
You Don't Need a King - Christ the King Sunday 2023

In times of anxiety we can get tempted to give up our freedoms and turn to a strong man, dictator, or king to protect us and, supposedly, make us proud. But this is giving to a person what belongs only to God - our ultimate loyalty and worship. God delivers and brings peace, so we don't need a king. By Pastor Lars Hammar. Christ the King Sunday

A couple of the images referenced in the sermon - maps of Israel at the time of the Twelve Tribes and King David


Jesus the Prophet: Unfundamentalist Series 3

Learning to love Jesus without checking your brain at the door. Week 3 is going to continue our discussion of being an active, critical thinker in tandem with having a deep relationship with one's faith. We'll look some more at the relationship between priests and prophets, laws and criticism of laws, and how Jesus fits much more the tradition of the prophets than of the law givers.

Livestreamed on January 20, 2022 Pastor Lars Hammar of Lord of Grace Lutheran Church in Marana, Arizona.

Prophets and Priests: Unfundamentalist Series 2

Learning to love Jesus without checking your brain at the door. Week 2 is going to continue our discussion of being an active, critical thinker in tandem with having a deep relationship with one's faith.

This week’s episode deals with the difference in worldview between prophets and priests, how they both have valuable functions, but how the prophetic side gets sidelined in the desire for order, rules, and hard truth.

Livestreamed January 13 by Pastor Lars Hammar

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Prophecy and Frenzies - Bible Study - Feb 1

Devotion on 1 Samuel 10:9-13. By Pastor Lars Hammar

Part of the online Bible study series titled, “Spiritual Gifts and Spiritual Encounters”.

With so many people on TV and online claiming to be giving prophecies predicting victory for their favorite political candidates, how do you even know if they're real? And how does God give prophetic experiences? King Saul was possesed by the Spirit of God and went into a prophetic frenzy, but it wasn't something he chose.