Pastor's Column

Loving not Hating - Pastor's Column May 2023

I was giving a tour of the sanctuary to a lighting consultant, who was asking me about what we wanted for the sanctuary. I told him my concerns were fairly practical: I wanted to have things more adjustable, and brighter up the front and on the sides, new sconces etc. He suggested all sorts of new lighting ideas, that the churches he worked with wanted fancy lights to “bring the young people back.”

That stuck with me, that churches had told him that they thought fancy light production at worship would make young people more interested in church. This shouldn’t surprise me. But it still seems like such 1990’s thinking. Back then, a lot of people (Baby Boomers – largely) grew up in traditional churches, but thought they were boring. So adding bands and light shows and production elements would tilt the scales when picking between churches. If you’re going anyways, why not the one with lasers, fog machines, jumbotron etc.?

But times have changed. I honestly have never met a person under 40 (heck, under 50 now) who says they don’t go to church because it’s too boring or traditional. Their issues are deeper. They don’t believe in God at all. Or they don’t like “organized religion,” and they will give a list of grievances with “church”. And none of them have anything to do with lights. Instead, the view is that Christians are hateful, transphobic, intolerant.


This bites much deeper than production value.

But where do they get these ideas?

The internet, of course.

And the newspaper.

And stories from friends.

And the stories they hear are disturbing.

I’m sure you all heard about the pastor at Faith Christian Church, based out of the University, using church funds to buy mansions on Mount Lemmon without paying taxes. He claims it’s for “spiritual retreats”. But, interestingly, only he and his close friends ever go on them.

So the internet lights up with “tax the churches. They’re all a scam….”

Then there’s the episode at Bookman’s where they had one of those drag queen story hours. A local church sent a crowd of angry people to shout and scream them down, scare them into stopping. They said they were “protecting the children from grooming”. What utter nonsense. There is no data to support drag queens leading to child molestation. Most offenders are straight and married. None of them started with drag queens.

Of course, to the young people watching from the sides, this is glaring hypocrisy, and intolerance. They see priests molesting kids and bishops covering it up, then Christians are worried about drag queens?

Of course, you and I will point out a distinction between some non-denominational personality cult and the Roman Catholic Church. They don’t. It’s all just “Christians are hypocrites”.

You want to know why kids don’t want to come to church? They think we’re hateful, homophobic, reactionary, sexist etc. They can’t figure out why they’d want that guy with his shiny red corvette and frosted tips to tell them every Sunday why LGBTQ people were going to hell. No thanks. I’ll be a good person, live love, and do it without “organized religion”.

I’ve had people ask my kids, when they say I’m a pastor, “so, your dad hates gays?” Gentle ribbing? Or do they really believe it?

The two biggest questions I get asked by confirmation students are “what is hell all about?” and “why do Christians hate gays?”

That’s the world we live in. Like it or not. The kids who go to church have to answer to their friends for the sins of those Christians who are screaming loudly to block what most young people see as self-evident human rights. They don’t see atheists shouting down drag queens and screaming at school board meetings. Ergo: atheists are more tolerant and loving.

I know that we as a church, as the ELCA, have struggled over the years with what course we will plot over LGBTQ issues. We know all too well at Lord of Grace that many of our former members left to go to conservative churches that would affirm their belief that all same-sex activity was sinful and against the Bible. We also know that our social statement on human sexuality both affirms same-sex marriage and ordination, but does not condemn those who choose not to support that. You don’t have to agree with the change, but we do expect you to live in a loving and supportive way in community with those who do.

Which brings me back to thinking about our place as a church, our future, our strategy for proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ in these times. Most of our society seems to be splitting apart along hard, partisan lines. Some churches stake out a traditionalist view, and they keep planting churches that affirm those beliefs, and do so with really good light shows. On the other hand, more and more of the population is just dropping out of church entirely. They don’t see a place for them. They may not deny God’s existence, but don’t want to participate in what they see as hateful politics.

In order to do evangelism these days it’s not enough to talk about Jesus. You have to overcome all these negative views, all these preconceptions first. You have to BE loving and supportive of people ostracized by other churches. And you have to keep clarifying, “but we’re not like that church, we don’t believe that, we don’t practice that……”

It's gets exhausting. I used to be more circumspect about doing the whole “We’re not them” bit. It felt arrogant. But after watching the screaming at Bookman’s and credible threats against the Catalina Foothills school board, I don’t feel we have a choice. Honestly, I would rather go to no church at all than that one.

And I used to be more circumspect about talking about ELCA social statements. I was worried it would offend people and cause controversy, and I didn’t have the energy for a fight. But, the more I see in the news, the more I feel the opposite. We’ve already lost people because of our positions. Maybe it’s time to use them to gain new ones.

It's why I feel we need to be more bold in identifying ourselves as different, and highlighting our social positions, and letting people know we’re an alternative. We also have the burden of living that out in practice, and demonstrating that we can be loving, open-minded, tolerant, inclusive, accepting, non-judgmental, listening to diverse views, and not automatically against all social change. We have a lot of obstacles to overcome to reach new generations for Christ. And none of them have to do with flashy lighting.

That said, we will be upgrading our lighting. We’ll go with the simpler plan: nothing flashy, but more bright and adjustable. We’ll be able to set a mood for a meditative service, and raise it for Sunday morning. And I hope that under those lights, whether dark and contemplative or bright and celebrating, that we act and live love and acceptance of Jesus, so we can melt hardened hearts with deeds and actions that give a different voice to Jesus and the church.  


Pastor Lars

Painting San Juan Bautista - pastor's column April, 2023

Seventy years ago some Swedish Lutherans on the south side of Tucson formed a congregation, in the old Augustana Synod (which has since merged in to the LCA and then to the ELCA), on Bilby Road and almost Park Avenue. They called this church Bethany Lutheran.

By the mid-1970’s, most of the Swedes had moved away, and the neighborhood had become mostly Mexican-American. So they sold the property to the Lutheran Church in America (the LCA) and with the proceeds moved west to Cardinal and Valencia and formed Santa Cruz Lutheran Church.

San Juan Bautista, as it looks today.

Meanwhile, at the old Bethany building, a new pastor named Rich Miller came in, who spoke Spanish and had served congregations in the Caribbean. He had a counseling practice on the side and, through that, met a bunch of people of Afro-Cuban descent who had just come to the US. He restarted the church as San Juan Bautista Lutheran Church, or Eglesia Luterana de San Juan Bautista.

The church remained this way until the early 1980’s, when most of the Cuban immigrants moved to other parts of the US, and Pastor Miller started and outreach to the Mexican-America community that now is the majority of the area. He stayed there until the late 1980’s.

He was then followed by a retired missionary from Guatemala, Pastor Gary McClure. He served the congregation part-time for the next 18 years. He was followed by three more pastors who all had short terms, followed then by Pastor Mateo Chavez, a retired teacher from Yuma and member of the congregation. Pastor Chavez has now been at San Juan for several years fully ordained.

This April 30th San Juan will be celebrating its 70th anniversary as a ministry site (as two different congregations). They’ve weathered a lot, particularly the struggle with finding pastors who can speak Spanish, and know the culture. As a small congregation of people on hour wages. San Juan has not been self-sustaining for years, and relies heavily on the generosity of the ELCA, Grand Canyon Synod, and our fellow Tucson congregations.

Pastor Rich Miller (second from left) helping the musicians from San Juan at the super-youth event in 2017. Pastor Mateo Chavez is speaking, and his wife Anette is with the guitar second from the right.

Lord of Grace has had an off-again, on-again partnership with San Juan. I saw in an old directory that we rebuilt the underlayment on their roof in the early 2000’s. We also had a combined youth group event in 2018 down there, which was a lot of fun. Then there was the “super-youth” event here in 2018 that featured a musical group from San Juan.

When I was doing Open Space Church, we had a good partnership with San Juan. As a mission start, we relied on ELCA money to support us. But what we didn’t have in finances, we had in talent.

Michael Schultz painting Jesus and John the Baptism where the old windows used to be at San Juan Bautista

In 2015 we held our second live graffiti art show at San Juan: WET PAINT 2. Open Space’s own Michael Schultz painted a big mural on their education building with the Virgin of Guadalupe, Jesus, and the Luther Rose. We also brought in other local artists to make an event out of it. The mural is still there, though it could use a touch-up because of the fading. It faces due west.

The Holy Spirit by Tucson artist SES ONE

Then again in 2019 Open Space came back to host a graffiti contest, and paint the outside front of the sanctuary. The windows that once showed light into the front were covered up with plywood decades ago, and were painted like the rest of the building. Instead, Michael Schultz painted this Jesus with John the Baptist (above) in stained-glass-style, but with all spray paint. Numerous other artists competed, and the winner, SES ONE, with this Holy Spirit Dove, still sits in the San Juan sanctuary.

One thing that has been a frustration of many of us in the Grand Canyon Synod is how Tucson, which is 40% Mexican-American, has only one Spanish-speaking church, and . We need to do better at our evangelism, and break out of being a denomination of primarily Midwestern transplants (says Midwestern Transplant). There aren’t easy solutions, but one thing we can do is help support the congregation we do have.

The Lord of Grace and San Juan youth groups in 2016 in front of the main mural on the education building.

Which brings me to my shameless plug for volunteers to help me repaint the San Juan fellowship hall. The room has been rebuilt and repainted several times, and has some marks of wear, as any heavily-trafficked space does. I’ll be going down April 10th to prep the walls and tape, and then paint on April 12 and 13. I could use help to make it all go faster. It’s not a huge room, but it does take time and effort to get things done with detail. Sign-up sheets are in the narthex, and you can pick the day you can come. I hope to see you there.

Pastor Lars

Experiencing God in Wilderness -pastor's column March 2023

These past few weeks I’ve been doing an online study of selected passages from Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Letters from Prison. It’s been a fun experience to go back and look at one of my favorite writers and theologians, as well as someone I feel pretty comfortable recommending as a model of Christian faith. In case you aren’t familiar with him, he was a German Lutheran pastor and theologian in the 1930’s and 1940’s. He taught for a while at Union Seminary in New York City, and decided to go back to Germany with the rise of Hitler. He could have stayed out the war, but he felt his Christian calling was not to avoid the cross of discipleship, but embrace it. I’m not sure I would have been as bold.

When he got to Germany he joined the Abwehr – German military intelligence. It gave him clearance to travel to gain secrets about the Allies, while also working as a sort of double-agent. He ended up joining a plot to kill Hitler, and when he was found out, was sent to the Tegel prison in Berlin. He stayed there 18 months before being quietly transferred to an SS camp, where he was interrogated, tortured, and, eventually, hung naked with piano wire a couple months before the war ended.

All this sacrifice has put a credibility behind his writings that most theologians don’t have. But there’s one part of him that is getting renewed attention these days, from an unlikely source: American fundamentalists.

When Bonhoeffer was in New York, there was a theological movement at the time in mainline churches called “liberalism”. Nowadays we call it “classical liberalism” because it isn’t the same as today. The word means different things. But back then it was about how we could build the kingdom of God here on earth through social programs and science, and that doctrine and beliefs were largely unimportant. What mattered was the social outcomes. This was a reaction to the “quietism” of so much of American Christianity then that taught, basically, forget about the world and prepare yourself for heaven. Actions have reactions.

What Bonhoeffer found disillusioned him on classical liberalism, as he felt it didn’t address the issues of discipleship and personal responsibility for one’s faith. But this is not to say he was a quietist, or against churches taking social stands. Here’s just one quote

“Things do exist that are worth standing up for without compromise. To me it seems that peace and social justice are such things, as is Christ himself.”

He was not a social conservative, he just had issues with this particular brand of liberal Christianity.

Fast-forward to the early 2000’s, and suddenly you see his name being trumpeted by American Christian fundamentalists as one of their own. He’s now the doctrinal evangelical who died resisting the weak-kneed liberals who wouldn’t stand up to Hitler. So many things are wrong here, but most people wouldn’t catch them. In Germany, the Protestant “Lutheran” church actually calls itself the Evangelische Kirche. They don’t use the word “Lutheran”. In fact, our own doctrinal book, the Book of Concord, says “These are the writings of the Evangelical churches”. Lutheran was a nickname.

To conflate Dietrich Bonhoeffer with the modern evangelical movement, and all its literalism and politics, is simply wrong. He was anything but. Today he would go to a mainline Lutheran church, talk about “social justice” and “systemic injustice” along with the individual’s call to discipleship. He would in no way support the evolution-denying or science-denying politics of today’s evangelicals. But you have to dig a little to find that.

His earlier books, the Cost of Discipleship and Ethics have a heavy focus on the individual and the personal cost of being a follower of Jesus. They don’t delve as much into systemic and social things. It’s in his later writings, where he’s sitting in prison, with lots of time on his hands, that he starts to really rethink a lot of the Christian faith. It isn’t that he loses faith, even seeing WW2, it’s just that he gets disillusioned with how faith did not lead to action where it mattered. And so he begins to wonder if maybe the “religion” of his time – the practices, theology, unwritten belief systems, need to get jettisoned to get back to following Jesus. This is what he calls “religionless Christianity”, and this is what I’ve been exploring in the video series.

And yet, even here, his words got spun. You have fundamentalists talking about how they’re getting rid of “religion” to get “back to the heart”. And when pressed what that means, it’s something along the lines of: traditions, denominations, liturgy, robes, communion, written prayers – anything that might resemble Catholicism. They’re going to just sing and pray and listen to a sermon, and that’s “getting rid of religion”. The problem was, Bonhoeffer’s exploration of religionless Christianity has nothing to do with liturgy or bishops or robes, and everything to do with questions like:

  • How can you talk about the cross if people are not believing in sin?

  • Why is so much of “religion” just focused on life after death, instead of this world?

  • What do we have to say that adds Christ to the world of experience and science, instead of saying that God is either not working in the world, or only is there to answer the questions we can’t (the God of the gaps)?

  • Is it ethical to encourage people  to have an existential crisis so that you can solve it?

  • What does it mean to talk about redemption if the world doesn’t think they need to be saved?

These are questions driven by the rise of secularism, science, atheism, philosophy. Nothing about robes or hymns or weekly communion. Nothing about Jesus “in your heart”. Much more deep.

Where I find the questions the most convicting and engaging for me center around the idea of finding God in the world, and not in what’s after or beyond. If God is only the answer to questions we can’t answer, the more science answers the less room there is for God. And in a world that could care less about hell and heaven, do we have something to say about life now?

There’s this common phrase I hear among my fellow wilderness-hiking-types that they don’t need to go to church because “nature is my church” and “I find God in nature/mountain/stream/rainbow/sunset”. I have spent a lot of time in nature, and while I feel that I can better connect with God there, because there is more beauty and less distractions, I have not found God. I missed the community, the Word, the communion, the songs. Just me and nature eventually got kind of lonely.

Ragged Top Mountain, in Ironwood Forest National Monument.

But I see where they’re coming from, and because of Bonhoeffer I understand it better. They’re not denying that God exists, or that there is more to life than the physical world, or that there is transcendent experience. They’re just placing it IN THE WORLD. Church, they believe, is all about after death and outside of experience. They want a richer experience of God IN NATURE, not a God who tells you to destroy it because it’s all going to hell in the rapture anyways. They want to find God now, not just after death. And they want more life now, not a deprived life now in order to prepare for the good one later.

With that, I can’t disagree.

But our music, our hymns, so much of what we do is not geared towards finding God IN the pleasure and beauty today. If anything, pious Christianity has viewed pleasure as the first step on a slippery slope to debauchery and hell. Better to hold it all in. And if you listen to the songs about after I die, they go on and on about the “far side of Jordan”, but nothing about the near side of my life.

It's made me rethink how we can talk about God with no reference to heaven and hell, afterlife, punishment. It’s made me rethink how to talk about Jesus as someone to find IN the experience of the world, not as an escape from it.

Jesus being tempted to rule the world by The Tester

And how do we do that, and keep Jesus distinctly Jesus, and not fall into “God is in everything, so everything is God” sort of mushy-ness? Bonhoeffer suggests going back to the Old Testament, where no one believed in hell or an afterlife, and where Jesus, he believes, considers that of minor importance (though he does believe in resurrection). The message is there, the way is there, but it will involve some re-experiencing the world around you.

My thoughts meander, but let me bring it all back. This Lent our theme is “wilderness”. You can take that a couple ways. One is that it’s a place of emptiness, disorientation, deprivation. In those places, like Jesus, we can hear the Spirit more clearly because of our lack of distractions. The other way is to look at the wilderness as a place of rich experience, peace, harmony, and presence of mind – a place where God is MORE present, and deprivation is less. In both cases, we can go on our journeys away from the endless to-do lists that kill any experience of holiness and transcendence, that separate us from daily experience of God.

We’ll explore this theme in our mid-week services through the use of meditation, conversation, and contemplation of visual art. God will be present in both the non-seeing, and in the rich visuals. The sermons on Sunday will emphacize this two-sided journey, and, I hope, we will all have a new perspective on faith as followers of Jesus in this world.


Pastor Lars

Blue Ocean Evangelism - Pastor's Column Feb 2023

It’s been a couple months since everyone got an update on the strategic planning process, with Christmas and all, but we’re back and continuing our work. The committee met in January to start talking about implementation of the new mission statement. In case you can’t remember it:

Love God

Open our hearts and minds

Live Graciously toward all

The focus of our community is always first on the Lord, deepening our relationships with him, and being disciples. Then we open our minds and hearts to exploring and experiencing God’s truths and God’s will for our lives. Finally, there’s grace, God’s free gift, which we live with each other and which we want others to experience. In other words (my personal paraphrase)

·       Relationship/Spirituality

·       Exploration and Experience

·       Acceptance and gracious living

Now comes the next step: to go to our ministry teams and have everyone do brainstorming, and develop plans for how to implement these things in their areas. Some groups will focus more on one part than another, of course, but we’ll be most successful with the most ideas, ownership, involvement. Look for members of the Strategic Planning Committee to set up sessions with your ministry, and go through the process with you.

These are the nuts and bolts of process, of working things out, getting decisions made. But I also want to step back and share a few reflections on how to go about mission today.

I shared this little spiel with the committee, and thought I’d share it with you. It’s based on a book from the business world called “Blue Ocean Strategy” by Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne. The basic premise is that businesses operate in one of two markets. In the “red ocean” lots of different companies compete for a finite market. The competition is intense, so prices have to go down. You also have to spend lots of energy trying to beat the competition at quality, often investing hugely in small differences that only the most savvy consumers notice. Think of wines: if you want the connoisseurs,  you have to make really good wines, with very specific tastes, to people who are very picky. It’s called the “red ocean” because the competition is bloody. Lots of failed businesses and “cut throat” competition.  

In the “blue ocean” you don’t have competition, and you’re not even really competing with the other businesses. You’re creating a new market. Think of those wines with the kangaroos on them. They’re not super expensive, don’t have fancy French names, the bottles are easy to read, and they’re just sweet enough that ordinary people who have never swished a goblet under their noses can appreciate. The company is raking in millions selling wines to people who identify as “not wine people”. It’s a blue ocean success.

Where this matters to us is how closely this resembles the religious landscape of our NW corner of Tucson. When Lord of Grace was new, growth was fast and churches were few. We were one of the only ones. We were an island in a blue ocean. Now there’s one in every strip mall and school. We got huge. Now it’s bloody red, with a church on every corner. In addition, interest in religion is dropping, so a smaller percentage of people are looking for a church. This means more churches competing for fewer people – even factoring in recent development and housing growth. So, they all have to get better bands, more exciting youth groups, better signage, more savvy marketing, more programs….to grow in the market of church-shoppers.

Looking out over the Continental Ranch area, they all look pretty similar, to me at least. Little or no liturgy: just songs-sermon-go home. Praise bands playing the same songs. Pastor with jeans and untucked shirt with carefully sculpted hair to look “hip”. And a theology that’s solidly old-school and not up for debate. The differences between them are subtle – one pastor’s preaching style may be more animated, another more didactic, another does better jokes. The bands will be subtly different and try to get better singers and one might have a more charismatic “worship pastor”, but 90% is the same thing cloned over and over. It’s religious red ocean.

One effect of red-ocean church world is that size becomes a key asset in market positioning. To offer the best band, best programs, best parking, best media, best youth group etc. it helps in every way to have more people and money. Don’t have a volunteer for VBS? Just hire someone. Your kids don’t have a lot of friends at the small church? Go to the big one where they know everyone from school, and have cool mission trips and white-water rafting. As a smaller congregation, you simply can’t compete with the big players in a red ocean market. They can out-perform you in every category – except if you want to not be anonymous or want to get really involved. The whole scene gets disheartening, frustrating, and demoralizing.

Then you throw in those churches and pastors who decide that the quickest and most cost-effective way to build a church is to poach active members from somewhere else. Maybe you can out-visit the local pastor, or invite his members to ball games, or have your members invite people from other churches to your small groups. If a person is already a good giver and volunteer, when they switch you get a lot of money/volunteer time quickly.

And then you ask if this is really what the Gospel of Jesus Christ is about – trying to compete for the business of religious customers.

Of course, there are many very good reasons for switching churches. Many of us here have done that. Maybe the theology or social positions here better align. Maybe you were hurt at the last place. Maybe you just moved across town. So it’s not all just cynical “sheep stealing” as we call it in the business. But I’ve seen enough to know that it isn’t that uncommon, unfortunately.

But what if we decided that we weren’t going to play the game, that we weren’t going to spend our energy trying to provide better religious services to Christian customers, and instead did what Jesus said to “make disciples of all nations?” When you hear pastors talk about evangelism, we always talk about “those who have not heard” and “those who do not know God”. Nobody says, “those who are good members somewhere else”. What if we decided to abandon the red ocean, and focused our mission on the blue ocean – the 80% of the population that doesn’t go to church, or that isn’t fundamentalist? What if we decided that instead of trying to out-do these big places with fancy programs and big staffs, we did unique things that they don’t, so that we’re not interchangeable products? What if we went our own path, and deliberately positioned ourselves as an alternative to everyone else?

That’s what I’ve been thinking about for years. And I believe it’s a far better strategy for Lord of Grace.

Within greater Continental Ranch area, we stand out for a few things. We have a building; liturgy; an open-minded theology, that’s both rich and conducive for questions and doubts, a denominational history and accountability. We also have a welcoming community, energetic worship, etc. etc. We should highlight our differences, lean into them, and find ways to use what we have to connect with the huge blue ocean mission field.

When we meet as ministry teams, to do our dreaming and planning, I’ll be asking questions like: how can we build relationships with people outside our church? How can we connect people with God who don’t know, or who have fallen away? How can we impact lives of those around us? How is what we do and are different, and how can we use that as an asset?

It's a fun process, I think, to open yourself to the Spirit to see new opportunities. It’s also a lot of fun to do some dreaming again, after spending so much energy the last two years on survival and adaptation.

God has a place for different churches in the kingdom of God. It isn’t one size that will connect with everyone, no matter how much I may disagree with the stances of some others. They are bringing people to Christ who may not come here. But, still, God has a special calling for us, in this time and place.

God Bless,


Pastor Lars

Newsletter is now Email

The newsletter’s gone full-digital

You’ve probably already noticed that the Friday email looks a little different these last few months. First, we cut back to twice a month, instead of every week, to save time in the office, and because it was no longer needed to send a unique link to each service video each week. When we first went online in 2020, services were pre-recorded, and I would compile all the clips into a single, large video on Thursday afternoons, and upload them on my home computer, which was faster at the time. However, it still took all night, and I wouldn’t have the link until Friday morning, at which time the email went out.

When we upgraded our livestreaming system, we were no longer able to have a link to the videos ahead of time. Instead, you now just go to the church Facebook page, or YouTube channel. Now that it’s the same link you go to every week, the need for weekly emails just wasn’t there.

But, over time, we started upgrading the quality if our emails. Instead of just me sending text, we use a service called mailchimp, which allows us to format emails much like a web page – adding photos, links, color, videos, all sorts of things. As time went on we kept adding more and more notices, events, articles on Fridays. I noticed this fall that we were duplicating a lot of the material between the email and the newsletter, but having to spend the labor hours for Angie to format and email, and do all the graphic design and layout for the printed newsletter. As a stewardship issue, it made sense to just make one, really good, Friday email that goes out twice a month, and print out the email in a booklet for those who need it. This is why the Monthly Log-In you find by the front doors looks so different.

The Friday email will come in two versions: the full, beginning of the month, and the shortened, mid-month. The full version is what’s printed, and will include the pastor’s column, council minutes, worship assistant schedules and such. The mid-month version will be shorter, and will focus more on current events coming up, as well as anything that came up and missed the deadline for the big one. I’ve found, over the years, that getting submissions for the newsletter by a hard week-before-the-end-of-the-month deadline is getting harder, and things are coming up on more short notice. This allows us the flexibility to update if we miss anything at the beginning.

I hope you’ll enjoy some of the new features in the upgraded email:

·        Embedded videos of meditations, services, special events.

·        More photos

·        Links at the bottom to synod news, ELCA news, more of our videos and resources, bulletins, and more.

·        Ability to read all the news on an electronic device, without having to download a pdf and try to move it around the phone screen to see it all.

One more change is that larger articles, such as my pastor’s columns, will not be on the email in their entirety. Instead, we’ll post the beginning, and put a link to the full article on the church web site ( Our web template allows us to create as many blogs as we want, so we brought back one for news and events that had been hidden for a couple years. All longer articles will go there, so when you click the “read more” button it will redirect you there. The one exception will be the council minutes, which will remain in pdf format. I have a philosophy that members should have access to the business workings of the church, but visitors and seekers online don’t need to.

So, I hope you enjoy the new format. We will continue to print paper copies and put them by the front door, as well as mail paper copies to the handful or so members with no email access. Otherwise, here’s to a new year and a new update.


Pastor Lars


The Church Emerging - Pastor's column Jan 2023

As I was starting in ministry at the end of the 1990’s a movement was starting called “emerging church” (I won’t capitalize it, because, to be cool, they never capitalized anything either). It was full of Gen-X pastors with grunge music in our CD players and postmodernism in our philosophy books. Buzzwords like “deconstruction”, “juxtaposition”, and “bricolage” were all the rage. We wanted something in our churches that seemed to resonate with a new way of thinking and experiencing God, something of a more fundamental change than just updating the musical style and having the pastor rip his jeans and untuck his shirt (an evangelical liturgical garb that has shown amazing staying power). The idea was that, in a post-modern world, people didn’t learn or experience in a strictly linear or verbal way, which is how most church worship has been for centuries. What about non-linear worship, with multiple things at once? What about art and visual media? What about being hands-on, interactive, making things with clay or putting things up? And, does the sermon have to be like a one-way lecture, or could it be interactive?

Emerging worship service I did at Our Saviour’s in Tucson back in 2006. We had tables to sit on, candles on the altar, and this paint project called “the tree of life”, where I projected the tree onto the hanging muslin with an old-school overhead projector. We then painted the tree during the service, and turned the projector off to see what the new tree looked like.

All of these concepts were backed up, to some degree, by research into cognition and pedagogy. We know that we remember better when we reinforce the idea with physical interaction, and we know that lots of people learn better with visuals than just hearing. But to bring that into worship? What would that look like?

So some early pioneers did the metaphorical, and sometimes literal, raiding of the attic. They pulled out the old velvet couches and brass candlestands and icons that had been put away by the church-growth experts as being too “churchy” and not “seeker sensitive” enough. And they got the old sanctuary or the small chapel, decorated it with paintings, and had people sitting scattered around with prayer stations, ambient music, and art projects. It was like Montessori church with candles.

An emerging worship service I did in 2014 called “encounter”

To a lot of people, this was ridiculous. To those of us on the inside, it was the coolest thing ever. I remember how impactful it was to experience the first time, and how excited we were to do this new thing. Of course, no sooner did the evangelical churches hear about “emerging” as the new thing, but they tried to hand the “youth pastor” a budget and the old “youth room” to do that “gen-x outreach”. But, underneath it all, they kept the same fundamentalist theology and social politics. Bible=literal. Women=submission. Marriage=one man one woman and nothing else. It was, for them, a new stylistic fad to bring in new recruits, not a sea-change in worldview.

Emerging Theory is a scientific and philosophical concept that goes something like this: when an organism forms to a certain point, characteristics come about that are not simply predicted by the building blocks of the organism. In other words, things like life, consciousness, feeling, reason, meaning start to be thought of, but simply combining the molecules in the body doesn’t predict this. It’s sort of like a leap is made where the new organism is greater, and a step above, simply the sum of its parts.

A prayer station with icons from the House For All Saints and Sinners in Denver. Note the bean bags to sit on, “juxtaposed” with the icons, candles, and christmas lights. It’s creating a sense of holiness and transcendence, along with warmth and comfort.

For church work, this became adapted to be something more like, if a bunch of Jesus followers come together to pray, explore, learn, support – that something bigger is spontaneously created (with the Holy Spirit) than just individuals in a room. But it isn’t really something you can craft, but something that emerges from the group. You create the conditions for exploration, experience, belonging, and the form of the church and the truth and the experience will emerge.

You can see how this, ultimately, didn’t work with churches that are either heavily doctrinal, as they worry about how to make sure what emerges conforms to the beliefs we already know are right. And it also tends to get squashed if it’s within an existing church that has power structures and traditions that get threatened by the “weird stuff those kids are doing in the old chapel”. Like all creative things, it had to have it’s own space, it’s own context of both freedom and faith to succeed. And, it’s hard to replicate on a mass scale. The old fashioned “charismatic pastor with good band and lots of youth programs” still worked better for that.

Now, twenty-some years later, “emerging church” isn’t much of a thing. The upstart communities struggled to maintain good order and deal with institutional realities (paying the pastor, the rent, doing stewardship – the bread and butter stuff that you can’t wait to “emerge”). But the concept of learning non-linearly, and embracing art and creativity, and making worship flexible and collaborative, and focusing on context as “setting a space for people to encounter God” are still good insights we learned from it all. I hope to keep them.

We’ve experimented with interactive prayer stations and hands-on worship at Lord of Grace, mostly in mid-week services. Here’s a prayer wall from 2021 made from chicken wire fence mounted on a wood frame. People put their prayers on paper, rolled them up, and stuck them in the holes. It’s reminiscent of the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem, the last foundation, and all that remains of Solomon’s temple in Jerusalem.

Which brings me back to Lord of Grace and our two big initiatives right now: the strategic plan and the capital campaign. The strategic planning committee has been meeting, and developing a new mission statement, and will be coming around to the different ministries to ask questions about how you can help the church accomplish its goals. How can your group connect with the non-religious in our community, and change lives, and spread the Gospel? The plan is that we will ask the questions, and pray that the ideas and actions that will move us forward will, with some guidance, “emerge” from among us. It’s exciting work, once you get into it, to let the spirit speak to you and get inspired about making a difference.

The second part is the capital campaign. To date we have completed:

·        Exterior painting

·        Painting the fellowship hall

·        A mural

·        New roof underlayment

·        Livestreaming equipment

·        Two new HVAC units (sanctuary and narthex-nursery)

·        Tiling in the fellowship hall and classrooms.

It’s been amazing how much we’ve done. I have to thank everyone again for all your generosity that made it happen.

The next phase will be to look at our sanctuary. A team has been put together to make recommendations to the council for upgrading and turning our sanctuary into a worship space that will be most effective. Other than removing some pews, little is different since 2002. The carpet is original, and needs to be replaced, along with some basic maintenance things. But when the team met this month we had a good discussion about what kind of room would be best for the next 20-30 years. That required digging back into the old wisdom of emerging church, and talking about the values we want to convey, the way people experience God, what kinds of uses might be needed, and how to make the space flexible for new and creative worship experiences.

We will have forums coming up, once plans are more concretely formalized, to show everyone everything we’re looking to do. But to give you a sneak-peak at some of the values and ideas that came out initially.













Our sanctuary today (taken in Advent). We’re imagining what we could do with this, how make it a place for future generations to encounter God. What could bring us into the future? The room is one thing that I consistently get feedback from visitors on, particularly the rock wall with the cross. it conveys a sense of transcendence and warmth that people are drawn to.

The plan is to start with the inspiration, the values, and work down to the specifics, let the specifics emerge from the brainstorming, instead of jockeying and negotiating between personal preferences. We want to position our sanctuary to be a space to encounter God, not just today, but 30 years from now. You can’t predict what that will be, but you can create a “context” for the next generation to experiment and experience in.

Doing God’s work today is not a game of just working harder, but when you can’t predict so much of the future, and things change so quickly, you have to be in a perpetual state of openness to the Spirit and adaptability, to let God speak and let the new direction emerge from prayer, community, and worship.



Pastor Lars

Healing for Advent - Pastor's Column December 2022

A couple years ago I decided to bring back mid-week Advent services. I don’t remember ever doing them at LOG myself, but I think one of my predecessors may have. Either way, I didn’t want to do them for years because I didn’t want to just add “one more thing to do in December” to the church calendar. We all have busy lives shopping, going to Christmas parties, end of the school year plays, and end of the year reports and such. Who needs one more thing.

But then someone referred me to a progressive Christian web site called that offered creative and interactive ideas for services. I dug around, and found Advent healing services there. It intrigued me, what if the mid-week services could be not another thing to do, but a chance to not do: to sit, to just be, to relax, to reflect, to contemplate, to be still and let God be God and just soak in God’s presence? And what if we could broadcast these online, so people at home could follow along and find some rest and peace, and connect with Lord of Grace? I was hooked.

So we did the services last year, and I thoroughly enjoyed them. Our prayer team came through with individual places to pray with prayer team members. We had some interactive art things, hands-on prayer stations, some cool videos of paintings being made to guided meditations. It took a lot of work, but I had many people tell me how it hit the spot.

It made me grateful, because I spent most of the services obsessing about getting the livestreaming technology to work, which it did most of the time.

During the last service, the Longest Night service, the one that deals with grief and loss, we got to a point where 5 minutes of meditation was planned. The old iMac computer decided to lock up at that exact time, and wouldn’t shut down or restart with any speed, so it became a 15 minute meditation time. I was freaking out, but the music kept playing, people kept praying, and we just handed out bulletins for the rest of the time.

More than one person told me they loved the long meditation. I guess I need to remember the value I had in making the service: to just be, and not do.

For this year I decided to do it all again – the exact same services, with the same liturgies. Instead of having something to rush to do in Advent, we now have four services to have no rush, but just to really be, especially at this time of year when the Christmas cheer can bring up all sorts of painful memories if you’ve lost a loved one who you won’t be celebrating with, or someone died around this time, or the holidays somehow remind you of some bad memory. With the world filled with cheer and wassailing, we’re providing space to let out, name, and be with God IN the struggle. It’s not meant to take away from the cheer, but to better experience it without it being fake.

And I won’t lie that I have a certain bias towards doing hands-on things in worship. It doesn’t always work out well, can take a lot of time and planning, and isn’t for everyone. But for those of us who learn and process in ways other than hearing words spoken and reciting words, who learn with our hands by making and creating and exploring and writing, these services can be super-powerful. And, especially if you’re distracted, stressed, have ADHD, or some difficulty sitting for long periods of time, prayer stations and interactive worship provides a way for you to put your whole self into it.

So I’m looking forward to another Advent of taking time to heal. In fact, I thought the topic was so relevant, especially coming off all the emotional damage we all suffered through with covid, covid isolation, covid fights about protocols, separation from loved ones, loss of loved ones – all of it. We need to take time to heal. And not just one year, but probably for many years to come. Because of that, I’m also doing my sermons on the topic of healing, looking at different facets of healing our whole selves. So we’ll talk about healing the body, the mind, the soul, and the family. I don’t believe you can really be at peace and healthy if these are off, and one being broken can make the others broken too. It’s time for churches to spend less time debating atheists about the predictability of miracle medical cures, and more time talking about wellness, whole-self healing, and being at peace with God.

The Schedule will be so: November 30th, 7th, 14th will be the healing services. Same liturgy each week. The 21st will be the longest night service, that will focus on grief and loss.

Then we will celebrate, as we always do, the birth of our Lord and Saviour on December 24th with our usual 6pm contemporary and 8pm traditional services. Christmas Day will be a rest day, even though it’s a Sunday, and we’ll worship again as a church on New Year’s Day (also a Sunday) with a combined service of lessons and carols at 9am.

We’ve had a good year of rebuilding in 2022. We’ve restarted many things, gotten back together, and are not looking at a new mission statement, vision, and strategic goals for our congregation. We’re leaning into the future, not letting covid stop us. But we’re also not moving forward without acknowledging the pain of the past, and providing time to work through the wounds we all go through in our lives. Our God is great, and loving, and caring, and wants us to know that love in the grief of loss and in the joy of a newborn’s birth. It’s all part of life, and all part of life with God.



Pastor Lars