clean-up day

Clean-Up Day - Dec. 2 2023

Cleaning Day

List of cleaning needing to be done.

1. Trim bushes/trees around entire property. Includes trying to get all the dead branches and mistletoe out.

2. Cut down the small dead tree in parking lot island.

3. Cleanup up the patio area and entrances (sweep up, blowoff or suck up the leaves and cobwebs; sweep/blowoff rocks in patio)

4. Put up the big Christmas sign at corner of Cortaro and Ina (requires installation of pvc pipe, ropes, and stakes). Put small Christmas sign on existing sing on entry to parking lot.

5. Sweep up floor in the electrical room.

6. Cleanup the storage room. a) Tools need to be put back in the correct labelled tool box drawers, b) determine what paint is no longer needed and throw it out. (for example the old sanctuary wall paint is no longer needed as we changed colors? Another example is paint that is no longer usable. However, need to identified the paint color and where it is used and document it, so can get replacement if needed later.) recommend Sam do this. c) if possible move the communion rails and spare cushions currently stored in electrical and storage room to alternate location d) move spare exit sign parts to alternate location. e) update light list in property book to include what we have where and do inventory of what we have in storage room. Get rid of spare bulbs we no longer need. f) determine if need the remaining dvd/ vcrs. if not take to Best Buy for free recycling. more????

7. Cleanup and clean out the shed. Need assistance to determine what can go and what has to stay for various other groups.

8. Wash outside windows. ????

9. Clean ventilation louvers and exhaust fan suction louvers??