Dietrich Bonhoeffer's Religionless Christianity - part 4: Desire and Loyalty

While in the Tegel Prison in Berlin awaiting trial for participating in a plot to kill Hitler, Lutheran pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer began to contemplate a future for Christianity and the church in a world with science, secularism, and world wars. His idea were formulated in different letters to his pastor friend Eberhard Bethge and compiled with all his prison writings in Letters from Prison.

Part four - A short look at his reflections on missing his fiance, Maria, coping with not seeing her, and debating the selfishness of allowing himself to not think of her to avoid the pain of missing her.

By Pastor Lars Hammar

Dietrich Bonhoeffer's Religionless Christianity - part 3: God as the Stop Gap

While in the Tegel Prison in Berlin awaiting trial for participating in a plot to kill Hitler, Lutheran pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer began to contemplate a future for Christianity and the church in a world with science, secularism, and world wars. His idea were formulated in different letters to his pastor friend Eberhard Bethge and compiled with all his prison writings in Letters from Prison.

Part three - Bonhoeffer confronts directly one of the most common of Christian apologetics: the idea of God as the stop gap (or "god of the gaps" as atheists often call it). Instead of defending God's existence from the negative, and arguing that God exists *beyond* knowledge and experience, he argues we must move God back to the center of life.

By Pastor Lars Hammar

Dietrich Bonhoeffer's Religionless Christianity - part 2: On Speaking of God

While in the Tegel Prison in Berlin awaiting trial for participating in a plot to kill Hitler, Lutheran pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer began to contemplate a future for Christianity and the church in a world with science, secularism, and world wars. His idea were formulated in different letters to his pastor friend Eberhard Bethge and compiled with all his prison writings in Letters from Prison.

Part two - a discussion about how one is to speak of God in non-religious terms, and how Bonhoeffer has become more hesitant to talk religious jargon with religious people, and how he finds God in the center of our world, not in the space beyond human knowledge.

By Pastor Lars Hammar

Dietrich Bonhoeffer's Religionless Christianity - part 1

While in the Tegel Prison in Berlin awaiting trial for participating in a plot to kill Hitler, Lutheran pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer began to contemplate a future for Christianity and the church in a world with science, secularism, and world wars. His idea were formulated in different letters to his pastor friend Eberhard Bethge and compiled with all his prison writings in Letters from Prison. By Pastor Lars Hammar

Episode 1: introduction to the Bonhoeffer and his time in prison, his theology and worldview.

Down Time is Work Time - sermon May 7, 2023

In spiritual and personal matters, more work is not always more results. In fact, without time to spend on God, relaxation, relationships, we become less productive and creative. In the book of Acts, the Disciples decide that they need to delegate out the food bank ministry to free up time for the preaching and prayer. From the sermon series on Acts by Pastor Lars Hammar.

Hearing Jesus' Voice - sermon Easter Sunday 2023

When Jesus is raised from the dead, he is transformed. There is a body, but it looks different, but it's still him. The resurrection is not a question of resuscitating a corpse, or seeing a ghost, or just having an interesting realization. It's about a transformed body that we recognize not from sight, but from hearing God's voice and rekindling the connection that has always been there. Easter Sunday 2023. By Pastor Lars Hammar

Has God really Forsaken Us? - Good Friday sermon 2023

When Jesus says on the cross, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me," we should take him seriously, that he means that he feels abandoned by God, and that it is more than just a figure of speech. But if it's a real cry of anger and frustration and doubt, what does that mean for how Jesus saw himself in God's plan? Good Friday 2023. Pastor Lars Hammar

Wilderness Rebirth - sermon March 5, 2023

When we go into the wilderness, both literally and figuratively, we move outside of our areas of expertise, and into a new place where we have to start over, unlearn and relearn, and let go of being the expert. This is what Jesus is talking about when he tells us we need to be reborn in the Spirit - to let go of being the expert about God, and letting God teach us. By Pastor Lars Hammar