Church Council

The Council of Lord of Grace is the governing board for our church. Members are elected on two-year terms, and meet the third Tuesday of each month in the church fellowship hall.

Sam Lyth: President

Carolyn Bernheim: Treasurer

Linda Merritt: Vice President

Laura Balstad

Betsy Borse

Mike O’Brien


We try to keep a flexible and Spirit-led system of leadership for ministries in our church. Committees are mostly self-forming and anyone is free to start new ministries as they see the Spirit move (for the most part). Below is a partial list of some key leaders in the church. If you have any questions about anything, or would like to get involved, contact Pastor Lars or .

Outreach: Chris Kollen

Liturgical Arts: Janet Carollo

Preschool Advisory Board: Laura Tanem-Hernandez

Patty Clymer: Financial Secretary

Dianna Repp: Prayer Chain Coordinator [email]

Altar Guild: Carolyn Bernheim

Finance Committee: Erwin Hill

Property Committee: Danny Lowenberg, Sam Lyth

Community Days: Laurie Acker

Kids Chat: Phyllis Teager