
As the Deer - Bible Study on Psalm 42:1-2

We can all sense that we are more than just the materials that make us up - the atoms, molecules, neuro-chemical reactions in the brain. We can feel the need for a connection at a deeper level, and that level is what we call in the Old Testament "the soul". In Psalm 42, the soul is compared to a deer, thirsty and longing to connect with God, and it need the Lord like it needs water. By Pastor Lars Hammar

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The Jubilee Year and Forgiving Debts

God commands that every seventh day we rest, every seventh year we let the land rest, and every 50th year we forgive all debts. Why does God mandate so much rest, and why, in particular, get involved in banking and credit issues? Debt can be a tool of control - even enslavement - and the forgiveness of debts a good social “reset” to restore society and prevent abuse.