Jesus is brought into Jerusalem by the crowd who is filled with expectations, hopes, and dreams for Jesus to the next King, starter of a revolution. The problem is, that's their idea of Jesus, not what he told them he was. So often we project our expectations onto others, instead of letting them be to us who they are. By Pastor Lars Hammar. Palm Sunday, 2024
Forgiveness is Hard - sermon March 17
True forgiveness requires a lot more than just saying so. It's a process than can take time, and need to be repeated over and over to sink in. It's the reason why Jesus tells Peter that we forgive 77 (or seventy times seven) times. By Pastor Lars Hammar
“Seventy Time Seven” by Lauren Wright Pittman
Get Behind Me - sermon March 10
Peter gets nervous about Jesus dying, and tries to convince him not to. But it's a part of God's plan for Jesus, and Peter too. The Cross is the path of the disciple. By Pastor Lars Hammar. Fourth Sunday in Lent
“Beseeching” by Hannah Garrity
Who is Jesus to You? - sermon March 3
If asked, who would you say that Jesus is to you? What have you experienced of Jesus? What does he mean in your life? What difference has faith made to you? Third Sunday in Lent. By Pastor Lars Hammar
“Who Do You Say I Am"?” by Lauren Wright Pittman
Crossing the Deep
The scariest thing to step out and do is often to examine yourself is true honesty. As Peter began to fear when he stepped out of the boat to see Jesus, so we often avoid the deepest connections with Jesus because we're afraid to open up about what we have inside. Second Sunday in Lent. By Pastor Lars Hammar
artwork by
“Lift Off” by Rev. Nicolette Penaranda of
Stop. Listen. Try Again. - sermon Feb 18, 2024
How quickly we can become exhausted trying the same thing over and over, only to discover that the answer was there, but we wrote it off long ago. First in the Lenten series on Peter and the Wandering Heart. By Pastor Lars Hammar.
painting by Lisle Gwynn Garrity of
“River of Grace” by Lisle Gwynn Garrity of