Pastor's Pen August 2023

When I was asked to write an article for the newsletter during Pastor Lars’ sabbatical, I had several ideas. But one stuck with me: What Do You See?

What do you see when you come to Lord of Grace? A Mission-style building to welcome us. Clean and well-kept. Cars in the parking lot. With people, most of whom are smiling: adults of all varieties, children of all ages. Busyness. Maybe this doesn’t seem attractive to you, but I have been to churches where all is quiet, very quiet; people come and go, but no one is talking. Strange.

What do you see when you are in church? Right now we are undergoing exciting, new changes; but there are constants: The Altar decorated for the church season, Holy Communion elements, banners, perhaps special decorations. Pastor Jim Dew or a lay person leading the worship. Musicians -- depending on which service: pianist and perhaps a small singing group, or the Praise Team and instrumentalists -- adding life to our worship. And the congregation of us: people of many varieties and young to old. We sing, we pray, we worship our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ! I ask myself, how am I adding to the life of this worship service? or am I just sitting there, listening, but not participating?

To our on-line worshippers, what do you see? You see the same things we see. We are very glad to have you! If we are an in-person worshipper, there are times when we can’t; and we are grateful to be able to worship online. We are grateful for Caleb who runs the booth, Leif who can fill in for him, and Angie who gets everything ready for them and you, the online worshipers.

When we leave Lord or Grace for the day -- whether it be from worship, Bible study, a meeting, a rehearsal, a social function, or whatever brought you – what do you see?

Here’s what I have seen, at various times and throughout the years. I see a beautiful sky. There’s nothing like the Arizona sky! Usually cloudless, but many times with beautiful puffy whites, and sometimes with threatening grays. Occasionally flashes of lightning and rain. Awesome sunsets with silhouetted saguaros. Vividly clear, dark nights adorned with stars, the milky way and planets, and, on occasion, the ISS (International Space Station). Birds of so many different kinds, owls in the dusk, bats at night. (Yes, we have bats in our ‘belfry’!) Lizards, snakes. (Be careful!) Assorted insects and butterflies. Wildflowers and saguaros in bloom. Even snow, but very rarely.

On the way out, what do you see? There’s a very important message on both sides of the driveway: You Are Entering a Mission Field. Have you ever thought about that? Maybe you didn’t or don’t want to be a missionary; I know I didn’t. Well, we all are, whether we aware or not. What do others see in us? It’s not just what we say, it’s also what we do. No matter where we are. Even if we are hospitalized or homebound. Are we seen as someone who’s just a bit different? That’s a good thing. It’s what we are called to be, in a good way. We are called by Jesus to be his ambassador to those who don’t know him. We pray for them. We pray for us, the LOGers (loggers?), to be good ambassadors, to be lights shining in the world.

God is at work. All around us and in us.

Let us go in peace and serve the Lord,

Paulette Claver

Outreach News August 2023

OUTREACH Ministry – August 2023

Our members include Chris Kollen as lead, Carol Buuck, Phyllis Teager, and Patty Clymer.

We are planning new and exciting projects this coming year. If you’d like more information about becoming a member of Outreach, contact Chris Kollen at or at 520-419-7475.  

Marana Community Food Bank

The Marana Resource Center would like to request that we collect canned tuna/chicken, mac & cheese, canned ravioli, boxed pasta, canned sauce, and canned fruits as we head back into the school year.

Thank you for giving our neighbors a helping hand.  Providing a meal, or sharing a meal, is a wonderful expression of God’s love. Donated food can be placed in the wooden cabinet located in the Narthex.  Please remember that the food bank cannot accept any food items that have been opened/used or expired.  Also, please no glass containers. 

If you prefer to make cash donations, they are always welcome, and can be mailed to Marana Food Bank, 11134 West Grier Road, Marana, AZ 85653.  Your monetary gift goes a long way.  Every $10 helps provide 50 meals.

God’s Work/Our Hands Service Projects

Outreach will be offering two projects as part of God’s Work/Our Hands during Rally Day, September 10, 2023. One of the projects is assembling hygiene bags for the homeless. During the month of August, we will be collecting hand wipes, hand sanitizer, socks, toothpaste, toothbrushes, shampoo, disposable razors, sunscreen, small Kleenex packs, band-aids, and lip balm. A collection box has been placed in the Narthex.

The second project will be making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for Sister José Women’s Center. Sister Jose aids and transforms the lives of women experiencing homelessness. Their low-barrier day center provides unaccompanied women who are unhoused with a stable and safe environment to recuperate from the daily struggle of homelessness and extreme poverty. This will be the third year we’ve provided sandwiches for Sister Jose, they are very thankful for the help.

Butler’s Pantry – Roadrunner Elementary

There will be opportunities this fall to volunteer to staff Butler’s Pantry at Roadrunner Elementary School and to continue to organize the Pantry. Sign-ups will be available after the first week of August.

Any questions, contact Phyllis Teager or Carol Buuck.

"The Gifted Life"

“The Gifted Life”

August Interactive Presentations with

Pastor Josh Acton

Lord of Grace Fellowship Hall

August 12, 19 and 26

As part of our ongoing Book Study of, The Gifted Life By Joseph K. Acton (Josh) we are welcoming the author to Lord of Grace, via Zoom, for 3 different on-line presentations.   We will be gathering in the LOG Fellowship Hall for 3 Saturday mornings, August 12, 19 and 26 from 10:00am-11:30am for the interactive presentation.  Pastor Acton will present information based on his book in each session and there will be a time for questions and answers.  If you are not able to make it over to Lord of Grace to attend the Saturday morning presentations you can use the links below to zoom in from your home.  Everyone in the Lord of Grace community is welcome to join these presentations whether you are part of a small group book study or you are just wanting to learn more about the Holy Spirit and spiritual gifts from Pastor Acton.

This is a wonderful  opportunity to learn directly from a minister who has been ordained for over 33 years and serves as the Director of the North American Order of St Luke’s the Physician an international, non- denominational (Ecumenical) Christian organization dedicated to the healing ministry of Jesus, and is in great demand as a speaker, seminar leader, and retreat leader all over America. We are blessed to have him assist Lord of Grace with our spiritual growth and begin to fulfill our goals as stated in the grant during our sabbatical time.

Sessions will be from (10:00am-11:30am) Zoom Link/Sign in are below with each session

Session 1 August 12, 2023

Meeting ID: 818 0960 4209      Passcode: 005371

Session 2 August 19, 2023

Meeting ID: 845 7786 4908       Passcode: 212368

Session 3 August 26, 2023

Meeting ID: 858 1008 2807       Passcode: 894448


Playground Remodeling

The preschool applied for a grant a couple years ago, and was awarded a good substantial amount of money to redo our entire playground. We are getting rid of the sand, we got rid of the shades, and we are adding lots of new things. We have added a very large shade covering to the entire playground. We are adding a draining system to help with monsoon rains and gathering of the water near the playground and the church entrance right outside in the breezeway And we are putting in beautiful green turf. We also were able to purchase new playground equipment. Unfortunately, our timeline was pushed back a few weeks. So that means the playground is not going to be ready by the time school starts. But that’s OK, because it’s going to be amazing! The church and the preschool will enjoy it for a long time to come!


​April McDaniel

Playground Shade Structure Construction Photos

LOG Prayer Connection August 2023

Psalm 63:8 - My soul clings to you, your right hand upholds me.

How many of us take the time each day to think about our souls clinging to God?  Can you picture it?  I would like to challenge you to try something.  Sit with your eyes closed and think about how God is in you, how you belong to Him, and how he will never let go of you.  Now, while you are envisioning this, take the time to acknowledge that He is God and has power above all other things.  Meditate on his greatness and all that He can do.  Then, listen to God speak to you about the plans He has for you and cling to Him in confidence.  Trust that God will help you through those things.  I’m believing this will be the most amazing thing you do today.

Please know that the Lord of Grace Prayer Team continues to pray over all prayer petitions sent our way, including the request entered in the prayer journal in the narthex.  The Team will also continue to offer individual prayer times after each worship service on the 4th Sunday of each month.  We strongly believe in the power of prayer and that a continual connection with our God will keep us all closer to Him.


Remember, God can bring the peace you seek.  Seek Him in prayer.


Back Pack Drive

School supplies and Backpacks – Roadrunner Elementary

We will be collecting backpacks and school supplies as part of Roadrunner Elementary’s Backpack and School Supply Drive to help collect essential and urgently needed items for vulnerable students that attend Roadrunner. The drive will start the beginning of July and run through the entire month. Needed items include:

·         Backpacks

·         Reusable water bottles

·         #2 Pencils

·         Colored pencils

·         Pencil box or pouch

·         Expo dry erase markers – fine-tip or thin

·         Crayola markers

·         Crayola crayons

·         Highlighters

·         Glue sticks

·         Scissors

·         Erasers

·         Two Pocket folders

·         Composition notebooks

·         Spiral notebooks

·         Wide-ruled paper

·         Ear buds (with cord) or headphones


Please return all donated items to Lord of Grace by July 30th. Thank you!

Sabbatical News July 2023

Sabbatical Information Station

            Pastor’s sabbatical starts this month.  It is a time that we show support for our pastor by allowing him this time for rest, renewal and reconnection.  We as the congregation will also have opportunities for growth and reconnection.   Our goals for the congregation during the Sabbatical Leave will be 1) Grow our intimacy with our Lord; 2) Deepen our connection to the family of Lord of Grace; 3) Explore our spiritual gifts and talents; 4) Grow our gifts and talents as we minister to one another; 5) Gain the courage to use our gifts and talents to help Lord of Grace and the community that surrounds it to THRIVE.  On behalf of the Sabbatical Team, I wanted to share some information on congregational activities which include worship, pastoral support, fellowship and education.

            Worship services will continue at regular times under the leadership of Pastor James Dew.             He led services for us in the past and is looking forward to being with us for the next three months.   During those months, four services will be led by members of the congregation.  Worship committee has found a team of members to act as worship leaders and provide the sermons for those services.  It is a wonderful opportunity for our members to spread their spiritual wings by providing worship opportunities for us.

            Pastoral support will be coordinated out of the church office.  Please call or send the office an email if pastoral support is need during the sabbatical.  Angie will contact Cindy Stein with the request.  Cindy will contact the member and they will decide together if the Prayer Support Team can meet the members need for spiritual support or if Pastor Dew needs to be called in. Cindy and her team have been training with Pastors Lars for several months and are well equipped to support us in pastor’s absence with the back up support of Pastor Dew. 

            A variety of Fellowship activities are planned to help us stay connected and perhaps make new connections within the congregation.  On July 4th is the annual 4th of July Picnic and Fireworks watching.  August will be busy with the small group studies on Spiritual Gifts. Sue Justis, Phyllis Teager and Cindy Stein have coordinated a combination small group study around the book Gifted Life by Joseph Acton.   We will learn how to explore our spiritual gifts and talents and how best to use those in serving the Lord and one another.  There will be a series of Zoom seminars by Pastor Acton to compliment the small group studies.  Council will be having their annual retreat in August as well.  Rally Day will be September 9th and provide another fun activity for food, fellowship and an outreach activity.  There will be a welcome home reception when Pastor returns in October.

            The next three months will be a fun and exciting time for the congregation.  As Pastor takes this time to reconnect and relax with his family, we can all look forward to the worship, educational, and fellowship activities that have been planned.  This will be an exciting time for all of us to grow and reconnect!

             Sabbatical Planning Team

Outreach News July 2023

OUTREACH Ministry – July 2023

Our members include Chris Kollen as lead, Carol Buuck, Phyllis Teager, and Patty Clymer.

Major news for the Outreach team and the church is that Corliss Jenkins-Sherry is leaving Lord of Grace. She’s decided she wants to find a church that’s closer to her home. She’s been such an integral part of Lord of Grace and Outreach for years and we all will miss her. We hope that she will come back to visit. Thank you, Corliss for all your work and fellowship!

We are planning new and exciting projects this coming year. If you’d like more information about becoming a member of Outreach, contact Chris Kollen at or at 520-419-7475.

Marana Community Food Bank

 The Marana Resource Center would like to request that we continue collecting peanut butter and jelly this month.  In addition, Ready to Eat meals are great for families in the summer.  Items such as Chef Boyardee would be terrific.

“The summer months can be especially challenging for many families. Please join us in our

effort to end hunger in Southern Arizona – one child, one senior, one family at a time.” -

Community Food Bank.

Donated food can be placed in the wooden cabinet located in the Narthex.  Please remember that the food bank cannot accept any food items that have been opened/used or expired.  Also, please, no glass containers.  If you prefer to make cash donations, they are always welcome, and can be mailed to Marana Food Bank, 11134 West Grier Road, Marana, AZ 85653. 

Your monetary gift goes a long way.  Every $10 helps provide 50 meals.


Upcoming events

School supplies and Backpacks – Roadrunner Elementary

We will be collecting backpacks and school supplies as part of Roadrunner Elementary’s Backpack and School Supply Drive to help collect essential and urgently needed items for vulnerable students that attend Roadrunner. The drive will start the beginning of July and run through the entire month. Needed items include:

·         Backpacks

·         Reusable water bottles

·         #2 Pencils

·         Colored pencils

·         Pencil box or pouch

·         Expo dry erase markers – fine-tip or thin

·         Crayola markers

·         Crayola crayons

·         Highlighters

·         Glue sticks

·         Scissors

·         Erasers

·         Two Pocket folders

·         Composition notebooks

·         Spiral notebooks

·         Wide-ruled paper

·         Ear buds (with cord) or headphones


Please return all donated items to Lord of Grace by July 30th. Thank you!

God’s Work/Our Hands

We plan to have activities during Rally Day on September 10th for God’s Work/Our Hands, including making peanut butter/jelly sandwiches for Sister José Women’s Shelter and hygiene bags for Marana Community Food Bank.

Butler’s Pantry – Roadrunner Elementary

There will be opportunities this fall to volunteer with Butler’s Pantry at Roadrunner Elementary School, details to come next month.



LOG Prayer Connection News July 2023

Hebrews 4:16     Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.


Jesus, our Lord and Savior, was tempted on earth, and we realize that sometimes we are weak also.  To strengthen our faith, we are called to submit prayers to our Father.  He created us and loves us.  Therefore, He listens to our prayers and holds them.  When you find yourself “in time of need”, remember you can pray to the Father and get release from your worries. 

Over time, I have found that if those thoughts come that seem to tear down my strength, if I just remember God’s love and pray about it, things are easier.  Replacing those thoughts with prayer is the way to find peace.

Please know that the Lord of Grace Prayer Team continues to pray over all prayer petitions   sent our way, including the requests entered in the prayer journal in the Narthex.  The Team will also continue to offer individual prayer times after each worship service on the 4th Sunday of each month.  We strongly believe in the power of prayer and that a continual connection with our God will keep us all close to Him. 

More Sanctuary Progress

The sanctuary renovations are coming along. Sam Lyth, the project manager for the sanctuary renovation, has been hard at work with our contractors upgrading the space. Thanks again for all your support to the capital campaign which makes this possible.

Here’s some pics of the progress the last few weeks.

  1. Platform getting exteded and framed,

  2. wall sconces repaired

  3. track lighting added to the ceiling behind the front beam

  4. lighting installed around the stone wall

  5. pews removed and sent to the carpenter for shortening.

As of writing (June 28), the platform is finished with construction, with tubes for microphone cables and hatches in the floor cut. A ramp is being built to move the piano and organ back.

Coming up:

  1. More light adjustments and replacement to higher power bulbs.

  2. Adjusting lights and positions

  3. Increase the size of the image projected on the walls

  4. carpeting in the whole room

  5. pews returned and moved back in, with chairs in the place

  6. Mural painted on the back wall, above the doors

  7. Condenser microphone added to the back of the room to improve audio for livestreaming

Reconnecting - Pastor's Column July 2023

This is the last column I’ll write for the next few months, as after Sunday (July 2nd), I’ll be gone on sabbatical until Sunday October 15th.

It’s hard to think that I’ve been at Lord of Grace for 13 years now. The ELCA recommends sabbaticals every 5-7 years, but at that time I had 5 kids in the house, ranging from preschool to high school. There was simply no way to swing being away from family for that long. Now that three are out of high school, things are more manageable, and I can get the time off.

There was a time when Lutheran bishops could be a bit like task masters. They had very high expectations of hours worked, and when conflict would arise, or people would complain to the bishop, the question was often sent back to the pastor with a “how many hours are you working?”, as if laziness must be the reason everyone’s not happy. Couldn’t be anything else.

But then this attitude, and workaholism in general, started catching up with us as a church. Clergy burnout hit hard, and many quit. Then you had a huge wave of misconducts and affairs in the 70’s-90’s. All those people working long hours found unhealthy ways to release. Now we’ve just come to understand that the job is not what it used to be. Before, you pretty much knew what was expected: preach, teach, visit, repeat. If you preached more, taught more, visited more, then you could expect some success, or at least people would be more happy.

Now, we don’t even know what we’re doing in church half the time. You have fewer volunteers, people coming less often, more secular culture, fewer visitors on Sundays – all adding to the pressure to get new people in new ways. Then let’s throw in technology management, livestreaming, social media, and all the organizational work you have to pick up because you don’t have the people to delegate it out to, and the job suddenly is less about working harder, and more about figuring out what works - all while you still preach, teach, visit.

All this has led to a wave of retirements, and an attrition rate of around 30% of pastors in the first 5 years. All of it combined to make the higher ups think that maybe they should pull back on workaholic expectations and try to figure out how to have healthier clergy who stay longer, and thus are more effective at constantly adapting and leading change. Hence the support for pastors taking sabbaticals.

You know how I’ve preached against the “industrial” way of thinking about ministry for years. Humans are not machines that can just crank out better things by putting in more effort. We need time to rest in order to think, feel, imagine, and recharge. To be effective at coming up with new things, and constantly problem-solve new situations, you have to be rested and in a clear frame of mind. If you’re tired from running ragged, you get rote and uninspired.

And the last thing we all need is to be rote and uninspired. That’s not much of a life. So we need to value time off, rest, recreation, family, hobbies, community engagement, outdoors just as much as work – in order to be good at work.

I won’t say I’ve become rote these last three years, but I will admit that the endless adaptation to changing circumstances has come with stress. I will say that it’s hard to think of how to grow the church, and make disciples, and do new ministries, when you can’t even figure out where everyone is, or how to operate all the machines. I miss that, because, to me, that’s the funnest part of ministry – the opportunities to change new lives and make a difference. I plan to do a lot more of that when I come back from a few months away.

For the sabbatical I’m going to mostly go back to doing things I’ve done, or places I’ve seen. There will be some adventure; I’m going to check out some parks and monuments I’ve never been to. But camping and hiking are things I love. Most of my faith journey leading to seminary was out in the woods, at camp, when it wasn’t at the local church. Endless days in the trees debating God’s call for me, my place in the world. Getting back to that will bring peace (I hope) and some renewed connection with God. Going to see Sweden again, where I remember being the only one in my class who went to church on Sundays, will be exciting. It was through our connections to Sweden that Kristie and I met in the Scandinavian Studies Department at college. It’s why the sabbatical proposal was filled with talk of “reconnecting”. It’s a little like being the musician who had big hits early on, and tons of new stuff, and then gets so busy running tours that things can get repetitive, and needs to go back to Greenwich Village coffee shops (if you took a Bob Dylan-style journey) and the life before the work to get re-inspired for new ideas and new energy. The Beatles made their best album at the end of their career (Let It Be), although some would argue orange pills and Yoko Ono had a hand in it 😊.

But that’s the idea: to get back to the basic things that formed faith originally, spend time with family, and not do any work. There will be a lot of picture-taking, and I plan to get some printed out for a display when I get back. But there will be no theological investigations, or touring “successful” churches to look for practices to poach. Just lots of decompressing and soaking in God’s beauty and grace.

While I’m out, you will be in the good hands of Pastor Jim Dew and the many members who are stepping up to cover ministries and even some lay-led services on Sundays. The Lay Visitation Team, led by Cindy Stein, will be in charge of member care. If you have prayers or concerns, sicknesses, surgeries, or just someone to talk to, call her. The team is excited to be there for the congregation, to build up and support one another.

I also won’t get to see the sanctuary finished (though I might sneak in under cover of darkness to check it out later), as it will still be under construction when I leave. Sam Lyth is managing the project, so you can bring your questions to him. Reminder again that the pews will not be bolted to the floor anymore. This will give us flexibility with the space, but you will have to be careful if using them to stand up.

Sue Justis is leading a study on spiritual gifts. Check out the display for that. You have the chance to not just read the book on gifts, but study with Rev. Josh Acton himself, the author. If you want to see some of his previous talks, check them out here.

Fourth of July and Rally Day are still on – our two big events in the heat. Prayerfully consider if you can do some grilling or helping out with those, since I won’t be around to call and recruit. See our council president Linda Merritt if you can help with Rally Day.

When I look at all the work of the last couple years, we’ve really come a long way as a church. We transformed to livestreaming and beefed up our internet presence. We upgraded our building, and continue through your generosity. We started a strategic planning process and got a new mission statement. Now we’re rebuilding our sanctuary and looking at revising our ministries for growth. We got challenged, and rose to the occasion. Thank you all for everything you did to support our congregation and get us through so we can not just survive, but plan ahead and lean into the future.

Having done that, I will be leaning back on a folding chair in the woods somewhere for a while with my wife and good pot of coffee brewed over a kerosene stove. I’ll think of you. But not too much 😊. God bless.


Pastor Lars

LOG Prayer Connection News June 2023

Psalm 107:1 - O give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever.

This Psalm starts with a reminder to be thankful for what God has done for us.  Giving God thanks is not done just to be polite.  It’ not a duty or a chore.  It is because God, who is above all things, is good and loves us forever even though we don’t deserve it. In all prayers, before making our requests to God, we can put our hearts in the right place first by remembering what God has already done for us.  This helps us to see clearly, to see that we can trust God and we can ask for help with a more positive and trusting spirit.  Prayer for deliverance and help must start with knowing in your heart that God is all powerful and does all things through us with a love greater than we can imagine.  God is the only one who is truly able to help us and deliver us from trouble.

Please know that the Lord of Grace Prayer Team continues to pray over all prayer petitions sent our way, including the requests entered in the prayer journal in the narthex.  The Team will also continue to offer individual prayer times after each worship service on the 4th Sunday of each month.  We strongly believe in the power of prayer and that a continual connection with our God will keep us all closer to Him.   

Remember, God can bring the peace you seek.  Seek Him in prayer.

Outreach News June 2023

OUTREACH Ministry – June 2023

Our members include Chris Kollen as lead, Corliss Jenkins-Sherry, Carol Buuck, Phyllis Teager, and Patty Clymer. We are planning new and exciting projects this coming year. If you’d like more information about becoming a member of Outreach, contact Chris Kollen at or at 520-419-7475.

Marana Community Food Bank

The Marana Resource Center says with school ending and kids being home for the summer, they could really use peanut butter and jelly donations.

“Summer is the most vulnerable time for families facing food insecurity as they rely heavily on free school meals to keep their kids fed during the school day.  We are working hard to help families get food when they need it.  Community support makes these options possible.”

Donated food can be placed in the wooden cabinet located in the Narthex.  Please remember that the food bank cannot accept any food items that has been opened/used or expired.  Also, please, no glass  containers.  If you prefer to make cash donations, they are always welcome, and can be mailed to Marana Food Bank, 11134 West Grier Road, Marana, AZ 85653.          

Every $1 helps provide 4 meals.

Upcoming events

School supplies and Backpacks – Roadrunner Elementary

We will collaborate with Roadrunner Elementary School this summer/fall to collect backpacks and school supplies. We are expecting the drive to start in June or July. More information to come.

God’s Work/Our Hands

We plan to develop activities to hold during Rally Day on September 10th for God’s Work/Our Hands.

Sabbatical News

Unwrap Your Spiritual Gifts - Congregational Study

Hard to believe it’s been over a year since we applied for the sabbatical grant from the Eli Lilly Endowment. The grant deadline was late April 2022. It was the culmination of several months of hard work by Pastor Lars, the Sabbatical Committee, ministry leaders and the congregation to assess and determine our goals for the sabbatical time. We were excited and thankful when we were awarded the grant for 2023. We are now one month away from Pastor Lars leaving July, August, and September to “Rest, Renew, and Reconnect”. It was also a requirement for the congregation to use these three months to also renew and reconnect.

The congregational goals we agreed to and used in the application are 1) Grow our intimacy with our Lord; 2) Deepen our connection to the family of Lord of Grace; 3) Explore our gifts and talents; 4) Grow our gifts and talents as we minister to one another; 5) Gain the courage to use our gifts and talents to help Lord of Grace and the community that surrounds it to THRIVE.

With these goals guiding us the team of Phyllis Teager, Cindy Stein, and Sue Justis have been planning the study of spiritual gifts. There will be opportunities for everyone at Lord of Grace, including our “snowbirds” to participate using the short (69 pgs) book and study guide titled The Gifted Life by Joseph K Acton (Josh). The study will take place through small group participation in many different settings so everyone should be able to find a convenient group to meet with, such as in homes of hosts, at church in various ministry groups, online with a zoom group. Any day, time or place a small group of Lord of Grace folks willing to commit to as many sessions your group will need to study and discuss the nine gifts/chapters. I think the book can be studied in 3-4 sessions. You might want to invite a Christian friend or neighbor to join you. 

The study will culminate with three different on-line interactive presentations by the author, Josh Acton, on Saturday Aug. 12, 19,& 26 at church from 10-11:30 AM. This is a wonderful  opportunity to learn directly from a minister who has been ordained for over 40 years and serves as the Director of the North American Order of St Luke’s the Physician an international, non- denominational (Ecumenical) Christian organization dedicated to the healing ministry of Jesus, and is in great demand as a speaker, seminar leader, and retreat leader all over America. We are blessed to have him willing to help Lord of Grace grow spiritually and begin to fulfill our goals as stated in the grant during our sabbatical time.

LOOK for SIGN UPS IN THE NARTHEX for hosting a small group or interested in finding a small group. The book will be $8. That is 50% off the retail price.  

Sanctuary Changes Coming!!! - Pastor's column June, 2023

Our sanctuary renovations have started, and I hope you’ve had a chance to look at the sanctuary, if you can’t make it in person. As of writing this, we got the first phase completed: the painting of the walls. The two tones have warmed up and brought the sanctuary in a lot. I’ve been very pleased with how it’s come out. Sometimes things don’t look like you think when the color goes on, but this time worked. The peak in front, with the darker brown, really pulls your eye to the front, and pulls it up, so the room feels more high and less wide – less cavernous. The darker brown on the upper sides and back corners also does this. The lighter brown, on the lower sides and big, front walls contrasts well.

I’ve said for many years that we have to face the reality that average worship attendance is not likely to reach the highs of the early 2000’s. I said this before Covid, as trends have shown that most church members consider themselves active if they come even once a month, sometimes less. So you can have the same number of people, but the room gets emptier. Throw in Covid, and then people staying home and following online, and it’s even less. To grow the weekly average would require a massive jump in total numbers, so we could keep adding new members for years and still not see much difference on Sunday morning.

Then there’s the seasonal fluctuation. The snowbirds return to the north, and the families start vacations and camps. The first service drops to the low 20’s, and the second service in the 60-80 range (it varies a lot). We don’t need 220 spaces for either one.

This changes the dynamic in the room, of course. A full room has lots of energy, and feels more alive, even if it has fewer people, if the people are closer together. We have more people than a lot of the storefront churches around, but they’re jammed in small spaces so they *feel* more alive because they’re more crowded. On the flip side, when you come into a giant space that has 50-90% empty seating spaces, it *feels* empty– even if the actual, raw, number of attendees is the same as the storefront. In other words, if you reduce the seating and make the room feel smaller, people *feel* the space to be more warm and comfortable, and the congregation more alive. Empty pews telegraph how many used to be here but now aren’t. Full seats telegraph growth and success.

The sanctuary with the new paint colors.

All this undergirds the reasoning behind a lot of our sanctuary changes. The paint makes it feel more warm and cozy. Taking out half the pews allows us to size seating closer to capacity. Moving the band and choir up will make them more visible, which will make them feel closer. Extending the front platform across the room will make the seating area feel smaller still.

There are many other reasons for why we’re doing what we’re doing: to allow greater flexibility and creativity, to see better (the lights) and to have better angles for livestreaming (the platform). All this, together, will give us an adaptive space for future uses – even ones we can’t anticipate.

One note: when the shorter pews come back in they will not be bolted to the floor, so pulling on them to stand up will make them tip. We’re going to increase their stability by bracing the backs, but it won’t be 100% tip proof. On the flip side, we can space them out a little more, and move them around for special occasions or future needs.

Speaking of lights, while I write this the electricians are busy replacing those in the sanctuary. This includes the wall lights and 16 new track lights behind the front wood beam: 4 for choir, 4 for the band, and 8 new track lights for the altar area. All are LED and all are dimable. We will have more light for Sundays morning, and less for special services.

Once this is done we wait until vacation Bible school (June 5-9) is over. Then, on June 12 and 13 we’ll need lots of volunteers to come in and unbolt the pews and take them apart so the carpenter can haul them off for repair. June 11, then, will be the last Sunday in the sanctuary until the renovations are complete – a planned total of five weeks. During this time worship will be in the fellowship hall. It will still be the same two services, just in a different location. It should remind us of the good old days of being at Coyote Trail Elementary and meeting in the cafeteria – except that we’ll have less moving of chairs and equipment.

I thank everyone up front for all your flexibility and patience. We’ll have a lot of schlepping pews and tables and chairs around, lots of moving things and problem-solving space issues. It is only temporary. Most will be done before I leave on July 3rd, but not all. It will be fun to come back and see everything new.



Pastor Lars

San Juan Batista Lutheran Church Painting

A big thanks to all that volunteered their time to help paint the fellowship hall. Volunteers came in on April 10th to come do prep work for painting such as taping and patching, etc. We returned on 12th and the 13th to do the painting. Everything went smoothly and now they have a new beautifully painted fellowship hall. Thank you again for all of the hardwork the volunteers put in to make this happen.

LOG Prayer Connection News May 2023

I call on you, my God, for you will answer me; turn your ear to me and hear my prayer.  Psalm 17:6

Isn’t it a wonderful blessing that we have someone who is always there to hear our deepest concerns, worries and needs.  But more than that, he is there to talk to about anything.  Even everyday concerns.  When I first started praying, I was worried that my some of my prayers were not important enough to bother such a mighty individual as God.  As my prayer life deepened and grew, I learned that God wants to hear from us about everything and anything.  For me, this began with “Thank you” prayers for everyday blessings I encountered.  This then led to conversations with God to talk over my day and hopes for myself and others.  If you are feeling restless, unsettled, or even the opposite… very blessed and excited about an event or promotion for example, reach out to God.  He is ready and willing to listen to everyone at any time. 

The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth.  Psalm 145:18

Please know that the Lord of Grace Prayer team continues to pray over all prayer petitions sent our way, including the requests entered in the prayer journal in the Narthex.  Prayer teams are available in the conference/classroom across the hall from the office on the 4th Sunday of the month right after BOTH the 8:30 and 10:30 services.  If you are in need of prayer, please ask a team member to pray with y99u any Sunday or anytime.  We are here for you. 

Prayer Team: Cindy Stein, Sue Justis, Candy Borstad, Carlene Hugues, Diana Repp and Kris Pierce.

Outreach News May 2023

OUTREACH Ministry – May 2023

Our members include Chris Kollen as lead, Corliss Jenkins-Sherry, Carol Buuck, Phyllis Teager, and Patty Clymer. We are planning new and exciting projects this coming year. If you’d like more information about becoming a member of Outreach, contact Chris Kollen at or at 520-419-7475.


Marana Community Food Bank


The Marana Resource Center can really use our help providing their clients with shampoo,

deodorant, and toothpaste. They don’t have budget for these items until July. Let’s help our neighbors with these much-needed hygiene items.


Donated food can be placed in the wooden cabinet located in the Narthex.  Please remember that the food bank cannot accept any food items that have been opened/used or expired.  Also, please no glass containers.  If you prefer to make cash donations, they are always welcome, and can be mailed to Marana Food Bank, 11134 West Grier Road, Marana, AZ 85653. 


Every $1 helps provide 4 meals.


Past events


Easter Breakfast

On April 9th, Easter Sunday, the outreach team hosted the Easter Breakfast. We had a good attendance by the congregation. We raised $337 that will go to Roadrunner Elementary to Butler’s Pantry, their resource center.

A big thank you to all the volunteers that assisted in making the Easter breakfast a success.

Loving not Hating - Pastor's Column May 2023

I was giving a tour of the sanctuary to a lighting consultant, who was asking me about what we wanted for the sanctuary. I told him my concerns were fairly practical: I wanted to have things more adjustable, and brighter up the front and on the sides, new sconces etc. He suggested all sorts of new lighting ideas, that the churches he worked with wanted fancy lights to “bring the young people back.”

That stuck with me, that churches had told him that they thought fancy light production at worship would make young people more interested in church. This shouldn’t surprise me. But it still seems like such 1990’s thinking. Back then, a lot of people (Baby Boomers – largely) grew up in traditional churches, but thought they were boring. So adding bands and light shows and production elements would tilt the scales when picking between churches. If you’re going anyways, why not the one with lasers, fog machines, jumbotron etc.?

But times have changed. I honestly have never met a person under 40 (heck, under 50 now) who says they don’t go to church because it’s too boring or traditional. Their issues are deeper. They don’t believe in God at all. Or they don’t like “organized religion,” and they will give a list of grievances with “church”. And none of them have anything to do with lights. Instead, the view is that Christians are hateful, transphobic, intolerant.


This bites much deeper than production value.

But where do they get these ideas?

The internet, of course.

And the newspaper.

And stories from friends.

And the stories they hear are disturbing.

I’m sure you all heard about the pastor at Faith Christian Church, based out of the University, using church funds to buy mansions on Mount Lemmon without paying taxes. He claims it’s for “spiritual retreats”. But, interestingly, only he and his close friends ever go on them.

So the internet lights up with “tax the churches. They’re all a scam….”

Then there’s the episode at Bookman’s where they had one of those drag queen story hours. A local church sent a crowd of angry people to shout and scream them down, scare them into stopping. They said they were “protecting the children from grooming”. What utter nonsense. There is no data to support drag queens leading to child molestation. Most offenders are straight and married. None of them started with drag queens.

Of course, to the young people watching from the sides, this is glaring hypocrisy, and intolerance. They see priests molesting kids and bishops covering it up, then Christians are worried about drag queens?

Of course, you and I will point out a distinction between some non-denominational personality cult and the Roman Catholic Church. They don’t. It’s all just “Christians are hypocrites”.

You want to know why kids don’t want to come to church? They think we’re hateful, homophobic, reactionary, sexist etc. They can’t figure out why they’d want that guy with his shiny red corvette and frosted tips to tell them every Sunday why LGBTQ people were going to hell. No thanks. I’ll be a good person, live love, and do it without “organized religion”.

I’ve had people ask my kids, when they say I’m a pastor, “so, your dad hates gays?” Gentle ribbing? Or do they really believe it?

The two biggest questions I get asked by confirmation students are “what is hell all about?” and “why do Christians hate gays?”

That’s the world we live in. Like it or not. The kids who go to church have to answer to their friends for the sins of those Christians who are screaming loudly to block what most young people see as self-evident human rights. They don’t see atheists shouting down drag queens and screaming at school board meetings. Ergo: atheists are more tolerant and loving.

I know that we as a church, as the ELCA, have struggled over the years with what course we will plot over LGBTQ issues. We know all too well at Lord of Grace that many of our former members left to go to conservative churches that would affirm their belief that all same-sex activity was sinful and against the Bible. We also know that our social statement on human sexuality both affirms same-sex marriage and ordination, but does not condemn those who choose not to support that. You don’t have to agree with the change, but we do expect you to live in a loving and supportive way in community with those who do.

Which brings me back to thinking about our place as a church, our future, our strategy for proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ in these times. Most of our society seems to be splitting apart along hard, partisan lines. Some churches stake out a traditionalist view, and they keep planting churches that affirm those beliefs, and do so with really good light shows. On the other hand, more and more of the population is just dropping out of church entirely. They don’t see a place for them. They may not deny God’s existence, but don’t want to participate in what they see as hateful politics.

In order to do evangelism these days it’s not enough to talk about Jesus. You have to overcome all these negative views, all these preconceptions first. You have to BE loving and supportive of people ostracized by other churches. And you have to keep clarifying, “but we’re not like that church, we don’t believe that, we don’t practice that……”

It's gets exhausting. I used to be more circumspect about doing the whole “We’re not them” bit. It felt arrogant. But after watching the screaming at Bookman’s and credible threats against the Catalina Foothills school board, I don’t feel we have a choice. Honestly, I would rather go to no church at all than that one.

And I used to be more circumspect about talking about ELCA social statements. I was worried it would offend people and cause controversy, and I didn’t have the energy for a fight. But, the more I see in the news, the more I feel the opposite. We’ve already lost people because of our positions. Maybe it’s time to use them to gain new ones.

It's why I feel we need to be more bold in identifying ourselves as different, and highlighting our social positions, and letting people know we’re an alternative. We also have the burden of living that out in practice, and demonstrating that we can be loving, open-minded, tolerant, inclusive, accepting, non-judgmental, listening to diverse views, and not automatically against all social change. We have a lot of obstacles to overcome to reach new generations for Christ. And none of them have to do with flashy lighting.

That said, we will be upgrading our lighting. We’ll go with the simpler plan: nothing flashy, but more bright and adjustable. We’ll be able to set a mood for a meditative service, and raise it for Sunday morning. And I hope that under those lights, whether dark and contemplative or bright and celebrating, that we act and live love and acceptance of Jesus, so we can melt hardened hearts with deeds and actions that give a different voice to Jesus and the church.  


Pastor Lars

Outreach News April 2023

OUTREACH Ministry – April 2023

Our members include Chris Kollen as lead, Corliss Jenkins-Sherry, Carol Buuck, Phyllis Teager, and Patty Clymer. We are planning new and exciting projects this coming year. If you’d like more information about becoming a member of Outreach, contact Chris Kollen at or at 520-419-7475.


Marana Community Food Bank


The Marana Resource Center recently received a pallet of peanut butter.  So, they would be

grateful for jelly (in plastic containers) to pair with the peanut butter.  Also, they have a need for



Let’s get our neighbors off to a good start each morning with these favorites! Donated food can be place in the wooden cabinet located in the Narthex.  Please remember that the food bank cannot accept any food items that has been opened/used or expired.  Also, please no glass containers.  If you prefer to make cash donations, they are always welcome, and can be mailed to Marana Food Bank, 11134 West Grier Road, Marana, AZ 85653.    


Every $1 helps provide 4 meals.


Current and ongoing projects


Roadrunner Elementary-Lord of Grace Partnership

The Outreach Team will be continuing our work on Tuesday mornings at Butler’s Pantry, the

community resource center at Roadrunner Elementary from 9am-12pm. There will be a sign-up

in the Narthex on Sunday. We will meet Tuesday mornings at the LOG parking lot at 8:30am

and carpool to the school. If you have questions call Phyllis Teager 520-906-1837.


In addition, Carol Buuck and Phyllis Teager met at Roadrunner Elementary with Kristina Brewer on March 28, 2023 to discuss in what other areas we can help them. More to come later.


Upcoming projects



Easter Breakfast

The Outreach Team will be sponsoring the Easter Breakfast this year. We'll be serving breakfast from 7:45-8:30 and from 9:30-10:30. We will be serving buttermilk pancakes, sausages, fruit and pastries. Coffee, tea, and orange juice will also be available. 

We're looking for volunteers to help setup and prepare the fruit on Saturday April 8th and to help prepare and serve food and clean up on Sunday April 9th. There is a sign-up sheet in the narthex. The breakfast is a fund-raiser for Roadrunner Elementary School. 

We hope you'll be able to join us! Any questions, contact Corliss Jenkins-Sherry at, call her at (520) 262-4271, contact anyone on the Outreach Team. Thank you! 

San Juan Bautista Lutheran Church Work Crew 

We've been asked by San Juan Bautista Lutheran Church at 1130 E Bilby Rd in Tucson to help paint their fellowship hall in preparation for their 70th anniversary celebration on April 30th. We're looking for people who would be interested in being on the work crew. Dates would be Monday April 10th to prep for painting and April 12-13th to paint. They need one wall painted and we're hoping if we have enough people signup for the work crew that we can paint all four walls. There is a sign-up sheet in the Narthex. Thank you for considering! Questions? Contact Chris Kollen at, anyone on the Outreach Team, or Pastor Lars. Thank you!