The experience of God can often be blocked by the constant voices that pressure us in our head for attention. When these dominate our lives, they become the "Tyranny of the Urgent", and they keep us from seeing the bigger picture and hearing God speak. Elijah goes into the wilderness and hears the voice of God when he can finally listen to the sheer silence. By Pastor Lars Hammar
The Cloud of Unknowing - Bible Study - Jan 14
To find God, sometimes you have to enter into the darkness, where you see nothing and rely only on God. While feeling vulnerable and overwhelmed, it is also when we are close to God. By Pastor Lars Hammar.
Holy Ground - Bible Study - Jan 13
Third in the Spiritual Gifts study by Pastor Lars Hammar, we look at how God takes an ordinary mountain and makes it holy, demanding that the place around his presence be kept special. For our own spiritual lives, keeping sacred places makes it easier to experience
The Name of God - Bible Study - Jan 12
Bible study on spiritual gifts and the encounter with God, focusing more on Moses and how God describes himself to him, and what it means about the mystery that is God. By Pastor Lars Hammar
The Burning Bush - Bible Study - Jan 11
First in a Bible study series on spiritual gifts. We go back to Moses and his encounter with God at the burning bush and what it tells us about the encounter with the divine and finding God. By Pastor Lars Hammar.