social statement

Human Sexuality Study part 3 - Introduction to the 2009 ELCA social statement

A conversation and study of how ELCA Lutherans understand human sexuality, both in the Bible, and in the 2009 Social Statements on Human Sexuality. Part three, this session begins with the background to the statement, Lutheran perspectives on the discussion of human sexuality, and the introduction of the statement itself.

To download and read the official statement, click here.

Environment - Lutheran Perspective

A look at the social statement of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America on ecology and environment, titled "Caring for Creation: Vision, Hope, and Justice", approved at the 1993 church-wide assembly. A review of the statement itself, and conversation around thoughts and reactions.

Make sure to download the statements to read. They're too big to put on powerpoints.

Social Statement - download here:

Abortion - Lutheran Perspective

A look at the social statement of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America on abortion, approved at the 1991 church-wide assembly. A review of the statement itself, and conversation around thoughts and reactions.

Make sure to download the statements. They're too big to put on powerpoints.

Abortion Social Statement - download here:

Economic Life - Lutheran Perspective

A look at the social statement on the Economic Life of the ELCA, and some conversation around how social statements are made, why, and what purpose they serve. In-Person and online. Make sure to download the statements to read before and during the class. They're too big to put on powerpoints.

Economic Life Social Statement - download here:

Criminal Justice - Lutheran Perspective

A look at the social statement on Criminal Justice of the ELCA, and some conversation around how social statements are made, why, and what purpose they serve. In-Person and online.

Make sure to download the statements to read before and during the class. They're too big to put on powerpoints.


Criminal Justice Social Statement

Social Statements - Addressing Social Concerns

Church in Society