, then you could say with confidence that the person is lazy and doesn’t want to work. But if rent requires a job of $45k for the cheapest place, and a first month, last month, security deposit, background check to get in – and minimum wage doesn’t pay half that, have we done enough?

Our theology, as Lutherans, is one of Law and Gospel. We need the law to show us what our sin is. We need the Gospel to show us the path of salvation. Our hearts should fear sin, but also be so filled with God’s grace that we do good out of gratitude, not fear. Jesus’ love should be the motivator, and if we were perfect at it, we would need no law. But we’re not perfect, so the law has to stay. But it’s the church’s job to show and live love so much that we can put the law out of business.

Luther’s view on Law and Gospel is one of the gems of his theology, and one of the most misunderstood. He was a dialectical thinker, meaning that he held both positions simultaneously in tension, and working off each other. It’s not how we normally think. Most of us think in either-or’s, or fractions. We need either law or Gospel. Either police or social programs. Either rehab or jail. Or we believe we need 30% law and 70% Gospel. We need 50% police and 50% social programs etc. But for Luther, people were both at the same time. We have a sinful nature, that’s a part of us, that needs law and authority to teach us what’s right and wrong, and to punish us for violating that. I think he could go way too far with his thoughts on authority, and sometimes have an overly pessimistic view of human nature, such that he disdained peasant rebellions and democracy. But that said, he did not believe that we could simply rise above social problems with the right cocktail of structural change and government spending and empathy.

On the other hand, he was the person who famously criticized the Pope, and challenged his authority, and undermined it. To Luther, Leo X was corrupt and unworthy of the position, and was not teaching the Gospel. Today, most Catholics would probably agree with that sentiment too. He did see authority as needing limits.

So he felt that while the law should hold us accountable, the Gospel should be there equally to remind us of salvation and call us to a higher and more Christ-like life. With all law we become despondent, hopeless. What’s the point if we’re just going to get punished. On the other if we only had the Gospel, then Jesus would be a quaint and nice teacher of interesting things, who needlessly died a death he could have prevented. He could have accomplished his stuff by writing his manual on love and ethical behavior (and gone on the marry Mary Magdalene or whatever). The Gospel is nothing without the law to teach us what sin is. The law is nothing if there is no way to be redeemed. They need to both exist, fully, simultaneously, until Jesus returns. Only then will we be able to live in a world so perfect that we won’t need the law. Until then, we live in a tension of both-and.

You can imagine how this takes a little bit to wrap your brain around, and why it’s easier to default to a polar position of one or the other.

When I look at countries around the world, you have several examples of law: Saudi Arabia, Brunei, North Korea, China, Cuba. These places have low crime, clean streets, order. But we all know there’s a price, and very few people are moving to these places because of it. On the other hand, we have examples of countries that have invested in preventative measures, programs, social safety nets – Sweden, France, Germany, New Zealand – and they have people flocking to get in. Yes, they still have police. In fact, one thing I noticed in Sweden last summer was the increased police presence, and their open carrying of firearms. This used to be something they would brag about not needing. Then I landed in Stockholm and saw the guards with AK-style weapons walking around the airport, and knew that times had changed. Nobody has no police or laws or prisons, but many places have tried to invest in both the “soft” measures as well as the “hard” punitive ones.

We live in this tension, needing both at the same time.

My question for those in Louisiana is: why only the Ten Commandments, and not also the Beatitudes? If the kids need to be reminded of their sins, why not also remind them about God’s abundant love and compassion for those most downtrodden? If it’s about being Christian, why not also have Jesus’ words?

I would argue the theology behind the legislation is missing half the equation: the Gospel. Laws without it rarely change much. Think of a kids who grow up in homes with tons of love and support: do they get in as much trouble as kids who grow up in loveless houses with harsh belt lashings ? We know the answer. You can’t have all love and no law, or you’ll get walked over. But law without love is just being cruel, and will lead to rebellion or self-harm.

It's my position that the Ten Commandments in classrooms thing is a short-cut, a way to try to reform behavior without doing the hard work (and spending the tax money) on the soft preventative measures, fixing unjust systems and providing social supports. In fact, the state of Louisiana is not even paying for the actual posters with the Ten Commandments – they’re soliciting donations!!

And as for their efficacy, I don’t think a whole lot of kids would actually change their behavior if they saw them on a school wall. The fact that the government posted it would make it exciting to rebel against. It would be a fun target to desecrate when the teacher isn’t looking, or a bingo card to brag about violating and not getting caught. It would be like the “don’t use drugs” posters they put up when I was kid. It made drugs more cool and fun. I also don’t think posting them will change any of the fundamental problems behind why kids get in trouble. Broken families, violent neighborhoods, proliferation of weapons - none of that will be changed by the posters. It won’t make kids want to go to church, or believe in Jesus if they don’t already.

The love of Jesus changes lives. I believe this. I have seen it. Hardened criminals have turned their lives around. Enemies have reconciled. People find hope. It’s real and not just in your head. But love does not come disembodied. It has to be experienced through someone. Posters are things. They cannot love. But people can love, and share their faith, and talk about Jesus. This is the church’s job, maybe our biggest job. The state has the power to enforce and teach laws, but it cannot love. It cannot care. It cannot show you your worth and dignity. This must be done by people, and that is our calling.


Pastor Lars

Being in a Denominational Church

Being in a Denominational Church

Pastor’s Column for the June, 2024 newsletter

This month is our annual synod assembly again up in Mesa. I’ll be there June 14-15th to cast votes on resolutions, listen to speakers, and, this year, to vote on who will be the bishop. Our synod, called the Grand Canyon Synod, has been led for the past 6 years by Rev. Deborah Hutterer. Here first term is up and she will be running again.

Holy Communion setup at Love of Christ Lutheran Church, Mesa, AZ

A bishop here can serve two terms, and is elected by “ecclesial ballot”. Basically, everyone at the synod assembly writes a name for who they want to be bishop. It can be any pastor in good standing in the ELCA. They don’t have to live here.  If one person gets 75% or more of the vote they are elected right away. If no one has that much, it goes to a second ballot, or a third, and so on until one person is elected. (I can never remember the exact percentages needed with each round, but the crowd thins each time).

The idea behind it is to reduce the influence of campaigning and leave more room for the Holy Spirit. Some people do, of course, try to get their names out there, and having name recognition in the synod always helps. There has certainly been a tendency to elect bishops from larger urban churches because people know them, but that’s not a hard rule.

All of it will make things more interesting. Synod assemblies, once upon a time, were huge events that went most of a week. People would submit multiple resolutions, followed by loud and contentious debates. Local newspapers would send a press corps. In the 70’s it was the Viet Nam war resolutions, then nuclear war in the 80’s, then in the 90’s and early 2000’s it was same sex marriage and ordination. I remember lines of people cued up to debate pro or con changing the policies, complete with accusations, crying, anger, emotional pleas etc.

Then in 2009 the ELCA approved a social statement on sexuality, along with a policy change for ordination, that allowed same-sex marriage and ordination, and we had more than a few people leave – much as is happening now with the United Methodist Church. Since then, assemblies have been quick, with few resolutions. Part, I’m sure, is the lack of such hot-button issues. But I also suspect people got burned out with the sexuality debates, and after being so stressed with congregational conflicts and then covid battles, nobody wants to debate much.

Bishop Deborah Hutterer of the Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA

It's all part of being a church in a denomination, which they nickname the “mainline” today. In the 1950’s most people belonged to denominational churches. Now that number has shrunk to a minority. Instead, as you can see in NW Tucson, non-denominational churches have proliferated. They have trendy names that don’t sound particularly religious and are mostly conservative-Baptist in their politics and theology. Lord of Grace is a bit of an outlier in this regard.

There are reasons for the growth-decline trends. Mainline churches have done plenty of resting on past history and getting lazy, but it’s much more than that. I believe one of the biggest drivers towards non-denominationalism is the way people function in community.

Mainline churches are set up like democracies. We have meetings where everyone gets a voice and vote, and we know we won’t always get what we want. Not everyone will like every new initiative or agree with all the items in the budget, but it’s always been assumed that we would stay with our church and  support it even if it didn’t always go our way. And we always understood that democratic process involves meetings, discussions, debates, and time investment. Changes can take time, compromises get made, actions get delayed, but that’s how it works.

Taking a vote at the 2023 Grand Canyon Synod Assembly in Oro Valley, AZ

If you look around our world, participation in organizations is declining across the board. Social groups like Masons or Moose or Elks are shrinking. Non-profits are getting fewer regular volunteers. People are simply less interested in investing the time in process or belonging to groups that require it. Instead, it’s more what we call “vote with your feet”, where if you don’t like it, you just go. You probably don’t lodge a protest or try to talk to anyone before you go; you just leave and look for somewhere else that’s more to your liking.

We do this with restaurants. If I don’t like the food, I’m not going to volunteer to be on a committee to meet weekly for several months with the restaurant owner and chef to develop a new menu, which would then be voted on by the customers. I just leave and try somewhere else. When new ownership comes, I might try it again, see if it’s changed, but I’m not spending my time to fix it.

This attitude carries over to church. Rather than invest in a democratic process to change what you might not like, people are more likely to just move somewhere else.

There is some good in this. I have known people who are so miserable in the church they’re in, constantly fighting things, being angry, blocking, complaining, when they could just go down the road and be content. If I weren’t a pastor, and moved into a new town, I would shop around a little before joining a church. If they taught fundamentalism, creationism, or complementarianism (where women submit to husbands but we say that the obedience is “complementary” to the man’s authority and therefore equal – I guess), or anti LGBTQ sermons, I wouldn’t go. If they gave my kids dirty looks in worship when they talked, I’d move on

On the other hand, it’s hard as a church leader to always stay ahead of everyone’s felt needs and opinions. You try to listen, stay in touch, know what’s going on, but you can’t read minds. It makes church members more like customers, less like family members in community. If we really love each other and care for each other, then leaving will be a last resort, not the immediate go-to. In a community, you’ll make the point of getting involved in the process because you have a commitment to the church. If you’re a customer, it’s commitment until something better comes along.

But I wouldn’t change being in a denomination for the alternative. Yes, I’m biased, but I have seen what happens to churches that leave the ELCA and go independent. They usually do fine for the first few years, then, when the pastor retires or leaves, they struggle to find someone new. Then, there’s an exodus of people who don’t like the new pastor, and the place is dead in a generation. They struggle to outlive the founding pastor’s personality. Mainline churches have more resilience this way.

I also like having a bit of a buffer on things with the synod office. You can’t just fire a pastor with a council vote (I like that, of course). You can’t just sell land. You can’t just leave the denomination (without a lengthy process). You can’t just do a lot of things. There’s a process to keep the most extreme actions from being done quickly, and force people to take time to debate and discuss it. Things done in the heat of the moment are rarely done wisely.

So we will see how this synod assembly goes. I am the designated photographer, so I get to get up from the table and walk around to take pictures. (You can see my photos from 2023 here). I will be more excited at some speakers than others. I will enjoy catching up with colleagues, and hearing some news, and know that I’m a part of something bigger than just one church, and that we can do a lot of these things we do better when we live in community. I will enjoy watching the balloting process for a new (returning?) bishop. I will also surely get frustrated at some opinions voiced, some statements made, some things other churches are doing that I disagree with. But I am a part of a community, we are a part of a community, and we don’t walk out on each other without really taking time to turn over stones first.


Pastor Lars

Of Spirits and Trees and a Richer Life in Nature

Last July, while on sabbatical, I had the fortune of visiting the old Viking burial mounds, and the 1000 year old church, at Old Uppsala in Sweden. In Viking days, it was the seat of kings and a place of religious ceremonies and celebrations. The early missionaries, after the kings had converted to Christianity, built the first church on what they believed was a “pagan temple” or a sort of “pagan cathedral” – a symbolic replacing of the old with the new. You can still see the church, rebuilt a couple times because of fires, which is a working parish church with Sunday services.

The Viking burial mounds at Old Uppsala, Sweden

Of course, as you tour the area you read on the displays that modern archaeology and historical research has not been able to back up the claims of the missionaries that the place was a center of animal sacrifices, nor did it have a sort of “pagan cathedral”. They have found none of the mass collections of bones where they were supposed to be, nor did Viking religion even have cathedrals and temples.

Those medieval bishops can be somewhat forgiven for not understanding the nature of Scandinavian paganism; it was such a different worldview from theirs - an enchanted universe where everything in creation had spirits and powers and meanings. The gods were not particularly caring, just powerful. Thor and Odin would never talk about “abiding in love”, just a lot about bravery and war. It lacked centralization – so people practiced sacrifices all over the country, at different times, without a central organization or priesthood. Yes, some were closer to the gods, or knew more, or had more visions, but nobody got certified. Each chieftain practiced in each place as he saw fit.

Old Uppsala Church, built on the site of a former Viking building, probably a long house.

What was believed to be a “pagan temple” was probably just a “Long House” that would have hosted festivals (read: drinking and gift-giving parties), sheltered people at times, and been a community gathering space. It was where the king would hold court, so putting the church there, surrounded by the mounds of buried long ships and treasures, was symbolic that Christianity was the new central theme in town.

Having studied some of the history of my pagan ancestors, both Irish and Swedish, it intrigues me to see young generations romanticizing the old ways. If you listened to the neo-pagan memes, you would think it was some sort of egalitarian utopia of spirituality and nature connection. In fact, the Vikings could be very violent and practiced slavery. They had kings, rigid social classes, and an economy dependent on plunder. But the part that the neo-pagans do get right is that the universe was not separated from the gods and the spirits, but intimately connected to them.

Inside the church in Old Uppsala.

It's that sense of connection that they’re longing for, more so than Odin and Thor and Loki. That’s why they’re best called “neo-pagans”, because they practice a highly edited and cherry-picked version of the old religion that keeps the nature and skips the slavery, plundering, and hierarchies.

But it wasn’t Christianity that killed the connection with nature or the spirit world. If you went back to medieval Europe, people very much believed spirits, both good and bad, inhabited everything. The rain, the crops, the trees, were all full of them. Angels and demons roamed everywhere, and visions and dreams were still considered messages from God. Where you got in trouble with the church was if you tried to summon those nature spirits for power over others with curses; that was witchcraft (and, yes, a good deal of those accusations were totally bogus and just about property disputes and such). But the world was still very much an enchanted place full of divinity and power.

What broke that connection was the Enlightenment and the advent of modern science. They taught that miracles don’t happen, God doesn’t heal things, angels are fantasy, demons are nonsense, and if God exists, he’s outside the world, never interacting. This forced scientists to explore nature and not fall back on “the gods made it happen” every time they couldn’t answer the question. But it also made nature meaningless, spirit-less, just molecules arranged through natural selection and physics. Just things.

And when nature became just things, we became separated from it, and could now trash it or exploit it without feeling bad. There’s no “essence” or “spirit” in that redwood. It’s just cells – cells that can make me a good profit if I chop it up. There’s no “meaning” to the wetland, so let’s just drain it and build another 5,000 houses, etc. etc.

Seeing the destruction of nature, and feeling the disconnect, a lot of people are asking if something was lost when we took the spirituality out of the world. Are we killing off a part of our selves, and our experience of life, when we see everything as meaningless material objects?

This certainly goes against the experience we all have when we are in nature, and we talk about the effect it has on us, and how we feel refreshed and healed being in it in ways that can’t be explained with just molecules. A lot of modern Americans sense this, and know that there must be more out there than a cold world of particles, but they don’t want to get involved in church, so they call themselves “spiritual but not religious”. It’s a sort of “take the parts of religion you want without the commitment or beliefs or community or practices or expectations”. It’s having the connection with a world of meaning and value and spirits, without doing anything or believing anything. Or you can call it “neo paganism” and have essentially the same thing.

When I was going through seminary in the 1990’s we would debate how to get the people back in church. The families were led by baby boomers who probably had some church connection and believed in God, but found the organization “boring” and “irrelevant”. In came the “seeker-sensitive” churches to make it “fun” and “relevant” with music and lights and sermons about daily life. There was a lot of excess, and some good corrective. Many places were boring and took people’s attendance for granted and gave sermons about esoteric points of doctrine and a lot of sin and hell. So the seeker-sensitive model was supposed to be the solution to evangelism problems, and so contemporary worships were started and life-groups that focused on specific felt-needs and sermons series’ about things like marriage and finances. And some of it worked, and a lot of good came out of it – including a lot of good music.

But the decline in church attendance and belief in God continued.

Now, I believe, we’re in a new phase where the problem is not that church isn’t relevant; it’s that the church is seen as moving you away from nature and experience, and obsessing with life after death. People are longing for connection with the divine, and to find experiences of transcendence, and are asking questions about meaning and value. It’s just that churches bought into the enlightenment ideas that God was not present in the world, but was outside it, in heaven. God was not filling us with dreams and visions, but telling us what vices to avoid, what words not to say, what clothes not to wear, what substances not to inhale, and promising us a place in the other world after we die.

The churches turned their eyes to the beyond nature, while the culture turned their eyes back in.

So our struggle today is not so much about style or packaging or marketing. Those things matter, but only with people who already believe and are shopping for a new church. It’s about bringing God back into the experience of life and nature today. It’s not about teaching how to prevent sin, but bringing back the enchantment with the world where the divine is seen and felt and heard in the world. It’s about finding a richer, fuller, more meaningful, more spiritual life today. It’s about getting more joy and more healing and more presence now.

So a better question to pose is: how do we structure our church and community life in such a way that we help people experience God, find more richness and meaning, more connection to the divine, more spiritual encounter, more living?

Our role needs to be more as guides to experiencing a fuller life through Jesus, not denying life today for a better one later.

I believe that when we become a place, a community, that disciples and guides people to that experience, we will have a better future as a church.

The labyrinth from the prayer retreat on April 20th. It’s an ancient spiritual practice that is even built into the floors of some of the medieval cathedrals. The idea is that walking in the pattern focuses the soul on the Holy Spirit, and allows for greater encounter with God. Many of us do, in fact, prayer better moving than sitting still.

What about Lord of Grace?

I got thinking about all this as I reflected on the April 20th prayer retreat that our Prayer Ministry put on. I intentionally stayed out of it, for a couple reasons. First, the leaders are plenty capable and don’t need my input. Secondly, I didn’t want the presence of THE PASTOR to cause people to defer to me, rather than embracing their own experience of the Holy Spirit. Encountering God is not something reserved for professionals, but something for everyone. I want to empower that.

The prayer wall from 2023 Advent services. Meant to imitate the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem where people roll up and squeeze their prayers, here we do the same thing with colored paper and a mesh of plastic chicken wire from Tractor Supply. Either way we make the encounter of God and selves through our actions, bringing our prayers in person, to put our whole selves into the experience.

Then I heard the reports of all the people, the speakers, the prayers, the people giving me testimonials of how it changed them – it just warmed my heart. This is exactly the kind of things that we need as people – time to experience the Spirit today. In fact, people came from outside our congregation just to be a part. The spiritual hunger is real. The marketing trick is letting people know that this is the place you can find it; you don’t need to return to Odin and Thor or the Fairies Of The Trees And Bogs to find it.

In all we do, I hope we can have great experiences that make life richer and fuller and more divine. Whether that’s in just getting some joy out of line dancing or throwing balls at community days, sharing our pains and concerns in small groups, delving into art or creative projects, or just getting lost in the music. It’s what guides so much of what I’m always trying to do.

I have in my head a slogan, or tagline, of “Lord of Grace: finding the richness of the experience of Jesus in the life today” – something like that. It’s unofficial, but helps guide where I believe God is calling us today - to find him in the world and make a fuller life. It is what Jesus said,

“I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly” - John 10:10


Pastor Lars

Christ and Culture - April Pastor's Column

In the last four years I’ve done several different online videos to increase the reach of our church – everything from short expositions on the Psalms, to online meditations, to reviews of ELCA social statements and Biblical criticism. It’s been a bit of a hit and miss in terms of getting views and responses. Mostly miss. The algorithms that control YouTube and Facebook are unforgiving, and tend to reward the more controversial or sensational videos, which is clearly not me. That said, one series I did last year on Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s ideas on secular society and “religionless Christianity” took off. They’re the most viewed (the first one has over 5400) and the source of most of the new subscriptions to the Lord of Grace YouTube channel. I didn’t anticipate this, but it makes sense. Evangelicals have been working hard to appropriate Bonhoeffer, a Lutheran/Reformed pastor from Germany, and revise the narrative so that he becomes the doctrinally conservative evangelical who dared to stand up to Hitler where the wishy-washy liberals did nothing. Of course, that’s not correct, for many reasons, enough to warrant a 12-part series. But their sudden interest drove traffic to the sight, and I got a lot of emails, and even phone calls, from people responding, most thanking me for clarifying and calling out the appropriation.

 So I thought I’d try another series based on the thoughts of another old theologian (the kind I know best) that seemed strangely timely: H. Richard Niebuhr. He wrote more about sociology issues, such as how denominations were more about economic class and ethnicity than theology, but also about culture, as in, “Christ and Culture” from 1951.  It’s a short, accessible, classic that lines most of the shelves of pastors a couple generations back. In it, he details six different ways people have construed the relationship of Christ to culture. They run the gambit from being opposed (Christ Against Culture) to syncretistic (Christ of Culture) to the Christ and Culture in Paradox of St. Paul and Martin Luther. Look for them on the church YouTube and Facebook pages, Thursday mornings at 10am

H. Richard Niebuhr

This series is proving far more difficult to produce than Bonhoeffer, precisely because Niebuhr engages the both-ands and back-and-forths of a relationship that is messy and often ill-defined for most of us. Is Jesus the fulfiller of culture? Does Jesus make culture better? Should we build a Christian Culture? Does the culture have things to teach us? Or is that “caving to culture”?

I will confess that what has driven my interest in the topic is two things. The first is the 2009 vote in the ELCA to create a new social statement on human sexuality. We know well how it led to losses and battles, with a common refrain being that we, the ELCA, had “caved to culture” and were letting it dictate our beliefs, not the Bible. The refrain then went out from those wanting to gain members from ELCA churches, “Come to our church. We believe in the Bible”. I thought we believed in Jesus, and the Bible taught us about him? But I get what they’re saying: The ELCA doesn’t take literally the passages we take literally so they are giving in and letting secular, liberal, modern society dictate beliefs.

And it’s a legitimate concern that I don’t brush off lightly. Just because an idea is new, popular, gaining momentum, promoted in universities, doesn’t necessarily mean the church should adapt it. On the other hand, it doesn’t mean we should necessarily reject it - that’s reactionary. And wasn’t one of the complaints about Jesus from the priests that he was teaching people not to obey the traditions and corrupting the youth? Wasn’t reacting to change and trying to shut it down part of why Jesus was killed? Should we not learn that sometimes God calls prophets into our midst to challenge and revise our stances?

Or, better yet, how do we even know that the stances we have really are Gospel, and not themselves culture?

The second concern is the growing talk I hear about America being a “Christian nation” and the need to restore Christianity to the government. This isn’t new. I’ve heard about how removing prayer from public schools was the cause of drugs and debauchery in kids for years. I’ve even heard it said that if we taught Bible in schools we’d prevent school shootings. This desire for a sort of religious nationalism betrays the anxieties of Christians who watch the kids and grandkids quit church, and watch comedians mock the Bible, and worry about the future of the faith in a culture that varies from indifferent to hostile to mocking. It’s understandable, but a little reactionary. Christianity has grown, and does grow, in cultures hostile to it. There are ways. Chinese and Iranian Christians do it with no help from their governments. We don’t need to make a Christian culture to make a Christian church.

 I read a book by a Chinese Australian Evangelical. It was about evangelism. He’s not a liberal, by any means, and proudly wears the evangelical label. One point really sat with me: in Asia and Australia evangelicals support gun control and government health care. Vast majorities. And they read the same Bible. And they play the same praise songs. And they talk about marriage as one-man-one-woman and believe in substitutionary atonement and literal miracles etc. etc. Yet, on these two issues, they take a different stance. Could it be that we are taking things from our culture and mixing them with the Gospel? Since the Asian churches are growing, maybe we should listen to their wisdom.

 But it gets back to the issue of being aware of the ways we incorporate beliefs from our culture into our worldview as Christians without taking the time and effort to critically examine whether or not they are really Gospel and really reflect Jesus. To be a little both-sider-ist, on the leftist extreme there are still Christians who tout Karl Marx’s views as fundamentally Christian and solid in theory, but that were just ruined by bad apples (Stalin, Mao, etc.). They’re few, but the idea of communist Jesus has not died. Most liberal Christians have been more focused on reform efforts like unions, workers rights, opposing racism, and the environment than collectivizing the means of production. But those who went full communist also incorporated into their Christian worldview things that were not the Gospel.

So it gets really complicated, really fast.

 Which is why we need to take a few weeks to go back and forth and examine the different positions, and take a critical look at ourselves and what we believe and practice, and see what parts of our stances are really Gospel, before jumping out and declaring that we are not caving to culture, when what we really mean is “those Christians are caving to culture”. How often does  “Christ is counter-cultural” really mean “Christ is counter their-culture”?

None of us are pure Christians. To be so would imply that we own nothing, give away everything, love all enemies, serve the poor, and get martyred for opposing state oppression. Few of us rise to Jesus’ level of love and sacrifice. Just admitting our mixed-ness with the culture is good, if only to be humbling and less reactionary or judgmental.

Part of what I have seen as my mission here, or mission in ministry in general, is to help us all have a more reflective, self-aware, critical-thinking, experiential, kind of faith. I want us to have the examined faith, the faith that has put itself to the test and still sees the power and hand of God in life. I don’t want us to be unreflective and afraid to look in the mirror and wonder why we believe what we do. I don’t want us to be scared to see the flaws in our own arguments, or the limits of our knowledge. I don’t see my job as purely to reassure certainties and provide the comfort of absolutes.

I know the examined faith life is hard, and not always a pleasant journey. It doesn’t feel good to realize you’ve been following something just because you were taught that, and not because you have tested it and owned it. It’s hard to think that my views are culturally conditioned, even my views on God, and know that I would probably see Jesus differently if I’d grown up elsewhere. But I would not want to go back to the unexamined faith. I want to be like Jesus, who both upheld and reformed the laws of his people. 

I’ve done a few of these studies already on Thursday mornings. They’re still on YouTube and Facebook. I worry that I ramble going back and forth to cover the complexity of the topic. But it’s been fun. I hope you’ll  check them out, and that they’ll help you on your journey of being a Christian in this American/Arizonan culture today.

God Bless,

Pastor Lars

An Announcement about Announcements by Pastor Lars

As I’m sure you’ve noticed these past couple months, the narthex has undergone some transformation. This is the first time since 2013 that it’s been changed. Back then we added the leather/fake leather seating and the brown carpet. The intention was to make a lobby area, like at hotels, with big, comfortable seats, almost like a living room, as well as to absorb sound in a room with a chronic echo.

As the years went by, things got added, until the room became filled. We had book shelves, rows of extra chairs, occasional sign-up tables, etc. It all contributed to a cluttered and somewhat disorganized look.

One of the goals of the worship committee in the strategic plan was to redesign the narthex to be more welcoming for visitors and guests to the church. So a team was created, and so we came up with new plans. The room was going to serve two primary purposs:

1) welcome visitors and make them feel comfortable,

2) facilitate fellowship, conversation, and relationship building after the 10:30am contemporary service.

The first is obvious; people often judge you on first impressions, and lowering anxiety for visitors helps our growth. The second comes from the fact that people rarely make the turn into the fellowship hall, after the second service, for fellowship – like they do after the early service. We’ve had refreshments and coffee outside, which has helped, but the weather isn’t always conducive to that.

But, we had to figure out how to balance those needs with the operations of the church and our ministries. We collect things for local kids, charities, mission projects. We have things that require sign-ups (such as the Maundy Thursday Agape Meal). These are also important. And while online sign-ups and recruiting are the way of the future, responses to those attempts here have been slow. The paper still is king.

So we cleared out all sorts of stuff, removing some things completely and relocating others, such as the Marana Food Bank donation cabinet – which is in the hallway to the fellowship hall. I’m still looking for a good home for the oak memorial book table that sat in the corner by the front door for 22 years. We will still record the names of memorial gifts in it, and keep it in the office, but felt it was not needed there.

The room then looked empty as we started filling it back in with new furniture which, surprise surprise, did not come immediately. I am hoping we’ll have all the chairs and things on back order set up by summer.

The narthex team deliberately wanted to go with a modern look, with a bit of a younger appeal. Hence the tall tables for putting your coffee and refreshments on while you stand and chat, the modern furniture, and hopefully some new coffee supplies.

For sign-ups, I have found that when we put up a table in the narthex right where people come out it blocks off 3/4 of the narthex to fellowship. People rarely walk around a sign-up or recruitment table to converse. Instead, they keep going out the door. Our solution, then, is the large sign-up table now by the windows to the sanctuary. The Rev. Paul Hammar made it out of old pew wood. It stands high to be easy to sign and read standing, and is prominent enough to be seen, yet not in the way of traffic. From now on, all sign-ups will need to be on that table, or outside on the patio if you need a full table. This clears up the old credenza to be the “welcome table” that focuses just on things for visitors (and the credit card machine until we remove it this summer).

It’s always a balance between the needs of the church and the need to welcome. We need people to sign up, and we need visitors to not feel like they’re being recruited the second they walk in the door. I think we have a good one, and it will get better as we continue to live into and make adjustments.

This also applies to the subject of pastoral announcements at the beginning of the service. We need to welcome visitors, make people feel at home in the church, let them know about fellowship and prayer concerns and things that would be of immediate concern for people new to the church. At the same time, we do need people to volunteer for things like clean-up day. What to do?

I have, lately, leaned more and more towards trying to keep the verbal announcements short. It’s easier in the summer than spring. When a lot is going on, every group wants me to mention their project. Sometimes if I forget, I get blamed for the lack of attendance. But I have to balance that with visitors being overwhelmed with information and things-we-want-you-to-do. People’s attention spans are also not great, and more than the first three or four announcements and most have tuned out or will forget. So I have been trying to mention things only the Sunday before, and keep it to all-church events. I don’t mention when confirmation class is that night, or each committee meeting, those you have to find in the newsletter and on the church calendar. I do mention special services, all church events, and outreach projects. I think it makes a good impression on visitors to see us doing a lot for the poor and needy.

So if I don’t mention your activity a lot, or try to push it off to later, it’s not because I’m trying to squash anyone’s ministry. It’s that I want visitors to get the best possible first impression, and come back again. If they don’t, we won’t have people to do ministry. But it’s nothing personal.

As for the slides before service….

Each slide is custom-made and runs on the screen (wall) and online on a loop of 15 seconds. This is to get as many slides across people’s eyes, especially online, where we only have 5 minutes of livestream before the service starts. We can be a bit more flexible with how long we run them, and run things a few weeks ahead if we want. I still try not to have too many, so people tune out.  Again, these are mostly for big events and projects, or special church-year and liturgical things, such as a new sermon series, feast day, or special services coming up. Because of the short time run, they need to be like billboards, with very few words and obvious graphics. Small fonts, lots of text, complex images, low color contrast, will be hard to see and read. Think what you see on the way to Phoenix: three or four words max and a picture.


Of course, if everyone read the emailed newsletter and took out their calendars and entered all the church events they were interested in for the month at the beginning of each month, then I wouldn’t have to announce much of anything. But that’s not how it works. Nonetheless, we have even more flexibility in this publication, as content volume is unlimited. We can put in as many articles as we want. If they’re one paragraph or less, the whole thing usually goes in the email. If it’s longer, we post the full article on the news blog of the church web site, where we can be as long as we want. I do this, rather than publish the full article in the email, so the scrolling does not get so long people stop halfway down. This way people can scroll through the email, and if it piques their attention, they can click the “read more” which takes them to the web site full article.

I make one exception to this: church business. For example, the council minutes, constitutional changes, financial documents – basically all the “how the sausage is made” stuff that’s necessary and important but a big turn-off to a lot of people who disdain “church politics”. While I could respond that every organization everywhere has politics, and every one of them has debates about money and control, somehow in churches it’s a real visitor-chaser-awayer. I also don’t feel those things belong on the web site, for people completely detached from the church to grab, download, and repost out of context. The whole world does not need to know salary information, even in the aggregate with no names. So these sort of internal documents I have put in .pdf form to be read by the people getting the email. Yes, they could forward or publicly post it; I can’t control that. But we don’t need to put it out there in a world full of internet trolls.

Our strategies are sure to keep changing as technology and culture keep changing. I appreciate everyone’s patience as we keep trying new things and adapting. It’s my hope that we can continue to put our best foot forward for people visiting the church, while at the same time staying active in our ministries.

Pastor Lars

An Announcement about Announcements by Pastor Lars

As I’m sure you’ve noticed these past couple months, the narthex has undergone some transformation. This is the first time since 2013 that it’s been changed. Back then we added the leather/fake leather seating and the brown carpet. The intention was to make a lobby area, like at hotels, with big, comfortable seats, almost like a living room, as well as to absorb sound in a room with a chronic echo.

As the years went by, things got added, until the room became filled. We had book shelves, rows of extra chairs, occasional sign-up tables, etc. It all contributed to a cluttered and somewhat disorganized look.

One of the goals of the worship committee in the strategic plan was to redesign the narthex to be more welcoming for visitors and guests to the church. So a team was created, and so we came up with new plans. The room was going to serve two primary purposs:

1) welcome visitors and make them feel comfortable,

2) facilitate fellowship, conversation, and relationship building after the 10:30am contemporary service.

The first is obvious; people often judge you on first impressions, and lowering anxiety for visitors helps our growth. The second comes from the fact that people rarely make the turn into the fellowship hall, after the second service, for fellowship – like they do after the early service. We’ve had refreshments and coffee outside, which has helped, but the weather isn’t always conducive to that.

But, we had to figure out how to balance those needs with the operations of the church and our ministries. We collect things for local kids, charities, mission projects. We have things that require sign-ups (such as the Maundy Thursday Agape Meal). These are also important. And while online sign-ups and recruiting are the way of the future, responses to those attempts here have been slow. The paper still is king.

So we cleared out all sorts of stuff, removing some things completely and relocating others, such as the Marana Food Bank donation cabinet – which is in the hallway to the fellowship hall. I’m still looking for a good home for the oak memorial book table that sat in the corner by the front door for 22 years. We will still record the names of memorial gifts in it, and keep it in the office, but felt it was not needed there.

The room then looked empty as we started filling it back in with new furniture which, surprise surprise, did not come immediately. I am hoping we’ll have all the chairs and things on back order set up by summer.

The narthex team deliberately wanted to go with a modern look, with a bit of a younger appeal. Hence the tall tables for putting your coffee and refreshments on while you stand and chat, the modern furniture, and hopefully some new coffee supplies.

For sign-ups, I have found that when we put up a table in the narthex right where people come out it blocks off 3/4 of the narthex to fellowship. People rarely walk around a sign-up or recruitment table to converse. Instead, they keep going out the door. Our solution, then, is the large sign-up table now by the windows to the sanctuary. The Rev. Paul Hammar made it out of old pew wood. It stands high to be easy to sign and read standing, and is prominent enough to be seen, yet not in the way of traffic. From now on, all sign-ups will need to be on that table, or outside on the patio if you need a full table. This clears up the old credenza to be the “welcome table” that focuses just on things for visitors (and the credit card machine until we remove it this summer).

It’s always a balance between the needs of the church and the need to welcome. We need people to sign up, and we need visitors to not feel like they’re being recruited the second they walk in the door. I think we have a good one, and it will get better as we continue to live into and make adjustments.

This also applies to the subject of pastoral announcements at the beginning of the service. We need to welcome visitors, make people feel at home in the church, let them know about fellowship and prayer concerns and things that would be of immediate concern for people new to the church. At the same time, we do need people to volunteer for things like clean-up day. What to do?

I have, lately, leaned more and more towards trying to keep the verbal announcements short. It’s easier in the summer than spring. When a lot is going on, every group and every events wants me to mention their project. Sometimes if I forget, I get blamed for the lack of attendance. But I have to balance that with visitors being overwhelmed with information and things-we-want-you-to-do. People’s attention spans are also not great, and more than the first three or four announcements and most have tuned out or will forget. So I have been trying to mention things only the Sunday before, and keep it to all-church events. So I don’t mention when confirmation class is that night, or each committee meeting. Those you have to find in the newsletter and on the church calendar. I do mention special services, all church events, and outreach projects. I think it makes a good impression on visitors to see us doing a lot for the poor and needy.

So if I don’t mention your activity a lot, or try to push it off to later, it’s not because I’m trying to squash anyone’s ministry. It’s that I want visitors to get the best possible first impression, and come back again. If they don’t, we won’t have people to do ministry. But it’s nothing personal.

As for the slides before service….

Each slide is custom-made and runs on the screen (wall) and online on a loop of 15 seconds. This is to get as many slides across people’s eyes, especially online, where we only have 5 minutes of livestream before the service starts. We can be a bit more flexible with how long we run them, and run things a few weeks ahead if we want. I still try not to have too many, so people tune out.  Again, these are mostly for big events and projects, or special church-year and liturgical things, such as a new sermon series, feast day, or special services coming up. Because of the short time run, they need to be like billboards, with very few words and obvious graphics. Small fonts, lots of text, complex images, low color contrast, will be hard to see and read. Think what you see on the way to Phoenix: three or four words max and a picture.


Of course, if everyone read the emailed newsletter and took out their calendars and entered all the church events they were interested in for the month at the beginning of each month, then I wouldn’t have to announce much of anything. But that’s not how it works. Nonetheless, we have a even more flexibility in this publication, as content volume is unlimited. We can put in as many articles as we want. If they’re one paragraph or less, the whole thing usually goes in the email. If it’s longer, we post the full article on the news blog of the church web site, where we can be as long as we want. I do this, rather than publish the full article in the email, so the scrolling does not get so long people stop halfway down. This way people can scroll through the email, and if it piques their attention, they can click the “read more” which takes them to the web site full article.

I make one exception to this: church business. For example, the council minutes, constitutional changes, financial documents – basically all the “how the sausage is made” stuff that’s necessary and important but a big turn-off to a lot of people who disdain “church politics”. While I could respond that every organization everywhere has politics, and every one of them has debates about money and control, somehow in churches it’s a real visitor-chaser-awayer. I also don’t feel those things belong on the web site, for people completely detached from the church to grab, download, and repost out of context. The whole world does not need to know salary information, even in the aggregate with no names. So these sort of internal documents I have put in .pdf form to be downloaded and read by the people getting the email. Yes, they could forward or publicly post it; I can’t control that. But we don’t need to put it out there in a world full of internet trolls.

Our strategies are sure to keep changing as technology and culture keep changing. I appreciate everyone’s patience as we keep trying new things and adapting. It’s my hope that we can continue to put our best foot forward for people visiting the church, while at the same time staying active in our ministries.

Pastor Lars

Our Strategic Plan One Year In - Pastor's Column

It’s been about a year since we finished up the structure of our strategic plan, and we’ve been filling it in more and more as we go. The intention was always that it would be a living document, and that we’d update it as needed, and revisit it often. Our goals, just to review, were to create a new mission statement for Lord of Grace, then have ministry groups meet and pray and brainstorm ways they could implement that mission. So our team met and we came up with this statement:

Love God

Open Our Hearts and Minds

Live Graciously Towards All

So far we’ve been moving along with these. Let me share a few of the accomplishments.

Property brought back the semi-annual clean-up days. I’ve always enjoyed the fellowship as much as the brush cutting. Out next one is March 16th, and we’re doing the pews and chairs inside as well as the grass and brush outside.

Worship started work on the narthex. The last time we did much was back in 2012 when we got a special donation and bought the couches and leather arm chairs. In 2013 the carpet was added to the middle, and since then it’s been a somewhat unintentional collection spot. This time a team met and looked at things like function, values, goals. The team wanted to make the room useful, not just as a hallway, but as a welcome center for visitors on Sundays and a fellowship space after service. Yes, we have the big fellowship hall, but experience shows that after the 10:30am service, we don’t make that left turn.

So the first step was to remove all the things we weren’t going to use. This included the couches, the memorial book stand, the fake ficas, the book shelves that were in my office, then the conference room, then the hallway, then the narthex, and now they’re back where they started. As you can see, the room is pretty empty right now, because the new furniture hasn’t been purchased yet.  The plan is to add some new chairs for seating, some side tables for coffee, a new coffee bar, a designated sign-up table, a shelf for books on prayer and health resources, and some things for children’s ministry. These will be purchased as we go, because the funds from the capital campaign are used up. If you’re interested in contributing to a part of the new narthex, just let me know. Here’s the things on our wish list:

L-shaped sign-in table. Kind of like a “welcome desk” you’d see in places, but big enough for clip boards.

Coffee Bar. Small cabinets on wheels for coffee supplies and refreshments. Primarily for after the second service.

Air Pods. Coffee shop grade brewers that will go in the kitchen, used for both services, and have removeable caraffes to go in the narthex after the second service - or any other event.

Area Rug. The current one is from 2013. We’d like to get one of equal or bigger size, with color.

Acoustical panels for the walls. Custom-made in shapes to mimic the rock wall in the sanctuary. Fabric on batting on a wood frame.

The panels are to deal with the sound problem. The original building committee put in $7/foot (in 2002 money) tile in the narthex for durability, I learned from an original member of the church building committee. . This means we don’t have to replace carpet from coffee spills, but the room echoes so you could do Gregorian chant with ease. The couches and center rug mitigated, but with the high ceiling and the rest of the tile, only somewhat. So the team has a plan to put up homemade sound panels on the walls for both color and echo reduction. Eventually, we’d like to get a new center rug with color as well.

Outreach has been super busy going over all the different projects we did as a church and seeing if we wanted to try some new things and retire some old. Just look in the narthex to see the multiplicity of things they’re spearheading.

A big one I’d like to highlight is the partnership with Roadrunner Elementary. The school is often forgotten, being on the west end of the district. It has a good portion of kids with low income, and we’ve stepped up with drives at Christmas and volunteering with their resource center.

Youth and Family has also jump-started some things. As I’ve written about many times, it’s hard for a church our size to field traditional “youth groups”. They require a critical mass of kids the same age, who also get along well, and a lot of staff/volunteer time. On top of that, they are not proven to be the most effective at keeping kids involved in the faith after graduation, in spite of the popularity they have with parents who are church-shopping. Parental faith witness, adults who know kids and care when they show up, the church being there for them in crisis, and getting involved in leadership all make way more difference than age-segregated youth groups.

That said, our focus has shifted back the old “Family Fellowship Sundays”, now called Community Days, we used to do them monthly after the second service, until Covid came. Now they’re back with a bit more organization, including often a theme and specific activities for after eating. It’s taking the little family church potluck and putting some steroids on it. Given that intergenerational witness is the most effective, I love the concept, and they’ve been well attended. We’ll keep these going at least through the school year, and review for fall 2024.

I met with the preschool teachers and our director, America Trujillo, to set goals for their ministry. It’s been a back and forth over the years how we define what it means to be a “church” preschool, as opposed to just a secular one that uses the building. Since there is no one prototype, I decided to have the teachers work on answering this question themselves, and, of course, they came up with far better ideas than I could have. Look for some new art and decorations, some things added to worship, some special drives for the community, and ways for us, as a congregation, to help out.

Of course, all these things are just a sampling, and they happen in addition to the regular work of ministry here at Lord of Grace.

Reflecting on the whole process, I always come back to the slogan about working smarter, not harder. There was a time, mostly in the 80’s and 90’s, when you could grow a church by adding buildings and adding programs. In fact, the more the merrier. People would see either how busy you were, and assume that as an indicator of quality, or would see a program for people “like them” – whatever that means – and find a connection to join. Really big churches still operate this way, because they have finances for large staffs to run things on an ongoing basis. For the rest of us, which is probably 99% of US churches, we run on volunteers and tight budgets. And, as the years go by, we are all finding that the supply of “labor” is not getting any bigger. Fewer people go to church, and those who do are often either busy with kids and family, or wish to retire from regular committee work. So we have to do more with less. It can be disheartening, if you’re trying to keep up with the big place down the road that always seems to have the giant youth group that does whitewater rafting and Christian rock concerts every month. But it’s the relationships, the connections, the spiritual practices, the community being community for each other and the world that has the biggest impact. That we can do by:

Doing what we do better, nor necessarily more.

Making a point to get to know who we’re worshiping with, learning each others’ names and asking each other, honestly, about how life is going 

Pray together and support one another in time of need

Invite people to worship and invite people to join us in our service projects

Get involved in, and support one another, in spiritual practices that help people experience Christ.

Christianity is growing through conversion in large parts of the world, in countries with little money and in churches that are small and meet underground. Programs are not why Chinese churches are getting bigger. We can step back, take a deep breath, and see the gifts we have and the impact we can make by working smarter, and more spirit-led, with what God has given us, and get off the treadmill of trying to compete with laser shows and adventure camps.

The new stations of the cross images

12 posters of stations will be set up around the sanctuary from 11am-1pm and you can soak them in at your own pace. At night the images will be on the screen with the worship liturgy.

On that note, this month is Lent, and Holy Week, and Easter. We get it all. Lots and lots of opportunities to worship, pray, reflect, and come closer to God. Worship is something we do well, and a great way to encounter God and one another. So whatever you volunteer in, I’ll personally invite you to join us at the Lent services on Wednesdays, where we contemplate, reflect, and discuss Bible stories about the disciple Peter. We even get original music by Stuart Oliver, composed just for our services. They’re casual and interactive, and you get wine and cheese after (we’re going full Episcopalian for Lent).

Then comes the agape meal for Maundy Thursday, and a new format for Stations of the Cross. We’re adding an 11am-1pm walk through the stations on your own in the sanctuary. The stations are on posterboard, and you’ll have a chance to go around and write and look and pray over each one at your own pace. At night will be a full worship service, with music and sermon and the pounding of nails.

So many ways to step back, breathe deep, and let the Holy Spirit soak in. What happens next happens next, and God will show the way.


Pastor Lars

New Things for the New Year - Pastor's Column February 2024

This last month has been a month of planning for me, and for the church at large. Now that I’m back from the sabbatical and have had some time to catch up on everything, there’s now more energy to look forward. Christmas was wonderful, and the Advent series on “How does a weary world rejoice” was really enjoyable. I enjoyed the art to complement the words of the liturgy, as well as the special night time services, the healing service and the longest night – both of which are still on YouTube. For a long time I’ve felt that we limit ourselves in our connection with God when it’s only words and songs. So many of us, especially in our time, learn as much through visuals as anything. To be able to convey new ideas about the Bible stories, that aren’t only from me, with my limitations, expands everyone’s experience of the season.

So, along those lines we will be doing something similar for Lent. It’s starting early this year; February 14th is Ash Wednesday. Our ashes will have to compete with Italian dinners. But, to make it easier to do both, I’ve added a shorter noon service this year.

Still, we have a great program for Lent called “Wandering Heart” by sanctifiedart. It’s the same outfit that gave us “Weary World”. It all revolves around Peter the disciple and his struggles with Jesus and his teachings. The visuals are striking, and I love the concept of making Lent about exploring the harder parts of Jesus. Peter certainly did. Mid-week services will still go on Wednesdays, much like last year, with visuals, meditatation and open-mic discussion (followed by fellowship in the narthex).

Speaking of that, changes are coming there. One of the goals of the worship committee in the strategic plan is to redesign the narthex. Over the years it’s become a bit of a collection space, with more things than we really need there. It’s ground zero for first-time visitors to encounter our church, and needs to be as welcoming as possible. So, we formed a small team to look into how to make it both more welcoming and more useful. Lots of ideas to be unrolled in stages. The first step was to clean it out, remove old stuff, and start refilling it from there. We have plans to put in a coffee bar, permanent sign-up table, a re-vamped welcome center, and acoustic tiling on the walls to dampen sound. Some other things might come too, money allowing.

Other things are coming as well. The mural on the back wall of the sanctuary is going to get started as soon as we get all the paint. A general design was approved by the council for Michael Schultz, who has painted numerous Lutheran church murals (see Reformation Las Vegas, Holy Spirit Las Vegas, San Juan Bautista and San Juan Bautista). It’s going to cover the entire back wall, and will depict, in a creative and modern way, the following three Bible stories:

Mark 9:14-27 - Jesus heals a young boy who is possessed by an evil spirit and who cannot speak

Mark 5:25-24 - Jesus heals a woman who for 12 years is suffering from a hemorrhage.

John 20:11-18 - Jesus appears to Mary Magdalene as she weeps outside the empty tomb

Other things in the sanctuary are getting finished up – such as getting a second step built, new banner stands, a conductor stand, kneelers, and more. Give a big thanks to my dad, Rev. Paul Hammar, for building all this stuff for us out of the wood from the pews we took out. The audio system is also going to get some reworking so we don’t have problems with buzzing or interference anymore.

So much is going on in the church, the list could go on. At a time when many churches are struggling with decline, we have held steady. Worship attendance is down from before Covid, like almost every church, but has moved up in the last few months. 2023 was better than 2022. And the generosity of this church continues to amaze me. Our general offerings for 2023 came in at $17,211.85 above what we budgeted. I can’t thank you all enough. This puts us in a strong position going into the new year, with resources to keep moving forward instead of having to make cuts. All we do depends on your contributions.

The Honor Guard ceremony this month in the fellowship hall.

In more good news, we welcomed back Boy Scout Troop 219 to Lord of Grace. We’ve sponsored Pack 219 cub scouts for years, and did the troop as well when the church was younger (some time before I came). They’ve been at another church and are now re-chartered at Lord of Grace and will be meeting and having events here. I’m excited to open the doors to the community more. You may see their trailer by the electrical box in the parking lot. We have several Eagle scout projects here as well, so scouting has been a tradition of ours for a while.

Making the Advent lanterns for the Advent tree

And, of course, I have to give a plug for the return of our monthly family fellowship lunches after the 10:30am service. We did these pot luck, once a month, for a while before Covid. Now we’re back with intergenerational activities, food, and things for youth. These will keep going the first Sunday of the month until summer, and you’re all invited. It’s a great chance for us to be a big family, meet or catch up with people, and build connections between adults and kids.

So much is going on at our church, new people and new life and deep spiritual growth opportunities. Things are humming because of your time and support.

Pastor Lars

Pastor Lars' Sabbatical Presentation and Stories - Dec. 10

Hear some of the stories from Pastor Lars of the sabbatical, things done, and a show of selected photos from his journeys during three months away. Identical presentations after each service on Sunday, December 10th (9:30am and 11:30am). About 30 minutes each.

Morning at the family cabin in Minnesota

To see the more full collections of photos, check out his albums with trip photos in the following sets on flickr.

(note: these albums have photos going back several years, but the sabbatical photos are the most recent)



Northern Minnesota


McCarthy Beach State Park

Tustin, Michigan

Northern Arizona

Reiman Gardens

Colorado Springs


Paint Mine

Camping at Crawford State Park in Colorado

Family & Youth Ministries At Lord Of Grace

We're forming a new focused ministry area at Lord of Grace called Family & Youth Ministries. If you've been waiting or hoping for more programming in this area, here's your invitation to join in making a difference.


Two ways to serve:
1)  Join the Family & Youth Advocate Team - this team will meet together 4 times a year to evaluate how we're doing and consider ways we can do an even better job reaching out and serving families and youth. This team cares about details, safety, policies, and ministry excellence too. Help develop a long-term strategy to keep kids & families connected to the church for life.


2) Join the Family & Youth Action Team. If the thought of sitting through another meeting leaves you a little queasy, join our Action Team. This team is more boots on the ground in coming up with ideas and making them happen. Serve around your schedule with ideas that you're excited about. We'll meet as needed over text, coffee, or while we're doing what we're doing.


So, which one seems like a fit for you? Email or text Laurie at or 520.370.7106 to learn more.