
Anointing - sermon for April 3, 2022

What would you do if you only had a few days left with a person who had saved your brother's life? Would you throw a party? Do something to show your gratitude? And if you did, would you worry about the cost? A look at the story of Mary anointing Jesus' feet with perfume, and the importance of living generously and graciously. By Pastor Lars Hammar.

John 12:1-8

1Six days before the Passover Jesus came to Bethany, the home of Lazarus, whom he had raised from the dead. 2There they gave a dinner for him. Martha served, and Lazarus was one of those at the table with him. 3Mary took a pound of costly perfume made of pure nard, anointed Jesus’ feet, and wiped them with her hair. The house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume. 4But Judas Iscariot, one of his disciples (the one who was about to betray him), said, 5“Why was this perfume not sold for three hundred denarii and the money given to the poor?” 6(He said this not because he cared about the poor, but because he was a thief; he kept the common purse and used to steal what was put into it.) 7Jesus said, “Leave her alone. She bought it so that she might keep it for the day of my burial. 8You always have the poor with you, but you do not always have me.”

"I Need More Members" - Things Jesus Didn't Say

Learning to love Jesus without checking your brain at the door. Week 7 is going to continue our discussion of being an active, critical thinker in tandem with having a deep relationship with one's faith. This week will start a little sub-series of "Being an Un-Fundamentalist Christian" with "Things Jesus Didn't Say", looking at some popular beliefs about Jesus that are not actually in the Bible. This week it's about the belief that Jesus was interested in increasing the number of disciples and followers. While he did believe in sharing the Gospel (literally - the "good news"), and making disciples "of all nations", he was often very demanding of those who wanted to follow him, and quick to turn away people who were not on board with his agenda. This is not to say that all the disciples he did have always agreed, just that they were willing to go along with Jesus' program, while many others excluded themselves because they could not accept what Jesus said.

Where this becomes such a big issue is in with the obsession today with getting increased numbers in churches, amid a decades-long decline. One strategy is to double down on the old beliefs and promote them harder, while another is to water down and loosen rules and boundaries to make it easier. Is either really the way Jesus did it? Or is his way some of both, and some of neither?

Livestreamed February 24, 2022 by Pastor Lars Hammar of Lord of Grace Lutheran Church in Marana, Arizona.

Jesus the Prophet: Unfundamentalist Series 3

Learning to love Jesus without checking your brain at the door. Week 3 is going to continue our discussion of being an active, critical thinker in tandem with having a deep relationship with one's faith. We'll look some more at the relationship between priests and prophets, laws and criticism of laws, and how Jesus fits much more the tradition of the prophets than of the law givers.

Livestreamed on January 20, 2022 Pastor Lars Hammar of Lord of Grace Lutheran Church in Marana, Arizona.

Evangelism and Discipleship - October 17th, 2021 (Sermon)

All of us are drawn to success. We want to see our lives, families, and fortunes multiply. Churches today will often use this desire as a means of attracting people to their congregation, but what does the Bible have to say about discipleship and evangelism? When Jesus is confronted by two of his disciples, and asked to give them the two highest positions that they could occupy, Jesus responds by saying that the outcome is not his to give, but they surely can endure the trial that he will soon endure. Jesus tells us that there may not be any glory in it, but we are given the opportunity to offer hardwork, give, care, stand up for those in need and give our lives in service. This may not be a new car or a beautiful mansion, but it is a way of being that lifts others up and makes the world a better place for everyone.

Thank you for joining us.

The Unfairness of the Sword - sermon Feb 28

When Jesus is being arrested, Simon Peter takes out his sword and cuts off the ear of the high priest's slave. But why? He did nothing wrong. He has not choice in being there. But He's also the least able to fight back. In an unfair world we dump on those who don't fight, and we punish the innocent, and Jesus, instead of being above it, suffers as well. The first in the Lent sermon series on the Passion Story of Jesus in the Gospel of John, by Pastor Lars Hammar.

John 18:1-12

Lent series - Passsion in John.jpg