
Environment - Lutheran Perspective

A look at the social statement of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America on ecology and environment, titled "Caring for Creation: Vision, Hope, and Justice", approved at the 1993 church-wide assembly. A review of the statement itself, and conversation around thoughts and reactions.

Make sure to download the statements to read. They're too big to put on powerpoints.

Social Statement - download here: https://www.elca.org/Faith/Faith-and-Society/Social-Statements/Caring-for-Creation

Criminal Justice - Lutheran Perspective

A look at the social statement on Criminal Justice of the ELCA, and some conversation around how social statements are made, why, and what purpose they serve. In-Person and online.

Make sure to download the statements to read before and during the class. They're too big to put on powerpoints.


Criminal Justice Social Statement https://www.elca.org/Faith/Faith-and-Society/Social-Statements/Criminal-Justice

Social Statements - Addressing Social Concerns https://www.elca.org/en/Faith/Faith-and-Society/Addressing-Social-Concerns?_ga=1.147733054.825230763.1464708174

Church in Society https://elca.org/Faith/Faith-and-Society/Social-Statements/Church-in-Society